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Everything posted by praha

  1. Talk talk talk. I won't be there on Saturday, have a wedding. But I see it this way: 1 quarter of fierce, great play (either 1st or 2nd), then the Pies will come out in the 3rd and kick 5 straight, going up by 5-8 goals, then the last quarter will be a tussle, but we'll still let the Pies kick 4 goals to 1 to eventually win by 9-12 goals.
  2. At the end of the day, not much difference is going to be made in the next 12 months. Anyone who thought we would be playing finals footy before 2012 is kidding themselves. He is here for another two years, giving the young kids a chance. He might not be the best coach going around, but he's essentially doing what Rhode did at the Bulldogs, and now look at them. As long as the young kids are bled and we get something from our older players, I think we're on the right track. But obviously playing the way we did on Saturday is unacceptable and we're better than that. We need to see improvement, and had the Hawks been at full-strength, we'd have lost by more than we did in round 1, 2008, because I think we actually played worse in the first half on Saturday than we did throughout that entire game.
  3. How to beat Collingwood: -Outscore them. /thread.
  4. lol posts like these make me laugh. I pay my membership fees, I haven't missed a game in Melbourne in over 10 years, and I donated to Debt Demolition. I'm only 23 and with a mortgage, and yet I still dedicate my time and money to the club. If me leaving at half-time of an insipid performance is "weak", then whatever. At the end of the day, I probably dedicate more time and money to this club than you, and I have a right to walk out on a performance I've invested so much into. Support goes beyond just being there on game day. I have done more than enough for this club to justify walking out at half-time of a performance more suited to a third-grade suburban football league. They were a disgrace on Saturday, and I merely walked out on a bad performance. I'll be there against Collingwood. I don't like walking out early, but if the performance is bad enough to make me angry that I didn't spend my day doing something productive, then I go without hesitation. I spend upwards of $50 at every game, and on top of my membership, that's a lot of cash pumped into the gameday considering my salary. I'm not asking for sympathy, but I get offended when I'm called a weak supporter. It's an insult, and the only people worth insulting are the players. Me walking out at half-time is as insulting as you can get, and they deserved it.
  5. The priority pick still stands I'm pretty sure, it's just works out that no one can have #1 besides the GC. I think we will win less than 5. Can't see us improving.
  6. Considering the amount of stoppages, it's not all that impressive a number. Our gameplan atm is not very fluid, so we handball in circles and eventually get caught in the middle of Hawthorn players, which in turn caused a ball-up. It's been like that for the past 2 years under Bailey. Still, fair effort for a young bloke to be in and under so often.
  7. 10-15 goal loss. Our backline is not quick enough for theirs, and their midfield is far too experienced. Also, I think we may be the first team in a while to not score a goal for the entire match.
  8. I heard that as well! And it really did look like something Flower would do!
  9. I suspect I'll have my first child before Melbourne win a premiership, and I don't plan on having kids for at least another 10-15 years.
  10. Bravo. Good article. If our leaders aren't leading by example and playing with accountability, how exactly can we expect our new players to evolve into league superstars? Once again, our culture as a club is seeping through, and our undeniable lack of a superstar over the past 40 years has a lot to do with our inability to surround good, talented young players with a winning culture. We suck as a football club and to be quite honest, I can't see us turning the tide anytime soon. We are risking moving into Richmond mediocrity. The sad thing is that, unlike Richmond that has the fanbase and corporate backing to stay afloat despite years of on-field turmoil, we cannot survive decades in the gutter. This isn't the 70s anymore. The jumper means nothing anymore. Diddly squat! If the players aren't willing to play for it, I'm not sure I have the energy to support it as aggressively anymore. I left Saturday at half-time feeling utterly dejected. Not angry, but dejected. And disappointed. I just don't know how I feel about this club anymore.
  11. I think we definitely risk being another Richmond. If we aren't successful with this core group soon, they will never get that winning feeling, and we'll be rebuilding every 3-4 years, just like the Tigers. We are really risking implementing a losing culture (if we don't already have one). You could get away with that 20-30 years ago, but nowadays, you need success (obviously). Also, if Pettard goes to the GC, we lose probably our best forward option.
  12. I thought the same thing when I bought it. I only buy it because I like to quickly look at player numbers of the opposition so I know who is who. But $5! I remember when it was $2.50 back in the mid-90s. Also, I park opposite the Botanical Gardens in a hospital car-park. Was $5 three years ago. $10 now.
  13. I was starting to worry that someone would miss the point of this thread Thank you!
  14. Harsh on Frawley. He was under constant pressure thanks to our mid-field allowing Hawthorn mids to easily run into their forward 50.
  15. I'll start: "Yeah, look, I think that we really let each other down today. We didn't execute some of the things we've been focusing on over the pre-season, and that was our biggest let-down." "Yeah, look, I think we've still got a lot of areas to improve in. I think the idea was there but the execution is what let us down." "Yeah, look, I think that, when you have so many players missing with injury, it does have an affect on the playing group. We have to be able to adapt to that, and that's where players like Dunn and Grimes and Bruce and Green have to step up." "Yeah, look, I think we were disappointing today." "Yeah, look, look." "Yeah, look, it's a bird!" "Yeah, look, it's a plane!" "Yeah, look, I think it's Superman." On the bright side of things, Bailey is always very level headed after performances like these. It can work either very well on the young blokes, or very poorly. I have no doubt his words or tone won't change after today.
  16. It's not anyway near as bad as GF 2000 for me (it being the first year I'd seen Melbourne being real successful), but today has to be one of, if not the, most disappointing days. We all had the optimism and excitement for the future, but today was just a shot in the gut. Not angry, just disappointed. They let a lot of people down today. This was not what any of us had expected.
  17. I think that quite a few Melbourne fans were optimistic about this season. I was one of them. I was hoping for a 6-8 win season, but I'm very disappointed by today. They were dispicable. If this club wants to be coupled with the Fremantle's and the Richmond's for the next decade, then so be it. Because after today's performance, it's quite obvious we haven't improved as much as we though we had. The issues that have plagued us for the past 3 seasons still remain. They haven't been rectified in the slightest. I think we are still another 2-3 years off a finals appearance to be honest. I'd be surprised if we make the finals before 2013.
  18. It's not? Just curious then: who takes charge of training sessions? Who decides what areas to focus on during training? The players? Isn't it the coaches responsibility to ensure the skill level is high? If we can't blame the coach for that, then what exactly is the purpose of having a coach? To look pretty?
  19. I left at half-time. Few things I took note of: - The backline is under fair too much pressure. Why are Hawthorn mids running so freely into their forward 50? It's clear that Hawthorn are playing an aggressive attack with the lack of Franklin, so they are throwing everyone in there. It's worked. - 4-5 dropped marks without a Hawthorn player in sight. - No leadership from Bruce, Miller. - Scully has been OK - Dunn is done (pun intended in every way possible) - Handballing to players under pressure constantly, over and over again. - Terrible around the stoppages. Bailey has probably said that is one of the main areas we've had to work on over the pre-season about a million times. Clearly didn't work well enough. - Always a step behind.
  20. Jonesy really has been great for us over the past 3 years. Never hangs his head, always dives straight through the pack. Not the best player going around, but has the dedication, which is encouraging considering he was a young player coming into a very poor side. He's kept his aggression up. Glad to hear this.
  21. Yeah, my post was kind of a joke at first, but he had a pretty good game tonight. And yeah, I still love him too. I have a child with him.
  22. Sorry to bump this, but I like laughing at my own stupidity. He is destroying Richmond atm, and has kicked a goal. How often did he kick a goal within the first 20 minutes for us?
  23. Did I just read a few posts saying that was a good forward line? I threw up in my mouth a bit when I saw it. Would prefer Sylvia, Watts, Wonna and Jurrah in that forward line. If you've got Jamar at FF, you know you've got problems. I'm getting much more excited about our back-half and interchange.
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