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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. As in he missed some of preseason due to back issues? He didn’t play for the first year or two of his career due to back injury from memory, so a recurrence that had to be managed would’ve definitely impacted his season.
  2. Suspect Ed Curnow will get a week, while Charlie will cop a fine.
  3. He was one of our best last week but he had a shocker yesterday against the Suns. He’ll probably get the chop for Viney after ANB and Harmes fired up.
  4. He’s had an average few weeks. He’s started to start playing Hollywood style and ignoring the defensive part of the game. Literally stands there and watches opposition run off if he doesn’t get fed the ball on a platter. A mile off his 2016-2017 form.
  5. Petracca is out of form. His first few weeks were good, but he’s obviously been effected by the dog bite and missing playing for a few weeks. I think he’s best suited to playing half forward with stints in the midfield. He’s only shown glimpses in the midfield, and I don’t think his tank will ever improve enough for him to spend majority of game time there and excel. I see him in the Paul Chapman mould, but taller and more explosive. At half forward he’s a hard match up for the opposition due to his marking strength. The frustrating thing when watching him is his lack of work rate. He often skirts packs and refuses to chase and tackle. He’s cruising on talent at the moment. Hopefully he has a big shift in mindset like Clarry did and he starts working his ass off to realize his potential. He could be a top 5 player in the comp, but on current trajectory he won’t be.
  6. 6. Oliver 5. McDonald 4. Harmes 3. Lewis 2. Hogan 1. Brayshaw Apologies to the whole backline, mostly Jetta.
  7. Great to see us finally put the foot down in the last quarter and build percentage. Good win Dees!
  8. Jeez Petracca needs a rocket. Seriously cruising at the moment and barely worth a place in the team on form.
  9. Poor intensity today. Hopefully we get out of first gear and bother to run back and defend. Letting them kick those easy goals is unacceptable.
  10. Big week for sure. Win and we jump into the 8 with a good chance to solidify our position next week against Carlton. Lose and we drop away from the pack again. Time to step up Dees!
  11. Doubt he will leave the Dees, but both his younger brothers play for the WA clubs, so if he leaves there's a fair chance it'd be to WA? Brayshaw is a more rounded midfielder than Petracca, but Petracca has the x-factor that not many do. Great to have them both!
  12. Why is that funny? Posters here to have it in for him. The numbers show he was one of our best today. Top 5 for disposals, most marks, top 3 for metres gained, top 5 for inside 50s, top 5 for pressure acts, top 3 for intercepts. Those are good numbers that cannot be argued. He was listed in our best. It was by no means a great game, he misfired a few times, but disposal efficiency of 78% was one of the best amongst our mids. Anyone saying he was poor today shows no ability to understand the game. He's no superstar, but a great midfielder to have in our rotation and is unarguably best 22. Perfect second string midfielder.
  13. He wasn't great today, referred to the Saints as "we" instead of "they" multiple times, showing his bias. Definitely not the worst commentator going around though.
  14. Wasn't clean with the ball in the first quarter, but was still cracking in get amongst it when some other Dees hadn't switched on yet. He got better as the game wore on and his kicking on both sides was on show. Oliver had more ball, but I reckon Brayshaw was BOG. He kicked well, made good decisions and got back to help out when needed. On top of winning a decent amount inside ball, he was a really good link player coming out of defensive 50 today. He just needs consistent games now to build consistency after a good few weeks. He was drafted as a well balanced gun midfielder, and he's starting to show why. Potential gun at AFL level. Keep it up Gus!
  15. He was one of our best today and one of our best kicks today also. He wins a lot of ball and is often involved in our scoring chains. Our midfield is better with him out there as both a ball winner and a link man. Loves the odd long goal too! He's not played his best footy yet this year (his best is top 5 in our BnF multiple times by the way), but he's been decent-good and is easily in our best 22. He's apparently become a whipping boy on here recently, but we've got far greater problems and worse players out there than Dom. People need to take their blinkers off when assessing him.
  16. Percentage. Bury them. We should win this by 70+ but have stopped this quarter. Need to become more ruthless.
  17. Harmes has been decent, ANB not so much. Loving Jones’ game again today. He’s been good his year. Cmon Dees go on with it and build percentage!
  18. Came into this thread and am scratching my head at the Tyson whipping going on. Few misfires with disposal, but no more than any of our other players and he’s been one of our better players again today. Some people here clearly watch the game with blinkers on!
  19. Intensity is well down. Gonna be a long day if they don’t lift quickly.
  20. Lazy running from Hibberd there. That shot at goal was purely due to him jogging casually back to defensive positioning.
  21. Gaff is exactly what we need. At 25, he's the perfect age bracket for us. All Australian, lead the league for total kicks and inside 50s for a number of years, experienced, played in lots of finals including a grand final, but still has plenty of footy ahead of him. He's an elite runner, very durable and consistent, good outside midfielder, exactly what we need. Doesn't mean anything, but he was a Dees supporter growing up and comes from a mad demon family who were still members and involved at the club after he started playing for West Coast. While Sloane is a good player, he's 29, struggles with injury and a tag, and is very similar to what we already have. I wouldn't bother chasing him.
  22. Today is about percentage. A close win or a loss of any kind will be an abject failure by players and coaches. We need to start winning games against bottom sides, and winning them well. Dees by 50 points
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