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The Backyard Charizard

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Everything posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. Yeah, plan was to take my 6yr old to training and hopefully get a few autographs.... The game on Saturday could be a disaster for a bloke trying to raise die hard Demon kids in Adelaide... Although I thought that before last year's match as well
  2. Evening All, I have either well and truly lost, or am losing, my $.hit because I swear I had some form of notification (Email, FB, Twitter, Toilet paper at the local pub) saying that Melbourne were training at Adelaide Oval on Friday arvo? Can someone either confirm or deny for me... Can't find any trace of said notification and starting to think I dreamt it
  3. Listened to the 2nd half on the radio over here in Adelaide... Knew that this place would be blowing up with all sorts of hatred and frustration, so avoided DL for a few hours... Then decided to come and have a look at the carnage... First post I went in to was this one as I knew the Gameday thread would be histeria... Thanks for the thoughts... It is pretty much exactly what I was thinking.... It is very frustrating to lose to this mob but after reading this post I am logging out of Demonland for the evening... Thanks again... Bring on the real stuff!!! You could sum this match up by just reading my signature below
  4. I'm over this forum these days... Might drop in some time later in the season... It's turned to sh*t on here! Negative b*tches around every corner... Later peepz!
  5. Has had a couple of shots from long range into the wind... He looks a lot bigger in the legs than I remember? I think he will enjoy this season more than his previous years... I'm excited!
  6. Hutchy - "There's probably about 4 minutes left in the 3rd qtr" 2 kicks later the siren sounds!!! Winning Hutch!
  7. HAHAHA!!!! Hutchy - "Great mark... Who is it?" Pickers - "I think it's Viney but we'll have to wait till he turns around" Hutchy - "Is it Viney? Hard to see from here" Pickers - "Bloody Oath it is!" HAHAHA!!! These guys are a cracker!
  8. Watching on the PC and Chromecasting to the lounge room for my 6 yr old little demon. Which works out great because I lose the audio!!!!! Hutchy is an absolute peanut! Pickering at least knows football... Not a bad 1st quarter into a stiff breeze... Toumpas did some nice things by foot... Which is why we drafted him... People will soon realise he is a gem... Salem was great floating across the backline... Frost's chase was unbelievable.... This guy is going to be great! Hogan is indeed the Hulk!
  9. Thanks for the input from training today, but I must wright your rong Be careful with hyper and hypo. These two prefixes are easily confused as they sound so similar but they have, in fact, more-or-less opposite meanings. Hyper- means over, excessive, more than normal, as in such words as hyperbole (extravagant and obvious exaggeration) and hyperactive (abnormally or pathologically active). The prefix derives from the Greek word hyper, meaning simply over. Hypo-, on the other hand, means under, defective or inadequate, as in such words as hypodermic (under the skin) or hypoallergenic (specially formulated to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction). This, too, derives from the Greek : hypo, meaning under. In whatever context you’re using hyper- and hypo- words, it makes sense to be very clear about which prefix is the correct one to use. Sorry, but couldn't help myself!
  10. Actually went at 60.9% Disposal Efficiency anway.... Love his work ethic and indeed looks set to lead from the front... Like Hogan!
  11. I'm gonna jump in before the haters begin and say that I am pretty happy with that first hit out! Tough conditions.... Hogan, Jones, Laboomba, Newton, Frost, Vandenburg, Tyson... all impressive.... We know who didn't have a great match, but let's not dwell on the negatives people... It's just F'ing great that FOOTY IS BACK!!! :lol:
  12. It is bloody early in the year, but you can already see the battle is on between the Skipper and Dom for the Bluey... Going touch for touch at the moment... I like it a lot...
  13. Throw one Mr Watts as a permanent forward and our forward line looks a shyte load better I reckon.... People may actually see why JW was so highly rated as a junior... Finally get to see the bloke in his preferred position!
  14. The love for Toumpas on here is amazing.... The kid can play and once he has found his feet at this level people will understand why he was rated so highly... Yes, I admit, he has shown bugger all so far in his short career... But his skills by foot are beautiful when he does happen to get involved...
  15. Alex Georgiou was only with us for one season, but moves back home to Norwood and is now the Skipper of my beloved Redlegs. Good luck to him and the boys on their journey to go Back to Back to Back to Back! Yeah baby! http://www.norwoodfc.com.au/News/LATESTNEWS/ALEX_GEORGIOU_TO_LEAD_THE_LEGS.aspx
  16. Jeremy Cameron was spotted at Adelaide airport by a mate of mine on Friday if it makes any difference to the way people think
  17. I believe we are entertaining a MAJOR bid for Dangerfield.... Somewhere in the area of close to $1m a year over possibly 5 or 6... Hence the thought about trading out JT to the Toigs.... The other thing that people need to take into account when mentioning the big Texan (although by all reports he is the heart and soul of Cow Land) is that he is BFF's with our man Bernie Vince! The Goodwin and Bernie combination cannot and SHOULD not be underestimated when speaking of luring Cows to Demonland!
  18. I am a massive wrap for Trenners and always will be... But... The below scenario is jumping out at me Trengove to Tigers for pick 12 Pick 2 used by dees to snag best available mid Picks 3 + 12 to Colling%^#* in exchange for Beams Thoughts? Beams doesn't NEED to move North... He WANTS out of shitsville!
  19. I'd much prefer things to stay as they have been... <insert sarcasm emoticon>
  20. Close mates of Goodwin, Stephen Rowe and Chris McDermott have said its a done deal... Will be announced within the week. Successor or not, a good appointment I think.
  21. Just listening to Crows list manager David Noble on 5aa. Was very interesting listening... On the topic of Bernie Vince... 5aa : "So are we in the market for Pick 2 for Vince and possibly Jarryd Lyons?" Noble : "You guys are WAY OFF the mark! Everyone in the media is way off the mark. The value of Pick 2 is huge. The Melbourne Football Club have made enquiries with a number of clubs and have made it very clear what Pick 2 is worth to them. A player 22-25 yrs of age who is a club best and fairest winner. If they give up Pick 2 over the next week or so it will be front page news." Play hard Dees! I love it!
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