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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. I was also almost surprised by the bagging of Grimes, sure he put on one the full (with his left) but I also thought he was quite good
  2. If that and the action of our captain don't change Demons supporters minds re the booing of Goodes nothing will. Great work Jeff, Nathan and the whole team for wearing the bands.
  3. 6 marks today, would have thought that a fair return. Dawes has his limitations, but he is a flag winning CHF and the best we have ATM. Of course it would be great if we could replace him with someone better, but right now I just want more consistency from him. When he plays well, we tend to win. Eg Thought he was very good early against Brisbane, hardly noticed him in the second half.
  4. Thought he was off them an had been for a while
  5. You know Howe is leaving? Remember Watts didn't sign up again until the end of the season. If you don't know for a fact Howe is leaving, then questioning his integrity is just pathetic and shows you have little of it.
  6. He has always had the ability and had shown a lot of potential in the glimpses we had before this year. He just needed the chance, I don't think his body let him play over 3 games on the trot in the seniors before this year. His body is still a big question mark, but personally am not surprised at all by how he is performing
  7. Said before the Queens birthday game I just want to see a tough, full body tackle from Watts, as I couldn't remember one. That day, he nailed Varcoe a beauty and he has been good ever since. Laid another good tackle today. I have given up on him being a tough hard player, but when it is his turn I expect him to go and I expect strong tackles, something we are starting to see from him
  8. Good as if was, that's not quite right. You will get what I mean when you have it
  9. Reducing stoppages isn't so hard. 1st. Pay the deliberate out of bounds. Most games we are lucky if we see 1 in 5 of these paid. Enforcing this rule, will lead to a lot less out of bounds. 2nd. Ball up quickly, none of this nominate a ruckman, clear a path BS, it just slows the game down, letting more players get to a stoppage and normally leads to more stoppages as no clearance is made. 3rd. Stop blowing the whistle when there is a chance of an advantage, wait a few seconds, look if there is an advantage or not, if there is, let play go, if there isn't, blow the whistle and pay the free. None of these require a rule change as such and would make the game a lot more free flowing. It's not rocket science, but unfortunately the obvious is often too hard for the intellects at the AFL.
  10. The only white person here to experience racism... What a crock. Many of us have lived overseas and witnessed and experienced such racism. As a white bloke, the worst I experienced was in Australia when people I worked with on a daily basis would express themselves about people and religions from the sub continent unaware my wife was from there. This happened very regularly, people who thought they knew me making disgusting comments because they thought they were with on of their own. I thought we were an educated, tolerant society till I moved back home and witnessed this regularly. Those that consider racism to be a minor issue in Australia need to take their heads out of the sand
  11. Aren't you the highly intelligent poster that said Grimes wouldn't play again after not playing round 1, then again after round 5. Then again after round 10. Did someone say something about a record..l
  12. I have it on good authority that that is not true. I have heard that he has two wits, half-wit and eff-wit
  13. The blind often have trouble seeing. Grimes was in the team until injured. He was playing well. His disposal looked like it had improved markedly. He came back from injury and was one of the best at Casey. Your excessive and uneducated attacks on Grimes became boring long ago.
  14. Think you will find many of us see a future in the red and blue. We just go around posting ten times a week on how he is finished, like some 'supporters' who do good impersonations of a scratched record
  15. So we have the Druggies and Norf. Typical of the Demons luck, the bloke with the face that not even a mother could love has proved last week to be a fluke. At Shitihad stadium he has already had two shots, missed a set shot and the a snap from one meter out hit the post. But 5 straight against us! Ah well, at least he'll always be the ugliest person in the room
  16. Any Demon surprised by this result is, dare I say it, not a true Demon supporter
  17. Thought we beat them in Darwin, haven't looked into it but thought we had always lost the week after playing in Darwin (and believe our opponents have lost a lot more than they have won - probably a more telling stat)
  18. Still nervous. We have to demoralise them in the first half, as if they are in with a sniff at 3/4 time, they are a chance of running over us. It will be a heavy track, they did sweet FA running last week while we were in Darwin, a place from which I don't think we have ever won after playing there
  19. Shocking game made worse by some pathetic umpiring
  20. You're not wrong Mono. Was disgusted with what I saw tonight. Adams dropped the knee on Westhoff's face at least 4 times, the last with some force. He should go straight to the tribunal, get a week for each attempt and 2 or 3 for the last attempt, 5 or 6 weeks all up. Sure it sounds harsh, but this sort of BS has no place in our game and he must be made an example of.
  21. i think more than anything else, todays game could hinge on how the meth coast players respond to the death of Phil Walsh. he was there as an assistant coach between 2009-13 so would have been close to many of the players. they are going to find it tough, playing tonight and how they react to this terrible tragedy will influence the game more than anything else
  22. That is just BS. Jobe had turned it around a long time before Turd had become coach. He has also been IMO Injectiondon's most honest person when in the media so I can't understand the angst towards him.
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