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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. based on your hopes...orActually... probably you have cause... in so far as wce wont grant us as much opportunity.
  2. Not sure why but my first impression was of the afterglow resulting from thermal annihilation !! Not quite a warm and fuzzy feeling lol
  3. I dont realky see how our scoreboard attack will vary much from last week. There is a fundamental reason certain players are forwards. Its their forte. The understand the machinations of yhe front 50 and have the footskills to split posts. When they dont present others struggle as was the case. As this wont change much going into this game I cant fathom any basis for a different outcone.
  4. might be worth conssidering that in all likelihood the relentless negativity is simply born of relentless failure. Comes as a set !!
  5. The real problem as I see it is without a half way reasonable and functional fwd line alk forward thrusts will probably just become fodder for Weagles to rebound, again and again. In effect working to feed THEM . With Chip playing his AA game and no Col it might get ugly
  6. Will be a litmus test for this "new" Melbourne. Lets see how the Roos inspired list handle a caning. Im serious. Will they wilt of old or keep to their task even whilst being turned into fertliser. Im intrigued. Funny how this season still runs to a familiar course.
  7. no one mentioned to you , Logic has no place in all of this ?
  8. only if they get lost on the way to the game ( them that is )
  9. that would require absolute belief and unhesitant movement off the opponent combined with the mids delivering without second guessing anything.. we are nowhere near that yet nice idea though
  10. appreciate the parody of events
  11. can we not just leave the Hirds in France....works for me
  12. Danks is no bunny...he waits to see what he actually has to fight.. He's vermin, but a fox none the less. Still...you can catch and kill foxes if you know your stuff
  13. Im not sure even records are required so much. Maybe this is a bit of a furphy. Its the acquisition or ordering of use of banned substances thats the nail. How much , how often... as compared to just did...even once
  14. we're 11th savour it
  15. doesnt seek to or think it remotely a notion worth consideration. For what ever reason he sees it all as a joke
  16. answer in the question Dank is that low life
  17. odd that people think that all conspiracies are either nonsense or fictional All actual conspiracies are just that...actual what arent true are misleading false and fictional conconctions There are those at EFC that have conspired...and still do
  18. would love to see Dank get his moment in court.. left foot right foot ...bang bang
  19. Golly one might think that not all that work within AFL's house actually consider the cause they are supposed to nurture as being in the best interests of the game. But that conspiracy stuff Sometimes there are enemies within
  20. im assuming tongue in cheek there
  21. the AFL ...is NOT ASADA this isnt their game nor their call Tic Toc
  22. Smiggle is more consistent and satisfying than the MFC...just saying lol Big call for het
  23. true evil at work... golly...wish Id though of that
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