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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Fox has his eyes on the Gold Coast Job
  2. Suzanna ...welcome to the fold. I was actually quite looking forward to attending last nights meeting..however other things cropped up..Such is life. Some from here did indeed attend ( im told) . Surely you dont expect masses to attend a council meeting wearing Melbourne jumpers ? I do agree , as mentioned earlier that altering the land parcel component did indeed make it all much more palatable. In politics you can always find some sort of rationale to discredit any ideas put forward.. If yo were to say all applied achievement were inexorably connected then any one doing something is at the expense of someone else. That is simply a falacious argument and is never supported by intelligent thought. Having said that ..lets not confuse intelligent thought with a lot of councillors !! lol. The notice of recission is simply the act of a ratbag partisan who simply has an axe to grind...or preselection committees to impress.Serves no purpose other than to [censored] people off. People losing homes is never palatable...but ultimately its their business. Why that in iteself should disuade a forward thnking council from instituting a program and coopertaive aggreement that has other far reaching comunity benefits is anyones guess.
  3. Well..without doubt we are going to see one very busy trade week this year. With 'meat market' aspects and te impetus to shore up picks its goingto be busy busy busy. I dont understand why so many are keen to offer up 17..Id be using 19. Jamar may well offer value elsewhere..hell..give some lucky team a two-for with Meeson packaged in as well..lol If we do get Warnock..Jamar is compromised..tosay nothig of his very average awarenes etc. A Davey duo ....Davey ...to Davey....to Auusssssiiieeeeee !!.. would be exciting I can only imagine Sylvia is alread on trade lists. Well bring it on...come on down trade week Going to be very interesting to see who lines up in red and blue next year
  4. I suspect the changing of tac away from the land parcel is actually what got us over the line as it was this area that McIntyre and such were lobbying against... This removed, they had no real firepower. Any money poured into the development by Casey still stayed in Casey really.
  5. RD..Im very much with you on this...its just a total crock ...all this they have to travel more. Totally depends on where they are. We all have to travel 'some; distance to get to work...what makes any of these lads exempt ?..All just part of the job. Maybe if getting to training is a bit hard for some... then could someone be so kind as to show them the door !!
  6. well....thats ...quite...remarkable...
  7. never so happy to be wrong !! :D
  8. Youre absolutely spot on Mickrocks..the Interest is a killer. Get rid of a lot of that and al lof a sudden even the same revenue stream gets much hightened results.
  9. I have nothing but a gut feeling.. but kept coming up with 1 and 3/4 ..for some reason.. Lets see how we go.. Its a very magnaminous gesture by so many. Thanks (as a common garden variety )
  10. Strange that anyone would work at that level where he could be out the door tomorrow with nothing !! Whether its true or not..I personally find it hard to swallow that there was no 'handshake" fee attached
  11. Given that a training base has been a bug bear for years..its not too shabby.. Also the longer term/bigger picture is good.
  12. NO Not interested in any Collingwood rejects thankyou
  13. again ..sorry cant make it after all.. but other responsibilites call. To anyone going.. can you take care to listen regarding any ancillary motions or items that may effect ..not just the actual motionitslef. I.e. Transport ..any other infrastructure or community projects. often the devil is in teh detail..and it may not be obvious thanks >:~)) Bbub
  14. A boutique style arena can be embellished in stages. We only need be able to seat 7 1/2 to ten with others around ground in old fashioned way to be viable.. Can build more seats as time /need warrants. No definite location has been decidd upon for station.. but any which way 500m is nothig to walk..is closer than G to Richmond !! Yes..the Sainters do seem seem to have shot themselves in both feet hey !! lol..Go Scorps !!:D
  15. NO
  16. Quite pathetic really..get him in the chair and its all airey fairy..nicey nicey...Only caro wanted to venture anywhere near serious questioning..and people have a go at her...sheesh!! Possibly somehting in this. Youd think it only nudges one way or other as opposed to deciding it. Its very easy for us all to get a little carried away with this as it appeals immensley. However...we seem to be the only ones who are remotely pushing this idea. Lo and behold even Vlad broaches the subject..all after his annointing of our new pres.. Good job I dont subscribe to conspiracies !!
  17. It all stems from what occurs between his ears.. ...youd think he'd understand the impetus of that by now. He's being paid to be a professional..maybe he ought to carry himslef like one. Its no tharder than that Im affraid. It wont work the other way around. He has no motive within himslef it seems to be the player he could be. After all this time I doubt he ever will be. His problem, our cost..time to move on from him.
  18. I never got the impression the previous board had any other intention.. This is a Connolly dream... ( and a good one I might add) All we're seeing is further progresion I would suggest...not any real change in tact.
  19. What is actually quite interesting about the whole thing..is this is esentially the first time in the club's long and ( mostly ) illustrious history that it will have any ties..or relevance to any locality ..quite astounding really
  20. Casey Whispers..I'll just direct your attention to over >>>> http://demonland.ugbox.net/forum/index.php...mp;#entry170577 cheers
  21. Probably the most interesting aspect..almost glossed over was when asked about the Dees move (eventual) to Bubbledome. He was non committal to this. A strange comment really if we're definitely going and its only a few signatures on a few bits of paper holding it up ?? Possibly unecessarily reading between lines..but when your pres says very little of definite content one is forced to extrapolate by looking at what he 'doesnt' say!!
  22. I take it that 2.1 is the total revised works including moneys allocated for parking areas and such and the reallocation of investment by the council from land to construction?
  23. SO again..what we have is a situation where probably in haste we've dumped a CEO with no real replacement within cooee <_<
  24. More likley he sees a greater and more lucrative personal future up north...who can blame him
  25. In all honesty just reiterated all he's said to date..in his smooth charming brogue !! :D Nothing new from what I heard.
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