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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. west coast will accept Carltons offer in the end.. after all its not too shabby.. its all hot air.. its far better than most can offer.. WCE like CFC are full of sh!t !! all bluff and bravado..
  2. Team by its very meaning means a composite of like minded constiuents with a similar cause and agenda..Hence team Melbourne. Those making up the "team' dont need to be Teams in their own right. others involved are latobe Uni.. Melbourne tourism, Metlink.. sport and rec victoria...and more.. its more of a family of like mindeds than a group of teams..They FORM the team
  3. On a positive note.. he's going to seriously impact their manouvrability re other players and upcoming players as they want more of the pie. c.c. AFL...watch these bastards !!!
  4. I wonder if he realises that just as quickly as they will roll out the red carpet ( doesnt show stains...see coming .. ) that there will be others poised to back stab him if his presence doesnt eventuate in instant gratification and a cup.
  5. wonder if Chris has heard the old adage : "All that glitters is not gold !! " ???
  6. Team Melbourne as correctly alluded by others does not ( nor hopefully ever will ) contain the foundation constituent members, being : Melbourne Football Club Melbourne Storm Melbourne Racing Club Melbourne Tigers Netball Victoria franchise to be called..Melbourne "somethings"..lol Go somethings !!
  7. well we can only hope its a Channel 7 game huh!!! lol
  8. I dont know about anyone else but I find the whole thing somewhere between surreal and hilarious !! for some reason it reminds me of "The emperors new clothes " ...lol
  9. just a quickie Andy....can we please have the Bluescum for first round 08 ?? pretty please :D
  10. Cant wait for the first game agaisnt the bluebaggers.. bring it on !!!
  11. now he'll achieve one more thing ......MEDIOCRITY !! coz for all their shanangans... Carlton judds arent good enough !!! :D
  12. well isnt this interesting I wish Chris Judd the future he deserves ...... and may the kharma faeries visit you often. To have gone to the Filth I might have understood begrudgingly, but Carlton !! Chris Judd ....words fail. We wil enjoy watching your progress ( or lack of ) in the minor eight as we contest finals !! To think youve made a deal with the devil when you could have had DEMONS !! well thats enough words wasted on that . lets move on shall we Judd = Joke
  13. umm..yeah..he did mocker that "other " deal huh !! lol and we did bottom out.. just had the Toiges to sit on to soften it !! :D
  14. History shows us the best picks of upcoming talent are roughly 1 through 5. Some smokeys are around but they will defy the convention in every which way. To use an early pick on existing talent warrants someone of Judds calibre..and nothing less. There are very few existing players worthy of forfeiting that early pick. Picks in the lower half of round one may get decent value of exisitng player as the real gems of draft are already gone and your now choosing between an exisitng player of semi known stature ( and potential ) or an upcomer of guesstimate value.
  15. A few players are in for a rude shock..... tfft !!! at last time to earn the sheckles lads !!
  16. Judd not coming to us is not about money...well not ours at least!! If Judd was on offer .youcan beleive we would have signed him. Common sense dictates that. But alas it would seem in the great scheme ( or scheming ) of things.. he was never really going to be a choice. We will survive with our without Judd. he's good..but not the mesiah !!
  17. there is no one at Collingwood worth a #4
  18. they are alive for it would seem they were always the intended !! they can easily use all of their salary cap. Paying Juddas wouldnt stretch them much
  19. Bub's new rule #3 : Collingwood are the enemy, we dont aid nor abet the enemy.
  20. Personally...neither are worth the effort. Connors is just doing his mercenary best and Judd his best mercenary. Seems Judd has shown himself unworthy of wearing the Jumper he coveted as a kid. His loss, not ours !!
  21. good to see the club didnt budge from original offer.. thats a good sign. We may be learning after all. Good to see Robbo had some sense about him...now get fit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Halloween isnt that far away ...lol
  22. Firstly .. I dont think teh Filth will giving up anything like we were going to in order to secure Judd...thats if they get him. Secondly....theres no one at Collingwood Id want... why buy store bought when you can home grow far better
  23. hopefully its that little scent of mennace that might have a few complacent ones just a little unsettled and the younger ones keen!! The playing fileds's been releveled and the goal posts shifted !! :D roll on 2008
  24. what makes you believe we didnt have the money ?
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