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The Backyard Charizard

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Everything posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Agree 100% with your comments... I don't know how many times today I got him mixed up with Jack Watts from certain angles.... I must have been channeling Sandy Roberts! Plenty to work with....
  2. Having Simon Goodwin taking over as coach is the best thing that could happen in regards to Bernie... Vince adores the bloke and could very well be reinvigorated for another 3 at least
  3. Agree Forest.... Replace with Dunn, Harry O and VDB We have some depth now which is nice! Wait until CP5, Trenners and Gus also get involved Rise up young demons.... rise up!
  4. I believe that Sandy Brown had a terrible call today... About the only thing he got right was counting the amount of shots that hit the post! It was actually so annoying that I turned the commentary off.... as I believe it is disrespectful to the players. If I went in to the office and ran around calling everyone the wrong name I would have questions asked... and I expect the same will happen with Sandy Hook.
  5. Regardless of the incestuous love affair we are all aware of, it is a week for sure! History of this sort of thing. 1 week to teach him a lesson. Seriously? How can it not be one week? If it was Viney it would be minimum 2
  6. Thought I'd give it it's own thread. Jeremy Cameron reported for a head high bump on Brisbane's Mathieson. I have watched the replay a fair few times now and JC is in trouble I think! Left the ground, chose to bump when he had ample time to tackle, and made head high contact. Mathieson was dazed and took a while to get up with some help from the trainers. Cameron has a history of this sort of stuff and I am calling a definite ONE WEEK SUSPENSION! Thoughts?
  7. Have watched the replay a couple of times and all I can say is... GONE! Chose to leave the ground... Bumped him high and contact to the head... Regardless of GWS being the love child of the AFL it is a no brainer! At least a week! You beauty!
  8. Have woken up more confident than yesterday.... Prediction time... Gawn to give us first use at the centre clearances Viney, Jones and Vince all with 20+ touches Same players all with 4+ clearances Hogan/Watts with 10 goals between them (unsure of the split) Dees win by 23 points I am happy and enjoy my dinner Let's see how it goes eh?
  9. Introducing the kids to the Melbourne Football Club is one of life's great pleasures! My eldest lad just turned 7 in January and has been a member for all 7 years... He lives and breathes his beloved Demons and it makes me so proud considering we live in the $hithole that is Adelaide! Enjoy it.... And hopefully our children enjoy more success than their poor old parents!
  10. I'm also tipping that will be how many weeks someone will get for a sling tackle before Rnd 4
  11. MFCSS!! I am expecting us all to hear our favourite prognosis.... 4 - 6
  12. All of us behind the goals looked at each and said "WTF was the free kick for?" Was as a ripping tackle from where we stood!
  13. If the Dees don't get over the line there is only one thing to blame..... The stench of Adelaide's Northern suburbs! Also, be prepared for a crowd of unruly rednecks after the announcement today that Holden are cutting 400 jobs from their Lizbef factory! I can't wait.... Polishing the ugg boots as I type
  14. Like most, I am genuinely optimistic between January and April when it comes to our beloved Demons. I don't believe we will make finals this year, of course I hope like hell that the club proves me wrong, but I just can't see too many of the other teams above us slipping. I just want to see 2 of the younger bunch (18-24) have huge breakout years. For instance, I want the footy world to be talking about Melbourne as a legitimate threat from 2017 onwards. So, basically, this is what I want to see.... 100% competitive in ALL games 8-11 wins Last year's "break out" players to continue upward trend 2 youngsters to blow the competition away to the point where there is some actual HYPE around our 2017 season (which in turn helps trade prospects) A MFC player to finish Top 5 in the Brownlow A few big signatures on locked in by August If the above happens then it's tissues and lube all round in this household!
  15. I cannot wait to jump in the ute with my 7yr old little demon... Both of us wearing red 'n blue... Driving out to Elizabeth to watch us play Port! Nothing better than being surrounded by the filth and stench of the lower class Regardless of how we play, the smile on my Son's face will be worth the extra money I pay for water that evening for the extended shower time to remove the putridity! Bring it on!
  16. Early nom for post of the year! Hindsight is a terrible affliction that befalls the best of us.
  17. Watching from 11am right through until the final knockout was a helluva lot longer than 13 seconds.... But the result was well worth the wait!
  18. I heard from a mate that he is "Toe-tally killing it at training!" But unfortunately his car broke down on Friday and he needed a Toe-Truck Also.... He can't eat dairy because he has been recently diagnosed as Lac-toes intolerant
  19. Abso....F'ing...lutely!! The kid has changed body shape dramatically since being drafted and in a couple more years could turn out to be anything!
  20. I still don't understand how he was so "drunk" after drinking water all day?!?!
  21. If the AFL don't give a penalty that is harsh enough then I am sorry to say they are no better than a certain organisation who were covering up certain problems by sending them to my primary school Everyone knows what he is.... Just deal with it properly and reap the benefits of being known as a decent organisation!
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