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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. If there's a particular concern about this game for mine it's that whilst the Bombers are a bit all over the shop they have some pace and they WILL run both ways. Danger game. Lose this....????
  2. Hence...the club doesn't understand it...or we'd bloody well get some ( real leadership ) I agree...our biggest consistency.
  3. I'm not convinced we understand why we're losing. That is.. the club...that is. the FD. Will be enlightening this Friday...one way or another
  4. Two things that help anything grow. Discuss with all concerned what is going wrong and why and if required by whom. Discuss with all concerned what is going right, and why. Emphasize with training that which is working. Again... important for all to know what's being done wrong
  5. If you don't take the time to understand the how and why you fail, you will surely continue to do so. Must be running out of room under that carpet.
  6. Funnily enough even if we win...it's a nothingness really.... because they are. If we lose....cor blimey give... we're ruted !!
  7. You can....but only for a short while after posting. ..maybe 5 mins You can't delete. Why... dunno...not my place Edit edit edit And... again lol
  8. We could use Jeffy. We can use him for two good reasons in my view One ...on his day is incredibly talented and hits the scoreboard. Two .. He tends to play his own game. For mine that's a plus as currently 'our game' is putrid. Go Jeffy.
  9. Maybe it's just me...I couldn't care less Leadership at Melbourne is either incredibly misunderstood as a value...or irrelevant.
  10. Relax ... We've got this. ( Not sure what 'this' is ?)
  11. Terry...Captain Obvious ....Wallace Be so much nicer if he was just wrong.
  12. Our home game They can wear pajamas.
  13. I didn't say he couldn't be a good player. What I said is we don't provide a logical role to suit We don't play him ( and others to their strengths ) He won't bloom at Melbourne currently. He might elsewhere...hence a value to other clubs ( Hint...we aren't that clever presently )
  14. Why...they'll be bankrupt in 3 or so years. Very poor management... unable to produce cars ..being outpaced by..... Well.. Jaguar has the fastest E car presently Elon's. Well.....a bit weird.. eccentrically clever....great charisma...but ...odd.
  15. When WILL you ? (panic) Was it that expected....the pundits thought not !! Agree...not recognising the Prelim was our foundering moment is foolhardy....but that's us get
  16. The public are fascinated by train wrecks....
  17. A lot of folk clasping at straws to keep their hopes alive for 2019. I get it. Failure is distasteful. I find it interesting that we were crap. Then...Jackson and Roos come to the club...it turns around. Jackson and Roos gone....... ?
  18. The more I think about it...the more it makes sense to trade him. Why. He is a square peg in a round hole at Melbourne. (Not alone ) He has lots of faults/many attributes but in the end he's played out of position and probably told to adhere to dysfunctional team direction. Other clubs might see value.
  19. It's surprising considering the rules have changed...that others have found us out and short on smarts. It's surprising as the game does change yet we're stuck in the mud (mire) and yet...not so surprising. We're wasting some talented players by telling them to play dumb football.
  20. Footy is not nearly as complicated as some seem to think. It's not , or shouldn't be as hard , as we create it for ourselves. We're stubborn in our approach so situations which ought to be playable to advantage become wasted because we overcomplicate a very straightforward thing...forward 50 entries. We also have f all idea about a workable efficient forward setup. Strangely...a notion totally ignored by our current brains trust is that skill will get you scores. We try to push it through the scoring pathway as if that in itself is a real method. Melbourne...the British bulldogs of footy Constantly outsmarted by cleverer coaching. Simon...you need to learn from those you compete against...they're beating you.
  21. Here in lays a problem of understanding. ( Not you...just overall ) Outside players DON'T need to be actually contesting the hard ball. They do need to apply pressure. We are far too one dimensional. Our Achilles heel.
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