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The Backyard Charizard

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Everything posted by The Backyard Charizard

  1. I'm hearing some pretty strong Choco/Dustin Martin package deal rumours...
  2. I will have serious issues if we draft this young fella. Top player - No doubt! But the return home factor is huge! The kid has already stated in interviews over here that his dream is to play for his beloved Adelaide Crows... Can anyone say "Scott Thompson"
  3. Just had a phone call from Willy Wonka.... One of his Oompa Loompas is complaining... He wants his legs back!!!!
  4. Without doubt!!!! Adelaide Crows!!! You try living in this $hithole and tell me otherwise!
  5. Correct mate! I would also be surprised if there weren't more than 30 people there!
  6. I'm seeing a few options of what Neeldy said... 1. "Cale, Go down the [censored]'n line!" 2. "Cale, Go get the [censored]'n knife!" 3 "Cale, Go down on a [censored]'n guy!" or if he was wearing Bombers colours and he was looking fatigued it would be "Cale, Go get a [censored]'n line!" :) :)
  7. I will be extremely happy if young Jack is picked up by us as a rookie.... The kid can play! Living over here in Adelaide, I am a massive Norwood/SANFL follower and have seen a fair few of his games live... Perfect rookie draftee... Has really started to bulk up over the last 12-18 months and will continue to do so.... Very impressive for Central Districts this season.... And we are all forgetting one important thing..... His name is JACK.... It's a lock!
  8. Would just like to bump this with some rumour mongering It is that time of year after all.... Lynden Dunn spotted (personally) at Norwood Oval after the GF win over here in SA... With Norwood club officials I might add... Rumours running rife from within the NFC that they may have a new player come 2013.... Just saying.... Not sure how his contract situation is sitting at the Dees.... Just letting you all know what my eyes and ears are witnessing....
  9. The Good The fact that we smashed them after that slow start A certain ex-player may well thank God that he got money because he got a taste of how far away success is for him The Bad Mitch the Incredible's early exit... Was Buddy like early on The Ugly Our obvious instruction to play on at all costs through the middle... Sometimes you are better off to settle and lift your eyes
  10. I laughed when Robbo was talking with Flash about modeling the Dees gear and said "Geez mate, is there anything you can't do?" Davey responded with "Probably get a kick at the moment!" Haha... Love the honesty
  11. Dees to lead all day and run out 28 pt winners... I dreamt it Monday night....
  12. I am really looking forward to this match.... I believe we may see a very different Jamie Bennell under our new coaching crew... Watching our youngsters move to the next level is about as much excitement as we are going to get this year... That and watching the passion of Mitch Clark... I reckon we can really take it up to Hawthorn.... Call me Krazy!
  13. Ok... I have not posted for a little while now but, as always, have been getting my daily/hourly fill of Demonland reading.... As would be the case with most of us, I have not enjoyed what I have seen over the first 4 rounds (I don't count pre-season as anything to base gameday opinions on). We have all basically come to the agreement that our beloved club is bereft of mature leaders and of players with the quality of most other clubs... Yes we have recruited with a high amount of stupidity (in hindsight) but also without a lot of luck along the way.... We still have some players at the club who you can build a team around, without naming the obvious ones.... But we also have a $hitload of players on our list who would not be getting a game in any other 22.... The Melbourne Football Club have recruited 2 key people over the last six months.... The first being Mark Neeld.... This guy WILL get us somewhere! More on him later.... The 2nd key recruit is Mitch Clark... His effort and attack on the pill is exactly what our forwardline needs! We are just not seeing how good this guy is purely because of the cattle playing up the field... Our forward structure is ugly because our current list of available players is ugly... FFS you have Mitch as our go-to forward with James Sellar as his wing man! Our small forwards are either not playing/past their best/lost in previous drafts.... We rely on getting certain players back into the side who can hopefully have an impact under the new coaching regime... A forward line consisting of Mitch Clark, Liam Jurrah, Jeremy Howe, Ricky Petterd and maybe a fit/hungry Nev Jetta waiting at ground level would kick a winning score if the ball was coming down to them often enough (even if bombed in)... Currently Howe and Watts (both natural forwards) are having to play roles further up field because we simply lack quality midfielders who can find a teammate by foot... For all of Jack Watts' faults, finding a target by foot is not one of them! Our midfield is easily the worst in the league! Attack on the footy is not the issue with our mids (Nate Jones is at the base of EVERY pack all day long)... Disposal and the lack of outside mids with devestating kicks is! Unfortunately this will take time to rectify... Something we as MFC members are sick of hearing, but we MUST listen this time! Our defence is not bad... Take out Joel MacDonald and inject a running half back with silk (draft?) so we aren't relying on Frawley to try and evade 6 blokes and run the ball out of the backline and you have a core group of players who will stop opposition forwards from scoring.... Again we need the quality midfield to stop the ball coming into their F50 with reckless abandon! Now Mark Neeld... Give this guy a go people... Yes, I said this about Bailey after his first year but Dean was the unfortunate victim of a club bereft of money and resources.... Have a look at the quality of assistant coaches and fitness staff at the club now... A group consisting of Neil Craig, David Misson and Todd Viney is a group that will bring professionalism at the Dees to a new level... They are building what will give the Melbourne faithfull what we want... Finals football and a chance at success! They cannot do it with what we have on the park at the moment! End of story! We are in a position to draft well over the next couple of years... Make no mistake about it! The first half of this season is going to be hard to watch... Let's be realistic... But I have faith that the 2nd half of this year we will start to see some serious improvement (barring our injury list growing) in the results... As Mark has stated, the effort is good... But he cannot come out in a presser and say "The effort is good, but our skills are the $hittest I have ever seen!" Which is exactly what he will be thinking... Our current administration MUST keep this group of 4 men at the helm of our club together! Outside pressures will peak on Mark Neeld when we are sitting at 0-8... But we MUST be patient! I strongly believe that come the end of the year, the media will be saying that we will be pushing for finals in 2013... If we can string some exciting wins together in the middle/latter stages of the year there will be draftees WANTING to be part of our club... Football these days is all about professionalism... And the 4 coaches I listed earlier are demanding this! They will weed out the ones who won't make it and will be ruthless in doing so... External pressures will be massive on Mark and his crew.... But you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the issue at the club is with the cattle and not the coaches! Anyone who can honestly argue otherwise has rocks in their head.... Patience is not one of my strong points.... But I can see what Mark and the guys are doing... And I like what I see.... Call me Krazy
  14. Very interesting avatar mate... Just perfect to top my $hit day off...
  15. I have a really strange feeling that our forward line is going to click on Saturday and give us all an uplifting boost on here... I think with big Sauce Merritt playing forward its going to allow us to free up some of our bigger forwards... Call me optimistic but I believe we are going to see this become a path for blokes like Petterd and Howe to really show their class... If we can match it with their midfield then we will win comfortably... I have a lot of faith in our backline and am chalking this one up as a confidence boosting Rnd 1 victory! Well, here's hoping ��
  16. Wow... We all knew this day would come but it's still a massive hit to the heart... The words "Whatever it takes" will go into my sleeve tattoo this morning! RIP Big Jim... This hurts!
  17. The news is still a shock (even after all the "bad" news we've heard before).... The great man has been an inspiration to so many people... Tears get fought back just at the thought of the battle ending... Although the fight still continues... Much love to family and friends of the Irish legend... On a side note, I'm going in tomorrow morning for another tattoo session on a grey/shaded sleeve... Only colour is a red 'n blue symbol on my inner forearm... I'd like to add in a permanent tribute to the great man and just wondered if anyone had any suggestions of a symbolic piece of art to forever honor the spirit of Big Jim... I'm not in anyway trying to hijack this thread, just would love to add a touch of the great man to this piece of work... Love ya big guy
  18. Wow.... If Jamar gets injured we are screwed 3 hitouts to Stef Martin.... That is all she wrote folks
  19. So basically what you are saying is that the side we have out on the park tonight are basically just a rabble that would not a get a gig in any other side... And all our good players are in the stands.... Interesting.... I am just of the opinion that we are many years off being any good, and a fair bit of list management is required before we get to that stage....
  20. Could possibly build a decent side around Frawley, Jamar, Jones and Clark.... Only need to find the other 18
  21. How long before Mark Neeld absolutely loses his [censored] in a press conference.... His presser after this will be the most interesting yet....
  22. Brad is.... The younger brother they picked up from West Coast.... Brett "MegaHead" Ebert is not....
  23. Missing from Port : Alipate Carlile Mitch Banner Brett Ebert Hamish Hartlett Cam Hitchcock Andrew Moore David Rodan Steven Salopek oh.... and their Captain.... Dom Cassisi PLAYERS OUT MAKES NO EXCUSE FOR POOR EFFORT!!
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