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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. we actually have the chance to vote at the next AGM but only if there is actually any challenge for positions. As much as I understand the methodology of much of this there are still elements about it that suck. What value our membership ? A very valued aspect is denied us. Jeff should have published it in more than one location. Something anyone should consider in future
  2. Im surprised ( but then maybe not ) that no mention is made of Kennetts open letter in the Hun today.
  3. almost scary in someways pm me sat lotto numbers....ill share
  4. this statement in itself concerns me.. Your prepared to wholsale invest your trustt in the AFL ? I understand the position of the AFL..our givers of money ( having stole the comp in the first place ) . Sort of a passive aggressive relationship at best. But youd abjectly bow before your false god ? Currently its a forced marraige of convenience....no love
  5. The swans style was built around a group of players and a shape of stadium it would be the same idea....different group of players and a different stadiium
  6. Our recruiters of yore certainly marched to their own beat !!!
  7. a bird in the hand.........
  8. just out of curiosity whats a Melbourne Premiership worth ?
  9. Red...we'll be building a head of steam by then ( by all pyschic predictions ) ...Of course they'll elect to be Demons as if its even up for discussion
  10. 10ooo memberships would bankroll ROOSey an interesting equation I think
  11. Any coach is only to have influence on those beneath him. What PJ might infer to him ( PR ) is the calibre and ilk of the new board. That might be not only prudent but essential to entice R'oos !
  12. but allowed him to be at Hawthorn !!!
  13. Hang on...just on the phone to a bloke in Syd thats got a shoe shine concession and knows the bloke that cuts Roos' grass. Definitely a cut above the rest... knows bugger about footy though
  14. if Roos was semi -onside why would you think he wouldnt be doing just that. whomever the new Senior coach is to be, he will definitely pick his team. Not to say thereby that there would be a total cleanout but thats often the case All we are seeing at best is a window dressing to events. Whats happening out the back ? who knows , other then them.
  15. Without want to go the biff... I think youre tripping over yourself just a tad... You make the assertion that Roos is Blight like...and therefore. On what basis, an opinion? History would probably support a different view. Blight prone to , lets be kind and describe them as accentric moments. Roos has been far more constrained and methodical. I think we are about to leap frog by some, over StKilda. We have a sane and able mind at the helm. StKilda has always , been "interesting" from a governance standpoint...always !! I would think Roos an absolute coup. Time will tell.
  16. My only take on all this really ..is I have no idea. Has he been approached already ? No idea If he has and his change of public demeanor is as a result ? Is Melbourne the most desirable challenge ? Would definitely be the most challenging. Watch this space
  17. They are definitely "different " times currently OD . How many Bananas do you need ?
  18. better get a decent coffee maker too just to cover all bases
  19. My dad had GeeGees Red...they hardly ever won but there was always hope....and bills.. Sound familiar ?? lol meanwhile the sun shines and I imagine another uneventful day at Melbourne. Yoghurt and Muesli for brekkie... no Bananas..Im always late to them. No one else ever buys them of course...just eats them.
  20. We'll present to any aspirant considering as quite the different beast for sure. PJ has been adamant you get the backrooms sorted and the front game reacts as result. Well cant say thats not happening. There is change by the truck load. When the dust settles from this major reno we'll either have a magnificent palace or a delipidated pig pen. im siding with the former. The basket-case is disappearing and a bucket ( albeit with holes ftm ) has taken its place. Plugs those holes and we might just carry water. Only a fool would have even hinted at interest until this transformation took place. And we dont want fools in charge. Be nice when we make headlines for on field success as opposed off field turmoil. It must come .....one day....surely.
  21. and that is where he'll slot back in again. Bailey's coping fine I hear.
  22. Its all fine being in the background ( to date ) but he will have to maintain "the rage" even more should he become the annointed one. Weve had lots of people talk the talk Im concerned he doesnt seem to be in the best of health. I do like Jacksons work to date. Time will tell I suppose.
  23. This man wins the Kewpie Doll. This has been niggling me also.. What is it about our precious lot that they seem impervious to development and direction. Must be the coffee from the cafe or something as its got me confounded.
  24. would all seem somewhat moot now as the 'transition appears to be locked in" my god I hope we're getting the right bloke
  25. Do we dare dream.....the impossible Dream ???
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