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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Adelaide will be pumped...very pumped. The pressure on our backs will be intense for at least the first 10-15 mins. If they don't hold then. Ill call it now..game over. If we can actually get the ball forward during this first half of the qtr we can make a fist of it and it might be a fairly interesting game. The game will be won or lost on our defending...god help us
  2. Yep...No to trading...Yes to a draft.
  3. just as a discussion.. I would think if possible to keep Tmac, for all his faults he has some good defending. Its just his "decision' game is a bit wanting. A player like Hurley who can muster the lads with more aplomb would I feel help Tom iron out elements of the game where he falls down. I wonder however if Tom would be prepared to play 2nd fiddle ? ( coz it strikes this little black duck he might have a few tix on himself at times ) and ...no...Ego is not a dirty word....unless it gets in the way!!
  4. I agree , essentially, but here we have two really good exponents of players able to take any opportunity and make you pay. I rate both Tex and Josh, they are very VERY capable players. Tex especially if he gets a sniff of a 'special ' day he just goes to town. I'll be frank I rate them a lot more than I rate our defence !! just saying
  5. Could be worse, could be in Adelaide !!
  6. Have no doubt Earnest. No doubt
  7. yeah...that was Ninethmond Here we have the Crows with some purpose. Well game on I spose
  8. crows dedicating this game to Walsh.....marvee
  9. AW you assume our defenders actually get to play ON the forwards !! Remember, Tex and Josh will be introduced to the dreaded deadly diamond !!
  10. Yes he does defend well/ The attacking side of things....well... bit hit and miss
  11. he is good at some of what he does . Lets not over state his abilities please
  12. time and time again its said where you get picked is irrelevant. Once youre at the club its head down bum up and get with it. To forgive Tom his various and numerous faux pas is the element to go under scrutiny I would have thought. Im not rewriting ANYTHING...just stating what is. Again , Tom does some things well... and some very poorly. Often the things requiring thought/reason are the downfall. Now again thats observational. Re write it if you prefer
  13. again ..point missed I feel.. It was using the progress of one as a barometer to judge the progress of another. Tmac's progress is probably a tad faster than a snails. 5 years in and hes not that much improved. Many of his decisions are right up there with a wet behind the ears newbie. Marvelous stuff.
  14. missed the point huh I can encourage you to reread a few of the posts Red. It was ( for some ) above relative development and abilities with ball Recent banana deprivation hasnt helped has it
  15. Except they won;t We all know this But back to this bloke Hibberd who manages him btw ?
  16. this was the alluded to notion. Toumpas/No Toumpas.. difference?? ( to us ) In terms of Melbourne and Filth...who did better ? I think we have. Howe much better ?? Exactly
  17. that argument still doesnt dilute our benefit !!
  18. Bitters...steady on the imbibing of whatever local quaff you're partaking of. Your mind's going to mush !!
  19. What would the Swannies need to hand over ?
  20. All in all despite possibly the claims to the alternative Essendon have come out of this relatively unscathed other than their own self harming litigations. Something that would really ram it home...really punish them... Have two players walk for nought !! That Id like to see Having said that It would take some adjusting and squirming to realise we would have a backline half made up with post transgressional Bombers !! Would be plain weird to say the least, probably an improvement though...even more weird
  21. They were hardly brilliant Nut. Some of us saw him as bog average whilst some thought he was just marvee...those speccies and all We did well to move him on....how he goes at the Pies I really couldnt care. Reports to date....still bog average
  22. Imho. Got exactly what he was worth.Much more potential in Benken. We've seen Jez' ceiling . Buckley believing in his own figjam schtick thought he could turn Howe into wonderboy. Yeah....big success there for sure.
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