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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. And so he should. One of the few worthy of it at the MFC (Glad Gus and Maxy signed on, otherwise they'd be worthy of it as well)
  2. They want a sea of red and blue Friday week!
  3. And the dark blue are AFL members reserve.
  4. Correction, Taylor took him and Oliver for a reason
  5. I just called the AFL membership line and they said as an AFL club support member you can get tickets on either day. Tuesday is for club members (which as AFL club support we qualify for) and we would sit with other Melbourne members (but pay a bit more), If booking on Wednesday seats would only be in the AFL reserve but a little cheaper.
  6. Tuesday at 9am Praha. If you were just a general AFL member it would be Wednesday, but given you are club support you get priority access (i'm in the same boat).
  7. He hits the ball hard, great attribute for a leading forward.
  8. another great game. His point of difference with the rest of the team is he has some serious toe.
  9. No one more deserving of not playing in a premiership.
  10. I guess we’ll have prove him wrong and make his intelligence match his looks
  11. That’s too logical for the AFL honchos to follow
  12. And there it is. All Gil cares about is $$$. He couldn’t give a stuff about the sanctity of the game. Hell he’d sell the AFL’s soul if it meant making an extra buck. The worst ever CEO and by the length of the Flemington straight.
  13. Trust the AFL to legitimise draft tampering
  14. I'd rather Whitfield to be honest.
  15. Well if it does happen, i'm more than happy to eat the tastiest of humble pies, but i doubt it'll come to that (this year at least Males)
  16. And according to Juddas, Brendon Bolton is doing a fantastic job, plus he tips Carlton every [censored] round (there's blind faith, then there's stupidity). The bloke doesn't have a clue. May he forever continue as a director on their board, let's see how far down he can bury them (and then wipe his hands innocently clean - smug [censored]).
  17. Hope the boys come out all guns blazing (hope they do either way)
  18. Chills down the spine watching that, though i was the same watching him celebrate his first hole in one video. Always love me some Ox passion!
  19. He is a natural CHF, we should not be playing him so deep to goal. That is a position more suited to TMAC or a fully developed Weideman. Give him the space up the ground and his nous and ability will cause many a headache, like Pavlich in his heyday.
  20. WCE are the biggest over-achievers this year (even more than the Kangas). They'll get found out in September, and their supporters' know it too.
  21. Early in the season he was arguably not in the best 22 and depth at best. Was way too inconsistent. Has turned it around big time in the second half of the year. Would be in the first handful picked every week now.
  22. messes about on the flanks when he should go straight up the middle Can produce a big tackle Known to spray it wide .....................i'll see myself out
  23. might want to postpone it a week until bye time
  24. How many at the game next week? I'm tipping in excess of 40,000.
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