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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Is that the bit about Neeld supposed phoning a particular player with a "please explain" ?
  2. as do players !!
  3. Seems im wrong , the sky apparently is falling!! well according to many here it is and already the knives are out snd the blame game's in full swing. Have some of you guys got any nerve ? Can you stand the heat of the forge ? The way some here drop their bundle at the slightest sign of hatdship makes me wonder if brown cords ought not be offiial uniform of demons !!!
  4. Im looking to the end of seasons trade and draft circus to deliver something which is possibly a little bit more abstract than simply the addition of new talent, new blood. I see it as a homolagaton of sorts in respect to the type of players required by Neeld to carry out his vision for a game style. Obviously there are glaring holes in our current crop. Often its viewed that the addition of new talent is a top up of some exisitng ability. OUr 'ability' is especially dodgy at present. Theres no consistency through the cattle. Indeed were they actual cattle there'd be more thana handful looking to grace a dinner table or two. So I ask.....why wont the purging of inadequacy be our Salvation ? I concede theres no guarantee ever that any pick will deliver but theybe picks out of the new regime, not legacy lethargic hangers on.
  5. Hope we can be a little more urgent with a result !!!
  6. i would think it very much does. How so not?
  7. Heads up.... this isnt failure.... Its a beginning. A long road ahead...but its ahead.
  8. Apparently the sky is falling. Oh dear, oh my. Breaking News... This Season is a WRITE OFF !! other than drafting its irrelevant where we finish. Time to pension off the non-performing once-was-senior players together with any other "I dont really want to be at Melbourne" types and build a team. 18th... (or last ) ..Been there done that. Hardly the end of times folks. Good for list management I say B)
  9. Dunn plays very well , in the main , at VFL level.. Thats his real home
  10. Dunn....words fail !! stuffed up...opportunity to make amends....stuffs up .. Says everything
  11. looky looky at that ...Coast to Coast ...Thats football. !!! ))
  12. Someone paint some glue on Watt's mitts please *sigh*
  13. Ive been a stalwart supporter for Watts since the start...and I still think he will get there, but im becoming impatient. Iquite frankly just dont understand why he hasnt come on..and wheren he shows signs slips backwards...time and time again. But I will persever with my faith with him..He does have something. having said that. Nick Nat has proved a far greater pickup for WCE than Jack has been for us. Simple as
  14. ............................................................yeah !!!
  15. BD above hits a sound note with the idea there seems to be sime current sport amongst media to have a nice big go at us. Maybe we're 0a bit touchy as partial reality is they ( the media hacks)will fing someone/anyone to write about and give work and self import tothemselves. It just happens we're flavour of the month(s) Then again we are our own worst enemey at times with providing them with a truck load of subjects upon which to write. Having said that very little of what theyCHOOSE to concern themsleves with actually goes to the core of why we're on Struggle St at the moment. But you know how it goes, Never let the Truth get in the way of a good story. Walls fancies himself as a bit of a Sage..a bit of a Football Intellectual....a braggart. His attitude of I Speak therefore Im right is in actuality quite comical as really his comments belong on a Cornflake Packet !! And ...btw. Walls.. The club didnt over react...if anything it was SLOW to react... But youd be to slow to understand that.
  16. I somehow dont think we'll be waiting til Oct to gauge how Neelds views such things !!
  17. Lets paint the fuller picture then shall we. Manager to Client... "Well... hows it going? Happy with where you are and how you see yourself in 'their' grand scheme? " Clinet..." Well.... its not all Roses mate, place is all different and im not sure im their poster boy any more. Might be harder to get a gig and Im not getting any younger" Mangager..." You want to pursue a new contract at Melbourne, finish up there, or shall we have a look around ?" Client..." Maybe have a look around then" Here we need to understand , yes a manager has a job to do. But its at the behest and instruction of his client. If Moloney wasnt thinking about it, there would be no shopping around.
  18. I think you may very well be on the money here. Maybe not all but certainly the old adage.. old dogs..new tricks comes to mind. Ive a feeling theat Neeld knows he is building a team , in his image, not quite from scratch but not far off it. There WILL be some players all but ready to go from the existing bunch. Also a handful open and able to learn and so be added to the new-team going forward and then theres the dead weights.
  19. funny.... hes PLAYING like he has !!
  20. I certainly harbour no anger. I am however bemused We would all do well to recognise the procedure here. . Player gets manager to suss out market. Manager words up media to fuel fire. . Some people have kittens and some fall about laughing. All the whiles its a defletion game away from whats really happening and that is quite simply in Beamers case hes struggling to adapt and step into a role that Neeld sees for him.. Weve all seen this at our various workplaces. That person whos starting to lose their shine, starts looking for others or things toblame...starts looking for another job before the powers that be find out what theyve stuffed up etc. I am however curious as to the logic when applied to an in-the-publics-eye type player. His doing-well or failure is all there tobe seen. So again drag in thePR spin ( via manager-media) to gloss over things. My first option would be to have Beamers tenacity and ( lauded) love of the club resonate to a result whereby he plays a high level contributing game with consistency. That would be great.. Second option. Do a deal to exact compensation etc.. A word of encouragement to Beamer. Lad, the success you seek is not from afar it is from within. Look to yourself and the rest will follow.
  21. Wasnt it Beamer who was castigating, filthy on Brock for wanting to seek greener pastures ? The reality is the environment inwhichplayers seek to earn a crust is about to change dramatically with free-agency. Some will go, some will stay and others will arrive. The grass will still be green and the sun will still rise and we all soldier on regardless. Its a profession, its their jobs and they can do what they like ( within reason ) Id like to keep the Russian.. Id like to get decent compensation for Moloney...Id also like to win Lotto. Life can be disappointing sometimes..lol
  22. So its OK for Collingwood to make deals but not us ???
  23. Yep...here we go again. A player with big tickets on self wanting to hold a gun to the club. What we really have is a player unable to live upto expectations and being found short on adaption. Played well ( by comparison ) in a poorly performing outfit with little direction but struggles when new lines are drawn. Solution , make out its the club and declare a hunger for success ( elsewhere) all the whiles attempting to disuise own shortcomings. "its them, not me " Ill give Beamer credit for the nouse to know his mediocre returns this year would only be exposed further with others coming and developing intothte team in 2013. Good luck Brent. Thanks for the better days and dont bother closing the door as others will be rushing to fill that seat. Lets just hope the Club is wiser and smarter for all its caving-in in the past
  24. Railroaded ? maybe nudged to step up to the plate and man up to his stuff up...possibly. But you stuff up..you wear it !! surely
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