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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Whats Anthony Miles like, anyone been watching? He's in an age bracket that would suit us.
  2. Fair enough, we don't need poor users of the ball. Thats why Tyson is out.
  3. Who cares about individually manicured blades of grass for the TV. The TV product has died of a lack of character. Lets have some mud being flung again. lets have some players getting up off their knees wiping mud from an eye. The girly's can play first,,, on manicured pre-mud lawns, OH, hang on ! .
  4. Spot on... the quiet time to relax and slowly loosen into the day, and main game,,, has vanished. _ and it feels like we are being demanded OF,,, to yell and cheer, etc, as if we're cows in a dairy about to be milked. we are being force fed, with information, like 'pate` geese'
  5. It's not being American minded... this is where we all go wrong. Its TOO MONEY minded. Xploitation of the game, and of the followers of OUR game. .... every blooody administrator wants to be a Megalomaniac.
  6. That woulda been good, Cuz training on Fitzroy street.
  7. Ha, tell that to the players union. While your down there, tell them to stop referring ex-players to the TV channels, as well, SWYL.
  8. What about we raise the centre square to 1.5Mtrs above the ground, with a white ribbon. If anyone wants to play thru the centre square, they have to do a limbo to get in, or out. That'll slow the congestion into the middle, at centre bounces at least. I reckon this might be right up Gills-alley!
  9. Is he really? is he that slow? Whats his endurance like? Remember we need someone as a backup, in-case we lose some insiders to injury in 2019. I'm not interested in Tyson, he just doesn't use the footy anywhere near well enough, that I've seen... Time to shuffle the deck and discard. Without Lew & Tyson,,, we can carry a slow player as an in-under. We just can't carry 4 slow on-ball'rs.. - - - - - -- I'm still in the Pro Pedo corner for 2019,,, for similar reasons. I expect Weidman to start to rise next year, but he will most likely still be inconsistent you'd think. And IF we were to cop a major injury to Hogan or TMc, we would have to rely heavily on Weides. Pedo gives us insurance for the Ruck, Defence, and Forwardline. Good value I think, for the cost of one season salary.
  10. DV8


    This is what Goody was getting at, about us playing more big games from here on in. Our composure will start to grow the more we play for sheep-stations. Lack of composure spreads thru the team and effects all... Just like someones lack of effort or courage spreads thru, bringing down the teams mojo. The whole last Qtr,,, and a bit in the 2nd, if I recall correctly, the team lacked composure. both same ends.
  11. Yes, I think we could use DArmitage for a couple of years. He certainly would give us cover inside,,, Re injuries and ability... with Tyson on the outer. And while our younger players get their acts together. He would help us park a bit of Salary Cap,,, for when we can go at Kelly or Whitfield, when they come up.
  12. I think we can do some damage in the finals series, but I don't think we are ready to go all the way. We're a bit immature, a little bit short of what it takes IMO. We need to try to recruit a couple in the 26 yrs to 28yrs bracket.
  13. State of the Game : is ShizenHouzen I have not been able to watch full games in one sitting for years now, and have to watch most on replay so I can slow or speed up, as needs be, to workout whats happening and why. The game does not suit older people as their eye sight changes... either at the game, or on TV. * We can't see which player is playing where, or on who. * The AFL commission needs at least one commissioner over the age of 58 Yrs..... to represent those the younger commissioners do not understand. * The TV stations ought to sack any commentators who want to chat amongst themselves instead of calling the play... and cutout the condescending explanations of the games hidden points. * put some non player commentators in place who are in awe of the game,,, instead of past players and their EGO's.... * remove 2 players from the interchange bench, over a 2 year period. * Stop missing the centre bounces with mindless replays.
  14. They're 'in-need-of' witness protection, as they're fans will want bloods soon. The Swans better beware, of another raid from the blues.
  15. That's exactly right Daisy. I've been calling for just this for years now,,, since the time/clock wasting has been going on. Its plain ridiculous that the clock keeps running down,.. while a player ties his shoelace or takes a quick power-nap. .
  16. . The suns desperately need leadership, just as we've had from Lewis in the past 2 years grooming the clubs culture. And just as the Lions have had from Hodgey. I reckon the AFL would like to help the Suns get back on-track... So, to me, a win-win would be something like : > NJones and ZJones to the Suns. Leadership in dedication and commitment, you will not surpass. Two brothers playing together for the first time. Our take... Touk Miller or Ben Ainsworth. The Swans, I imagine, not sure of they're needs. Maybe Jarrod Witts, or someone else? The Suns have been in "parte` mode" for far too long now,,, and they need some clean livin' hard edged people, who will back one another, to start to turn that culture around, from the ground floor. .
  17. What the game needs is freedom ! Freedom from all these rule changes and tinkering done in the past number of years,,, that has lead it to all this carp. Freedom from all the rotations. Freedom from so much bending of rules. Freedom from administrators wanting to stamp the game in their image. Freedom from all the $$$ exploitation's. Freedom from over sized EGO's in the commentary box's. ... and freedom from even more new rules and rule changes. MY take is , remove the interchange numbers back to where they once were,,, and leave the game be. # 2019_ 3 man interchange bench and 1 Sub. # 2020_ 2 man interchange bench and 2 Subs. Then let the game be itself, 2021+___
  18. Spargo is quick in the mind, a distributor. Jeffy is flee't. We need pace on the run, that comes inboard a footy player. A player who can and will play, anywhere the team needs.
  19. Yes, has had an operation on that hand, has some metal put in, and if no infection, he may play?
  20. We're not a genuine contender. But we are a genuine contender to get into the finals series. Just not do very much when there. But that's fine... as we are onward upward. And we are growing older and maturing, getting stronger, getting better. It's all part of the deal.
  21. No, not alone... But it can surely jump some out of habits. In Max's case, for sure. Maxy didn't have a breakout game for years on the list,,, until one season we started talking about moving him on. The next season he was a different player. He didn't like the talk of him not being good enough, and that he should be sent packing, and he dropped being the court-jester thing, and got serious about his footy. Angus also did not like the talk about him not being at Melbourne next year.... he came out firing not so many games back now, and we all see the results. He was not picked early and the coach and selectors were losing faith as wll as some supporters,.... he has responded to the negative talk as you would hope he would. ONe player last year, had the same treatment and did not respond they way you would hope, and he has gone-west young man.
  22. We should have choked up the corridor, and pressured them to keep them wide around the boundary. What we did was, open ourselves up like a Self-Autopsy. But on the other hand I'm glad we tried to win the game, instead of trying to play safe all that quarter. (go into our shells) I'm glad we backed ourselves...to win it. The truth is, either way will work,,, if we're good enough at either. The thing is, we are too old, and too young at the same time... and inexperienced. BIG BUTT is, we are learning on the job, and learning well. These boys are growing each game, and we are doing much better than last year,,, when you consider all the injuries we have had since pre-season, and prior.. The injuries we copped last year, by being too hasty, are still bugging us right now, and are costing us games.
  23. Why, don't feel dirty all the talk of trading this player or that player has had a very positive effect on at least 2 players. Gawn continues to respond, (to talk of trading him) by extracting a digit, each time. He spent his early years mostly coasting, as was done around our club fort decades. Angus had issues re health and i'm sure that effected his play after those encounters. But It appears that negative talk about his tenure at Melbourne, has him responding with much more desperation, and viola; his best form to date. No I think any player with a hint of belief in themselves will respond to talk of trading out,,, by going harder at the contest. Those that don't,,, can, well, you know.
  24. Is he a CHF? potentially? or a 3rd tall forward? I think he could eventually play almost any position. But one thing is for sure,,, we need to cover our bases Re his knees, just in case.
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