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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Had a Simpson and.... Briggs and Stratton is good last time I looked I cut my grass...
  2. If only the many wearing the jumper could emulate this blokes endeavour. Walk well Barty
  3. zero chance of him playing ....straight to pre season collect 200 etc etc
  4. Im going to take you mean we're counting !! lol
  5. probably owe you a Red now for that ...lol
  6. actually last I heard ol' Popey gone a bit rogue...off the reservation !! Maybe a convert here ?? lol
  7. Check Your Substances i wonder how many of the Essendone Einsteins bothered ??
  8. ahhh ahhh a man after my own thinking how is it , or indeed we ought to ask WHY is it possible that clubs who dont particularly feature often at draft time still manage to eek out and snaffle decent players ? I reckon its because they have the criteria for selection right as opposed to our litany of fukk ups !! i think our biggest mistake is to go after the salvation messiah types when what we really need are footballers. I think the current FD understand this...tgft !!
  9. lock that in Eddie
  10. The Toump wont come back in red and blue this year now ...seriously doubt it. It's one thing getting back on your feet, whole different thing being match fit for AFL its not like we really really really need him ( miss him )...is it
  11. can only be iiiiitttttttt'ssss....e-val-uaaaaaa-tttion time !!! get those cards out and lead pencils at the ready !!!! now on a scale of 1 through 10 lets grade everyone
  12. I know what you and indeed PR are saying ( different things..etc ) but It has me confounded ( and dare I say confused ) if Roos thinks jacks been doing not just ok but well ( in his role ) This , for mine , beggars belief. as I find him distinctly wanting in the hard effort ( i.e body on body ) dept. SO Im really wondering what sort of airy fairy role does he implore of jack ? I s till firmly believe he has all the qualities that could make a very very good player.......bar one ( well , yet to see it )
  13. got me beat. So what is Watt's role , that he's so capably doing ? Bruise free footballer ?
  14. i dont mind the reverse version ...blue MFC on red. I know Clint Biscuit and I amongst many have advocated this for a long long while. Its red and blue..Im sorry I really just dont thing we ever should play in either WHITE or Royal Blue...both are yuck !!
  15. It wont be up to the AFL really. If WADA find cause to punish the club as is within its code ( agreed by all ) why should the club escape ? The club after all IS the culprit
  16. I find the whole cap thing totally odd. I would have thought a cap was a cap, a ceiling of sorts , not a universal absolute. It punishes the less successful clubs and promotes mediocrity. Quite silly really.
  17. Beats... if Jack is 9/13 th best...what does that tell you about the list !!
  18. twas a different era Chippy. They are fulltimers now and everything
  19. some one putting a hand up...sorta
  20. probably right but I wouldnt mind !!
  21. it is definitely odd to wear a jumper that REDUCES the amount of Red. especially against a team with that much blue
  22. No i dont because the scoreboard only tells half the story We actually won a qtr.. when for whatever abberation ( collectively ) it was decided to bring their game heads to contest The last qtr where they only kicked 2 5 to our solitary scoreboard entry was really about a handful deciding they would BE Melbourne..god knows where the others were. We , as a team...only played ONE qtr.. youre entitled to your view
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