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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. sorry mate..youve no idea then. whats intentional and what transpires.... I know what youre trying to say, just it isnt true
  2. basketball ...non contact.......pretty funny... youve never played MENS basketball ??
  3. Id like 5 or 6 McVeighs and RtG ..yep
  4. McVeigh is the meat and potatoes of the team.. Very good meat and very good potatoes
  5. some of you lot would buy the Harbour Bridge if offered
  6. http://www.sydneyswans.com.au/football/coaches/george-stone
  7. recent instagram of Colless.....
  8. we cant telegraph our real intents so lets go kick a few tyres
  9. Clarkson reaffirming hes not going west apparent...various articles appearing http://www.afl.com.au/news/2013-09-25/clarko-quashes-eagles-rumour http://www.canberratimes.com.au/afl/afl-news/alastair-clarkson-reaffirms-his-commitment-to-hawthorn-20130925-2ucz2.html
  10. Dusty might look to change his stripes by venturing Nth
  11. http://www.sydneyswans.com.au/academy
  12. no thankyou...need to get better with use of 2
  13. Itll all revolve around the game plan Bails had us flying at times with a fast and loose attacking style that was fine....right up until you're pressure cooked and find yourself defending ground and coming unstuck because you dont know how to do it. Neeld had us defending at all costs. He seemed more engrossed with playing keepings off in teh back 50 than having any capacity to push through and score. I mean why..hell its only the way you win...lol Roos knows how to combine both. I imagine he will play to strengths of players and strengthen the players to play to win. wont happen overnight...but it might just happen Stop the deluge running to the defenders and you have more than an even chance.. I expect to see a team drill in contesting and controlling the midfield. it will be dour looking footy until they learn to spread their wings ( sts) Expect percentage to be vastly improved as even if we arent winning much the losses will be capped.
  14. more the point...which direction !!
  15. smoke....mirrors
  16. Because the AFL has in its own way been trying to give us a leg up. Its in THEIR interest
  17. UH please....you must realise the world doesnt operate to the 'rules" all the time. lol Things happen....you kknow....Im sure you understand
  18. Deeluded. I happen to think that the MFC is a different club from many. Its demographics, its pedigree etc is very different from the likes of the Filth, the Kangas, The toiges etc. What may work for them I dont think is us. There ARE already groups supporters can join if they want to network etc.They are to all reports very good at this. Maybe if they one day build a complex that can accommodate 'everything' then an opportunity may exist for an integral social environment until then I just dont see it as being requisite or paramount to our success. Winning games is.
  19. Memo to Alastair, A Mr P Roos has a house over there for sale....apparently . Take the first plane Clarkson, And I'll meet you at the airport. You can be be there by five thirty, 'Cause I made your reservation. Don't be slow, oh, no, no, no! Oh, no, no, no!
  20. Im just incredibly curious as to why Clarkson would be going .
  21. mate i get it....you like footy ...and you want to spend your footy beer money yacking to other demons in a demon bar supporting the demons thats you...its not me...its not 1000's of people either these days..Just too much other responsibilities and things claiming my time. Happy for you to go make it happen though...good luck.
  22. Oucher... the AFL controls the game.. it has the ability to lean on people...what dont you get ?
  23. whats hard to follow Either there is an agreement , gentleman's or none that any one seeking to promote themselves through another offer is free to do so. The Job at the MFC is Senior coach in waiting, with a timeline etc. That would have to trump anything Sydney is offering therefor the ought to be free to pursue it. Sydney cant have it both ways. i think it would be well within reason for the Vlad empire to clarify this , in the interests of all
  24. Im starting to wonder how well Colless thinks things through !!
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