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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. ya think !!!!! lol...apparently this http://www.worldwar2aces.com/panzerlied.mp3 is the new West Coast song !!
  2. In the very same manner playing the game does NOT necessarily set you up as a coach. You might be able to play , but have no nouse come emparting that to others. And so just having played in our beloved guernsey means nothing really come time to select a CEO. Many make the mistake of confusing passion for a club with ability. You MAY have both but the former doesnt guarantee the latter. We want a good CEO..a damn good one..whoever he or she is..Thats right..why couldnt it be a woman ?? They manage corporations and countries just fine.. a little ol messpot of a footy club ought not be beyond scope !! What Im saying..is we want the the BEST person.. doesnt matter who, where or why..just that they can and will do the job well. We want/need results...not another at the bar swapping ol match day memories !!
  3. thankyou !!
  4. Go back a little further on days when North was on at Arden St.. Dees at G and Tiges next door...it was hanging on to open door Red Rattlers. Trains today are nothing by comparison for resaon you suggest..its mainly dispersed !!
  5. so you ought to be.. Dude !! again. .He has weeknesses in his body..he may wewl be addressing them but that in itself assures noting that it wil measure up. Let me restate for you..and others incapble of reading the line ..as in post 13."Pretty well makes this next preseason make or break" If he cant get through a preseason.. his value is nought !! DUDE !!
  6. I dont think any which way you jig it that much can be drawn egarding success or failure , other than on the field, at the NRL. Its a closed shop living inan artificial environment. If it wasn't the pet project of the Nine network in cahoots with News it wouldnt exist at all. The ghost of Kerry survives for the moment.. Running an NRL club is tantamount to paper pushing in comparison to the AFL. I think we would be better to look at more accountable environments to garner our next Chief.
  7. as per post 13
  8. especially with Jimma waving his scraf around suggesting we ought to win, despite the cost ( his words..not mine ) !!..My MY MY..I suppose he has to,. my ...my...myopia !!!
  9. Absolutely correct..cant quite get why anyones thinkig otherwise.
  10. Strangely enough..yes I did read it..and I am quite capable of deducing what its really saying other than what some might think it says. Again.. he hasnt a body capable of week in week out sustained performance at the elite level. Can you get you head around that ?? He may play well here and there...oh..goody !! I get all chubby about that !! ffs !! He knows that he's battling to get it right, with no assurances..but thats OK..we'll just keep on shovelling money his way ..in the hope that he may get a few games togehter ..every now and then !! All the while someone else with better prospects and more able a body could be on the list developing. Can some people see that this is NOT how you want to run a team . You will have to manage some injuries for sure..but you want that to be a players status as the exception, not the norm !! We arent made of money at Melb..we have to extract every last morsel of ability and achievement out of a list for the money we have to throw at one. To do anything else is reckless and foolhardy.
  11. At the risk of seeming to start a bun fight..and its not.. just an observation ..the relationship with Sandy whilst very harmonious was very much a points win to the Zebbies. Almost as much as they succeeded, we languished. Possibly starting anew and looking long term we can all sit around a table so to speak and work out a system which more equally benefits both parties. Hopefully the fortunes of both parties with build.
  12. step by step http://www.cranbourneleader.com.au/article...9_csv_news.html Demons closer to having a sting in their tails !!
  13. AN Open question. Given the "specific " (if unknown ) views of Chairman Jim regarding the CEO's position what is likely to be the mandate under which the new incumbant will operate. What will he be expected to do and in what direction ? Its all a bit airy fairy at present really.
  14. Pretty well makes this next preseason make or break. Pointless perservering after that if he cant bring his "A" game to the match each week and we're not even broaching the subject of what ails him otherwise. If he cant add to the mix.. there'll be others who will.
  15. The article confirms for me the simple fact he's not equiped with a body suited for sustained elite football. The next step ought to be obvious.
  16. Yes... and being frank.. he's probaly in a position to be a little that way inclined. He doesnt mince words to much for sure
  17. What he said times three !! Richmond looking as well as the general climate doesnt help one iota..If ever the gift of the Blarney was needed its now !! For the right company we are a gold mine..seriously..depending upon standpoint and corporate vision we could be a fantastic 3-5 year vehicle. But where are these enlightened folk ??
  18. getting a bit clever arent we... punitive recourse !!
  19. if memory serves me correctly this is a name bandied about some time ago as a whisper.. I mean before PMac. i.e not the first time he has be associated with MFC as a potential...maybe a second bite of a cherry or similar
  20. for sure the positive aspect... we are actually learning bodes well me thinks ..
  21. The rest of the season is quite frankly just junk time for us. Best to get everyone fixed up and ready for a preseason .
  22. very much along the lines I was thinking.. maybe a tad less ..at say 20-25. The other thing is if we, again as a collective of MFC ,Scorps and Casey can drive this thing then we may just end up in the box seat come time for the AFL to annoint a defacto 'third' ground. whilst we as a club may not directly benefit in a cash way from other teams playing there it all goes to why anyone would spend money on it..As the defacto home team...it then works in our favour
  23. I can possibly see attndances going up as more Melb folk become familair with the place and adopt it (CF )
  24. I too understand where youre comig from but I sense the reality will be we ( as a collective ) will need toprove the real 'need" for extra seating by cramming the place all but !! and on more than one occasion otherwise the arguments will come that its the exception rather than the rule. Once the powers that be ( whomever) see a futiure in teh ground then the extensions will come, not the other way around.
  25. Good thinking 99 !!
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