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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. We denied them the corridor all night. The vast majority of their inside 50 balls were coming in from the flanks, quite often to the pockets. Smart defending really.
  2. If you're a member you'd be a shoe in. Club's are allocated X amount of tickets for their members. You may very well be the envy of many a Weagles supporter come next week, trout.
  3. the most arrogant of all supporters, Dorks fans. I despise no teams fans more. Some muppet was having a right old sook ans having a go at a Dees supporter not too far from me. 10 seconds later we kicked a goal and everyone told him about it. Was pure brilliance ?
  4. [censored], i want to see him when he's exhausted then! Played a rippa of a game tonight.
  5. Totally agree Jaded. Umpiring was abysmal for both teams. There were times where the Dorks got the raw end of the stick (the Viney play on call after he was tackled and put the ball to ground), but there was some [censored] decisions our way too. I give em a 4/10 and that's because their ineptitude affected both teams equally.
  6. nervous eating here. About to have a shower and head to the G. Let's do this.
  7. That should read a 'Trapper Johnstone like half' Diamond Jim. Have never seen a more influential half played by a footballer than the 2nd & 3rd quarters he played against the Crows in the SF back in '02. Admittedly though, that game should've been played at AAMI Stadium given the Crows lost the QF and we won the EF.
  8. Last week we stormed out of the gates and were then never headed. For all the anxiety in the second and third quarters last week, we never had a lead of less than 15ish points for the rest of the game. Doubt it will be the same tonight.
  9. We'll know something suss is up if that muppet Nicholls gives us a good run tonight.
  10. This time last week i was hungry for the game, ruthless in attitude. Fair to say i'm more nervous this week than last. Will be there again in M52 row B (come and say hello if you're near by!!!). GO YOU DEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Clarkson is simply too clever to concede anything. It may appear he is conceding, but that's only because he's distracting you with his right hand, and his left hand is about to pull a rabbit out of thin air.
  12. Let's worry about that at the appropriate time. Now is definitely not it, we have more important things to concentrate on.
  13. Ummmmmmmmm, i hate any team that isn't the Dees. Except for Fish Creek of course!
  14. Same with a couple of Cats fans who were in amongst a sea of red and blue. I almost felt sorry for them......................lol, who am i kidding!
  15. Gary Rohan is a nothing footballer. He doesn't get much of it and doesn't do anything with it when he does. Any team with Rohan in it is effectively playing with 17 on the field.
  16. As a backman TMAC's best was/is better than OMAC's. As a forward there is no comparison. Click bait from the age. Either that or Cherny simply has no idea.
  17. If Hogan gets traded (good lord i hope not), what happens next year if either TMAC or Weed get injured? We don't exactly have huge depth when it come to good KPF stocks. If Weed continues his development, we have 3 quality KPF's. Unless Hogan demands a trade, he must stay.
  18. AFL again trying to manufacture the result. Max needs to go over to that gooses house and have a beer with him.
  19. If that was the case, then i am glad they rejected it. Tyson is worth more than a 3rd round pick, Preuss not so much.
  20. Whilst he is mature-aged (26), he has played only 33 games. Tonnes of development left in him!
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