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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. with all due respect that only is a reality is you are actually spending time up there...called acclimatisation. They don't. It's draining.
  2. Funny in a way ( to me perhaps) as I deliberately didnt read the article til after yesterdays game. As though he read my mind he ended the article with my exact thoughts.
  3. Well the Minute he walked in the joint,,,we knew he was a player of distinction!!
  4. Has a few of those .. bad days
  5. Much merit in keeping a lot intact but there may well be one or two changes . Just keep Macca
  6. That's actually a punt, not a Torp. A Torp kicked properly is a WEAPON
  7. Daisy is on record. I'll play as a Demon or I don't play at all. Not too many ways of interpretation available
  8. Thats right Ernest. They struggle to run their own game let alone tell others how to do run theirs
  9. PF Strangely ( though some might find not so ) I'm not one to automatically dispense your utterances to the bin. We all have things to share and inform. However to not consider Jeff White and especially Peter Moore as A+ graders does your publishing no good errand. They had to re WRITE the rules ffs to counter White he was do demonstrably at the sharp end. Peter Moore one of the very rare transplants into Melbourne. A gem of a player and even respected when filthy !!
  10. Their Oldies drive their game. Take them away and what replaces their experience and leadership ? We know this doesn't grow on trees.
  11. Saints looking at something of a false dawn. They will peak this year then crumble away. They don't have sufficient to underpin continued growth. And they still beat us lol
  12. That would make some sense. Both looking for cheap depth.
  13. We're not playing finals
  14. LH...totally agree. We still play funny buggers at times. Dont like it
  15. Kudos...we all make them Your point does as well
  16. its a year to the day...thats why
  17. Dion would be a pretty good pickup.. A big upgrade, let's be realistic . What the mechanism is to get him here now ? We'll know I expect soon enough
  18. the colours of the jumpers represent flames !!
  19. 4 divided by 5 ???
  20. its the kick-ball version of a mobile scrum. hey...whatever works
  21. property is more about the future... He has a finite term in AFL, whatever that may be and hes setting himselff up for afterwards.. Clever lad. I would be surprised if he doesnt buy more property while he can do so
  22. Adelaide will be pumped...very pumped. The pressure on our backs will be intense for at least the first 10-15 mins. If they don't hold then. Ill call it now..game over. If we can actually get the ball forward during this first half of the qtr we can make a fist of it and it might be a fairly interesting game. The game will be won or lost on our defending...god help us
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