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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Just me ...or umpiring a bit naff ?? Not excusing ..just saying.
  2. But to what effect ? Think Toiges may rue the decision Go Dees
  3. We know theyre tarnished The Karma gods will smite them. Theyre going nowhere fast
  4. We've had our Norm Smith curse. Happy for EFC to endure their "PEPpy le pew" karma for however long it is til they face their truth and come clean. Probably hell will freeze over first and so be it. They are eternally tarnished. Going to be a long long time til the next silverware, if ever. Punished...as a club ? Yet to happen Players can move on and fair enough, but the club has got away pretty easy imho.
  5. Will be intriguing to see how we set up at opening bounce. Might say more than meets the eye as to how we'll go about dismantling the toiges
  6. The club should be making a point of this and selling the "Hunt Headband" so we can all wear it in protest !!
  7. Circuituous arguments carry no Weight. What is IS What was..is irrelevant Dees by 25 That is all
  8. Life often throws up a curve ball... flies a bit like a banana.,.. Peel with it !
  9. I'm probably thinking what many are thinking. There's more to life than Footy Gus.
  10. Ive been on the Batfone to Gil. He understands the gravity of the situation as only he can. He assured me once hed dealt with his monthly order of gunk and mud tbat he'd put all assets to the task. Expect no less than a board meeting, chips AND dips and 'concensus'. This matter is no fly away , hair brained matter. This is serious. Thin edge of the wedge stuff. Gil wouldn't fib, he was in between Chuckas though ..
  11. I dont care what Tiger fans say or do, I care that we win
  12. You lost me when you cant comprehend days earlier.
  13. I understand. But much of this angst is based upon the notion the Footy would rate discernably higher on 7 rather than Mate. Upon this supposition all things seem based. If 7 thought it to be a motza with this game on 7 i can promise you it would follow its wallet and do so. It doesn't. The numbers wont be a lot different on Mate. Those that want to watch on telly are already aware. Either on Fox or FTA viewers will watch. Those watching the 'reality rubbish' will line Seven's coffers. There would be very few caught by this 'hard' choice to skew the numbers. Footy on telly aint the golden cow it once was.
  14. If you don't know its on...its moot Ch7 advertise in advance days prior Another straw argument. The station often notes what on its sister channels. Cant believe anyone thinks this is hard. My 83 year old Aunt's got this covered. In fact shes watching the footy and recording MKR !!
  15. Well put Footy ISNT the go to it was a generation ago. Nor only that but the avenues available are there if desired. Albeitly for $ A commercial decision based upon experience. 7 mate will still draw a respectable veiwing and the ad space sold accordingly. MKR will eclipse the footy in numbers and sell its space for more. We're on Telly. Better than not.
  16. I am yes. Quite capable of finding it.
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