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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. Comey is compromised. Is he part of the swamp? If Trump was being investigated in July it SHOULD have been advised to the public like Clinton's was. But this where it get's grubby. Why was Trump being monitored? We all know why Clinton was being investigated and i don't think anyone can impartially say she had a good reason to delete 30,000 emails from a private server then bleach them so they could never be recovered. I don't care if it was bleached slightly before a court order to release them. As a citizen i wouldn't get the benefit of the doubt if i did such a thing.
  2. Isn't it funny that everyone is getting hassled to put money in their account, like I was myself, then when I read on here Oliver was 50-1 most Brownlow votes for Melbourne this year I put money in and then they refused the majority of my bet. Been getting spam for years then I finally put the money and they are too scared to honour their own odds.
  3. I lost faith in the rules when Danny Green got awarded points over Mundine.
  4. I've been wondering where Bitter but Optimistic has been these last few days.
  5. I guess that's where i begin and end my agreement with the Russians. I was all for Tony Abbott and Putin coming to blows.
  6. The other thing is IF the Russian's were leaking (and they probably were): 1) What was leaked from the Podesta emails, although illegally obtained, is still accurate. 2) I'm guessing they have emails from Republicans too 3) Why do the Russian's back Trump? it's not like he is a stooge who can be bought. He could probably buy Russia.
  7. Completely agree Choke. We can all only hope for the truth but the problem is even if we got it, i doubt most of us would believe it. Who can you trust in all this? Certainly not Trump, the Clintons the CIA, the DOJ. James Comey looks an idiot at the moment but i probably trust him most. Even if we were staring at the truth we probably wouldn't know.
  8. I'd have a few ahead of Hogan but he would feature.
  9. Looks fair to me. Amazing Toby Greene is so good given he can only kick 35m. Would love to see a longest kick comp between him and Scully. If it was a list of forwards you would draft now in order now Hogan would be in the top few.
  10. It's a shame we're not in the GF because we could do some serious damage Good season girls. Hopefull the AFL allow us to keep most of our list together with their strange contract rules. Wonder how the girls mad monday went?
  11. My daughter will be wearing number 6 on her jumper this year. She has just turned 3 and loves Daisy. When we walk around the city she points her out on posters or walls and shouts with excitement if she comes on a tv advertisement. Make no mistake Daisy is a marketing weapon for Melbourne and a role model for a generation of young girls who love footy.
  12. Giving away the TV rights for free was a brilliant idea. The VRC wish they did that with racing decades ago. I do think the AFL should have negotiated to get more games on tv though for the free access. The AFLW has been a massive success. The players will rightfully be paid more in the future as the game proves it can sustain an audience. I'm very critical of the AFL on most things but they seem to have got the AFLW right. Every other womens sport in the country is in awe.
  13. The 3rd and problematic possibility is that a sitting president was "wire tapping" a potential political rival to his party without probable cause. As far as I can read into it, they had permission to investigate dealings with a Russian bank originally but then kept the tap going. But there is so much contradictory news on it I don't know what to believe. The funny thing is the more officials that come out and say Trump wasn't being "wire tapped" the more I believe he was. It is just so messy it is impossible to seperate fact from fiction. This works to Trump's advantage. I don't think it's a confirmation bias thing by me, I have plenty of that but admit it when it's there. He is at war with the media and the Government agencies and it takes two to Tango.
  14. I honestly don't get it. Trump is probably borderline insane but you cannot become President against all odds without some smarts. He doesn't drink so he is not just getting blind and tweeting rubbish. Something set him off. I honestly hope it was more than just right wing conspiracy news. And then there is FBI director James Comey who a week out from the election re-opens the Clinton case (it stinks) then shuts it down again days before the election. The damage was done. The same bloke now comes out and says they are investigating Russian links to Republicans in the alleged Russian hacking. Has Comey got look at me syndrome? He would want to have this one right because he is looking pretty silly at the moment.
  15. I didn't see it but Garland going down virtuall gurentees Smith a run round 1.
  16. It's not the k's that bother me i enjoy going to interstate games. I don't have 1 good memory from the ground. I was stuck outside in a line the day Juice Newton took a screamer in the first quater. Whelan showed great sportsmanship the day he broke Nathan Brown's leg but that wasn't a great memory. The place has no sole.
  17. I don't think he will play round 1 but barring injury he will debut this season.
  18. Joel Smith's tackle on Garland was something to behold. Garland has been a favourite of mine but it it was a very symbolic changing of the guard. Pretty much saying i've got you, as he ragdolled him over the line and was awarded a free for holding the ball.
  19. There were mid air tap ons as well. That's called show boating when you are losing. Hopefully we get the balance right.
  20. Garlett was moving freely so was Kent. One or both will play round 1.
  21. I'm not normally a negative person but I will hyperventilate next time Hogan is reported to go in for scans as well.
  22. Jack Watts was hitting them to the opposition.
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