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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. The Queen song (Radio Goo Goo) isn't a masterpiece but Freddie's captivation of a packed out Wembley Stadium is as good as I have seen. I love it more for the theatre than the song itself.
  2. I would have liked to see Neil Daniher get the vote. Perhaps Michelle Payne if he missed. David Morrison what a joke. Unfortunately the award is now about as meaningful as Jobe's Brownlow.
  3. I wouldn't mind pummeling a few teams either.
  4. I'm going for live music The greatest duet since Sonny and Cher https://youtu.be/qiTVzUz3i40 The greatest live performance https://youtu.be/0omja1ivpx0
  5. We were in such a bad state we needed a big name coach. Anyone else would just be more of the same and the Jack Watts of the world could keep blaming the player development. We got the best coach and Jack Watt's is coming on nicely, we have the rising star, and 2016 is the year of the demon.
  6. I love a troubled genius. Ablett snr and Carey come to mind.
  7. I love Daniher and wish we could go back to his attacking days but a currently listed player told me the kick out/in strategy in that era was to kick it to a stationary player to combat the opposition zone. Probably less effective than kicking it long to Jamar on the boundary line. Definitely less effective than just bombing it to Hogan who has Kent and Garlett running by him.
  8. You don't get injuries playing on your playstation. You also don't become an elite footballer. We want to draft competetives beasts. They will always do physical activities in their down time.
  9. Just Collingwood footballers. I hate them victim blaming or not.
  10. EH - are you asking me to provide evidence on the experts predictions that keep getting it wrong? Or would you like evidence from a banker that will sell carbon credits? Perhaps you want a carbon credit union? Strike, strike strike.... Why are the greens and environmentalists opposed to planting more trees? That is Direct Action. I bold what I don't understand? Where did I say I don't wan't to decrease CO2?
  11. Ok. Are you taking points off Kurt for his heroin use? Because I think you will find Bowie wasn't a Saint. Everyone knows Major Tom's a junky.... I love Bowie so not gonna argue.
  12. Ocean acidification is not un-precedented. The ice sheets are melting in only one hemisphere (why do you ignore the other?); which is completely contradictory to global warming theory. That's half the planet. I love how you say "But why would things be melting in a climate that isn't warming? I am flummoxed!" 1) The climate changes and will always change are you surprised when the climate goes upwards in temperature? 2) See point 1
  13. I'm open minded and pro anything that is for the greater good of humanity or nature. If your selection criteria is based around your pre-conceived ideas on cannabis then perhaps you should take a look at yourself.
  14. I'm happy to be contradicted. Though I would argue one boat Abbot did stop was the leaky one...
  15. How are my views narrow? I said I am all for medical marijuana if it is the best available technology. Then I linked to a trial where a person died by just ingesting a pill of it. If anyone has narrow views it is the person that believes medical marijuana is great no-matter the evidence.
  16. The trial isn't going very well. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/french-volunteer-dies-in-cannabis-inspired-drug-trial/
  17. I wish it wasn't compulsory to pay the abc anything. Last night's interveiw just demonstrates the direction the public broadcaster has turned. Again.
  18. He didn't do a very good job. Still the only case I have ever seen with a not guilty vedict but penalties still applied.
  19. I'd like to know what the policy limit is. It would have already taken a battering.
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