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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. exactly...he's seen one club and apparently its all over.. ***sigh*** things to keep in mind The Media has to write things to justify their existance The Media write on page 1....retract on page 78 ...if they bother !! The media get it right ...ooh about... ...whats 3/5 of 2/3 of FA !!! Anything which has the slightest morsel of relevance will be offered up as " Dead SET Certainty!!! " the Media writes X on Monday Y on Tuesday...Z on wed,... denies X on thursday and changes Z the next day !! Only Judd knows anything.. alll else is suposition!!
  2. What could be argued as stupid was to not ensure Melbourne went into teh trade scenario better placed. Just for a moment imagine if Carlton didnt have the picks they have right now in the Judd context !!!!
  3. aaaaargh h!!! pmsl :D Oh I luuuuurv a good conspiracy !!! I think it was just more his ineptitude to sum up the situation properly and collude WITHIN Melbourne ranks to assure us of a better pick. Carlton lucked out in the first place, whether they do a second time is anyones guess...and more the point, NOT our problem any more
  4. Keep in mind Judd is more likely to make more money in property than he ever does in footy !! Assistance and mentoring in this area might interet him more This is NOT just about footy!!!!
  5. You sense that Judd is lookig for a new direction, some real satisfaction and excitement in his playing. Money is not the issue. medical care may come into it. I think MFC is quite well heeled in medical contacts. I too think that if the club can get Gardner Bailey and Connolly together with say Lyon etc in a room with Judd and showcase the club going forward, well.. it would be like a dream come true for a kid who 's blood is really red and blue . He can deny it but you never lose sight of a team you grow up barracking for.. you just cant do it..lol Imagine coming into a team about to get serious and go places, remember our finishing poisition belies our real level !! Go Bailey GO !!!!!!
  6. 50-60 ( really 50/50 ) With a little luck as the song goes we might snag him. He says he has no preferences ( at moment ) out of the four ... I take this in the same way that he really didnt think he made up his mind to come home til the last few months..!! Who ya kidding Juddy ?? lol.. You made up your mind 2 years ago.. just took a while to settle in your mind so as to rationalise it. The heart was already swayed. Maybe too he holds a torch for good ol Melbourne, but needs to rationalise it to himslef, so wil go though all the gobbledy [censored] until he's comfortable wearing that red and blue #3 It all just comes down to where he wants to be. I think his heart has already decided, just need his head to follow !!
  7. Tallstuey , you will be probably in the minority here thinking it would be better if Riley remained. He represents a failed era. Your entitled to your opinion of course, dont expect much in the way of support.
  8. Back to the original theme here. I dont believe Essendon are even on the same page as us. Reading such items as http://realfooty.com.au/news/news/lloyd-ju...9881514530.html you get the idea they arent prepared to really offer that much,and whilst WCE arent driving this buggy they are in the loop. This cant excite anyone. GOOD !! The thing is essendon arent really prepared to offer anything that the Eagles cant find in their backyard for nothing!!
  9. Absolutely. The smart money is on whatever falls our way. Linton Ave is a rabble..has been for decades and a good reason many talented players have . They are fed up with e bullsh!t that goes on there. if it wasnt true it would be written by a comedy scriptwriter!! certainly the main game is Judd.. but the wary will have all eys peeled for others !! spot on QC
  10. Youre not alone in this view. Garry has to be very careful what he says and does as he is under the scope. This mans heart is redder and bluer than many a person's. I am sure he does whatever he can covertly and otherwise when not viewed as an interest conflict. I am sure that should CJ come to Melbourne that garry would personally present him with his new #3 jumper
  11. id like to thinkmany are feeling a bit nervous, especially those that have 'passengered " the last couple of years, not put in what they know they can. personally I hope some are sh!tting themselves.. Its called kharma !!!
  12. Lets see Gazza has offered up his first born... My ex would kill me.. so anyone else.. Jaded?? can you match ?lol ( just kidding folks )
  13. This the whole point. Whilst we know Judd is comoing to Vic..so many are building speculation on what WVE says or wants. they are NOT driving this baby !! they may not even be in the car if they dont play clever. The WCE dont necessarily need to get squat !! they are playing poker here...quite wellas it happens as everyone is already beleiving they are holding two pair. They have NADA!! The reality is they will get somethig simply because it will be prudent to deal and get it over and done with. But Stiff backbones could break tose bastrds into littel pieces. They have no bargaining powere really because they arent in control. They are passengers!!
  14. With all due respect....what a load of codwallop On the basis of ????? After footy...what does that mean ??????? We are just as much in the hunt as anyone !!! There are just as many wheelers and dealers that belong to the Melbourne world as anyone. Up until now many have laid dormant but aparently things are changing.. "Apparently" "secretly"...whats all this mumbo jumbo..please...talk facts and substance...or at least reasoned ideas, not hocus pocus
  15. Ive been having the same feeling...seems silly...and amtrying to keep a lid on it. But I cant help but get the vibe that "things are stirring " :-))))))))))
  16. wonder if he likes good reds , fishing and surfing ??? lol :D :D
  17. why not ?? He plays footy because he enjoys it. hes going to be paid no matter where he is...so its not an issue. eventually you learn to do things in life that bring rewards to you, not the bank balance
  18. The thing to remember about all the trade sh!t..is this is only what WCE wants.. in reality it has no impact on Judds decision. In order Judd decides where he wants to go Clubs sort it out!! not other way round.. Eagles are playing a clever bluff..thats all it is !!
  19. Of course he cares about his finacial situation...he's not a NONG !! lol. he seems to care for other things greater.. he's a greeny...that COSTS money !! So here's aman who has his priorities all sorted out. . The monies on offer wil be similar form all clubs.. but Im not sure if that even matters to him. Quite possibly the ability to be part of developments outside of the normal arean may indeed appeal. And Melbourne has enough Coterie already looking ointo this apparently. Judd is already looking beyond footy. His seems acutely aware of his place in the great scheme of things, his personal life, his family, his home etc. Gecko would fail with this man.. greed is not good for him !! lol He seems aware of the things he can do that impact.. green your house, green your car,, surround by family..etc etc etc... It wil not have esaped him that he would IMPACT the MFC. I wont be surprised if he opts for us !!
  20. I ask you ....what self respecting Demon supporter is ever going to willingly play for the Filth ????
  21. see my post elsewhere.. Money is irrelevant in all this. He wil get similar where ever. The forces of caps etc conspire to do this. . External opportunities may have influence. He's into development etc. So "opportunites' may be of interest to him. Its more about where he wants to go
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