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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Im sure that quite true, just as Im sure Eddie wouldnt care quite so much about it if its other teams suffering this impost as opposed the Pies
  2. the problem with this adjudication is it assumes a one sided roe for the player. This doesnt exist any more. How many times do we hear the emphasis on players up and down, or defensive as well as offensive etc. Works other way too. Offensive as well as Defensive.Chips defensive game is largely brilliant. His proactiveness into a forward thrust style of passage of play often gets the ball returning quick smart....or stuffed up. A lot of his passing land the supposed recipient a booking at the inpatients !!!
  3. In a way Im glad PR is gutted. We have been for a long while and its beholding upon the FD to get very 'matter of fact' with its dealings with the list. There will be undoubtedly those players for whom PR and the FD can see ( still ) a good outcome and then there's the rest. The eternal problem is in trying to fix the list theres only so many changes ( practical ) you can make without effectively diluting your momentum to nothing ( again ). I expect a lot of wheeling and dealing to get as many journeymen players to our club as is possible. They dont need to be super talented , or possess 'elite; skills they just need to be honest footballers who come to play. A team , a plan, a style can be built on this whilst the so called talent emerges. Paul Roos showed in that presser hes hurting like a Demon. Now it will get ugly for some players
  4. will be same result , per se. as there are MANY . So it will be a BIG cull in so doing your comment was needlessly facetious
  5. Thing is Saty...if you couldnt win yesterday there are no more wins for the season ikely. As PR would have it ( and I thoroughly concur ) It is what it is But for the start we might have won the game. Obviously Roos's signalling some hefty changes and as you rightly put it , harsh assessments. I think this season's purpose is purely educational, but mainly for the FD , to see the list first hand and to strip it bare for some major grafting going into the next pre season. Those who didnt come to play ( from the get go ) will get another mark on their cards. I wonder how many will get churned. Going to be interesting
  6. welcome to our world Eddie
  7. Keep his eye on the bloody ball.
  8. Watts may well have already been on his way to the bench but surely he still needed to be aware as anyone on the ground is still in play. Its this kind of game slip ups which kill us We have to be switched on for 100% of the game....every game.
  9. Skill execution..... yep we murdered any skill we had for a lot of this game
  10. I dont thin thats as cut and dried as you suggest. He for all his good work today committed some horrendous clunkers of decisions. He ought to be way above those. So where's his head ? I ahve to ask
  11. Slipped my mind the Jordie would be back . I think like Jaded would have to put him in Possibly: In: McKenzie, JHK, Michie , Georgiou Out: Nicholson, Terlich, Salem Garland
  12. Havent given it more than 5 mins glance but there will need to be some change or we'll get done like the proverbial. Just off the top of my head some considerations for inclusion: JKH, Georgiou would head up my inclusions Id give serious thinking towards Tappy, and Clisby and unless Blease is for the chop he must have put up his hand Nicho M Jones Terlich dont look up to the job Garlo...wtf was he doing half the time. Poor game, might need a refresh Salem ? Bail ? Not changes for the sake of it, just to pick it up a little and reward those who want to play and slap those that dont
  13. Theres a lot Jack needs to work on I agree. Im not sure hes actually soft....just so often ineffectual.
  14. Am not the Toumps #1 card holder for sure but this makes much sense. We lack class in disposal and Jimmy has a nice kick. I really am not sure what messrs Bail Nicholson or Terlich do for our list at all , other than clog it
  15. My thoughts exactly Chips over all playing is currently a liability to us. Hes not alone I grant
  16. This all goes back to that thread some little whiles ago where it was suggested in order to have a truly good team, one that not only is competitive ( and quite frankly....f that for acceptable ) but a winning one would probably need half our list replaced. And it does
  17. Not going to win ANY playing like that
  18. Not everyone is playing for the team
  19. I dont care now how ugly or inept our playing I just want the win Cmon Melbourne
  20. Still a 2 kick game...bizzarre
  21. yepAnd ours are really basic !!!
  22. Carn Dees We've woken up at last
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