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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Byrone has no one but himself to blame for his present predicament. He also has the ability to solve it. Its down to him. I would hardly call the amazing patience this club has shown him as being "unfair ".
  2. Bruce... I genuinely am. Cant wait for things to start happening. If we get a coach we need, some good picks in the draft it wil lbe a different Dees to take the field next year TFFT !!! :D
  3. I can tell you pretty much that should Sheedy come to Melbourne. it wil be because he wants to , more than the other way around. If he came you can bet his heart and passion would be in it. Yep thats right...Sheeds has no idea of the modern game !!...excuse me whilst i fall around in convulsive laughter. some observers really havent been paying attention to the modern game.. .. Is 2000 recent enough for some ?? and even this year with his share of injuries he's likely to take a team into the finals. He's go no idea at all !!! lol
  4. Theres a phenomenom called the Peter Principle. In a nutshell it purports that people will rise to the level of their incompetence and then plateau. This is almost exactly what Miller has done. He has risen to the level of his ability......... and gone NO further. This is it folks !! Danners hasnt impacted on Miller in the manner of his ability.. Miller either had it or he didnt. I support the latter.
  5. couldnt we accidently turn up to Princess park.. forfeiting it !! lol
  6. would you have placed Rommel in charge of tank maintenace ??
  7. Good luck Kouta. A class player whose skills were a joy to watch. Shame you played for 'them' :-)
  8. where exactly DO they put the use by stamp? this is Soooo cliche without substance....are you age-phobic or something With his years comes experience.. Its unrivalled in the AFL . He doesnt have to kick the bloody thing. the words Young and experienced are often contra to each other... you want experience.. again...read carefully....SHEEDY !!
  9. maybe you CAN soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys !!! Onya Jonesy
  10. If Sheedy was on offer...id take him in a heartbeat, or quicker if possible :-) He can come with all his Martian and Seagull paraphanalia too !! lol
  11. the more I think about it...the more Id rather Sheeds than Voss ( Id take Voss..if on offer though ) Sheedy is just the comensurate package. No player is ever going to pul the wool over his eyes!! lol.
  12. does this not enforce the argument say for someone like Sheeds to come in. If he and Paul were to nut thigns out with say a 5 year plan.. this would encompass everything that goes towards being a REAL football club these days in the realm of the Football dept. If Sheeds doesnt kknow how a slick operation runs then there really isnt ever a hope for us. There would be no miracles overnight. it would take a yer or two to complete the weeding, whilst moulding a very business like tough/winning style team. No room for passengers, none for egos, none for personal agendas etc. Just one purpose.To play hard and win. Id say to Kev...here mate..yo uhave 5 years, we dont necessarily expect you to want to be there after that. But you can groom your successor all the whiles. Its not only a team we need to rebuild, its a whole philosohy and mentality as a club. Given its heritage and a respect for the club as an icon this might just appeal to Sheeds. He doesnt need to prove to anyone he can coach, so whats the next level ? Not just a team, build a club !!
  13. might not be such a concern now....seems the Blues are actually trying to win...lol
  14. damn...thought for a moment you made Sheeds coach !!! d'oh !!
  15. The simple answer is.. what is it worth to the team to finish at X... or at Y ? Finishing 2nd last may give us the drafting of a future Ruck. We need that, what do we get by winning all if any of the remaining games? SFA !! This is a buisness. Take all the rosey world crap out of it and look at it from the cold hard position of effectiveness. Strangely enough if you took a literal Rosey standpoint, youd prune til hardly anythign was recognisable. Yould get rid of all read would and 'petals" and we have a few petals. Players that look good on a good day but fail to keep up the rest of the time. I personally have no problem with tanking. Its a ploy. Its a method of getting what you need, Its actually a plan. Demetriou has a vested interet in aying he wouldnt do it.. The AFL dont want any dilutoin of the public impression. Thats what the AFL market. it would apparently damage their pristine product if it were a\in any way a legit M.O. ( unlike the drug controversy etc..lol ) Its dog eat dog. MFC do what ever it takes to make MFC better...and f**k the rest !!
  16. Whats teh League record ?? stay tuned for the scores after this game !!!!! A perfectly designed and crafted machine....just not sure what to call it.. A Leopard, Sherman...Panzer ?? :-)) lol
  17. Theres a very good reason theres not much chatter about this weeks game...Its irrelevent !! The focus is on 2008...the focus is on the new team to go forward with, from the coach down. We arent going to make much of a difference to the table save one more delicious bite of the PIE !! :-=))
  18. ahhh ....Confucious say.....Sometimes you need to build the house you wish to live in. Not just move into one !! :-)
  19. Id agree....always safer having first choice...your choice than counting on things to fall your way. Kep in mind the Judd year was full of good options..and like options. this year it looks likely teh first two cabs off the rank are the two likely rucks. A sought after commodity
  20. hmmm i wonder if this isnt what Gazza had in mind all along when he suggested Sheedy ought to part with Essendon.. so he could come to us !!!!! :D
  21. be like the master and the apprentice !! only a fool wouldnt back Yoda !! :-)))
  22. well Pequot.. youre a brave one to voice that. Yes you will be berated. dont sweat it. Its a big world with room for more than one view point. Many will rehash the ol...do not ask what your club has done for you, ask what you have done for your club line . Ive never subscribed to it personally. Not these days..its business and they are competing for my money, time as well as loyalties. well the loyalty isnt up for grabs.. but he other two are. Having said that some of what you propse does have merit. I reckon you wouldnt be the only one to returnfromthe woodwork should someone of Sheeds ilk take the reigns. Many people want to invest their energies into somethign that will return them enjoyment. A decently chosen , prepared and instilled Melbourne team would do that. win or lose they would be competitive. Thats sufficient for the most part. Though many question his sanity...no one can argue he doesnt know what he's doing. Quite frankly ...grabbing Sheeds is hardly a punt.. bit like backing the favourite in a two horse race.. you could stil lose.. but the odds are in your favour!! and that my friends is something we havent had for a very long while....43 years I'd suggest!! :-)
  23. yep...he got some infuriating preoccupations hasnt he !! hmm Sheedy ..4 cups !! all Melb coaches in that time...umm....NONE !!! if Sheeds comes...he can do what he likes !! IT WORKS !!
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