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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. How is climate change falsifiable? You obviously still believe in it despite all the dud predictions.
  2. Nup. The differnce is the first case is falsifiable and the second is not. Any expert who deals in diagnosis or predictions that are not falsifiable are frauds.
  3. If an expert tells me the building is about to collapse i get out as well. If a field of experts tell me every building is at risk of fire, flood and cyclone then when one occurs claim it as evidence of their warning i will tell them it is a junk prediction.
  4. ProDee - you mustn't have got the memo. That's not how it works, you're not actually supposed to hold the predictions to account. The alarmist predictions create a headline then you just forget about it and when a naturally occuring event happens you claim that as evidence of climate change. Like the 2009 bushfires.
  5. Sorry the 2009 bushfire killed people you know. If you want to believe it was global warming that caused the fire thats fine. Logic says otherwise. Problem is you can't logic with someone who holds an opinion that wasn't formed with logic in the first place.
  6. Hey EH i have been for a swim recently on the great barrier reef and it was magnificent. On August 3, 1971 The Sydney Morning Herald predicited the great barrier reef would be dead in 6 months. It wasn't and any crazy prediction you believe now is likely to be on par with that for accuracy.
  7. Sounds like a hole lot of spin and and hoo ha to me. But maybe China will commit to reducing their carbon emissions stymie their economic growth and make America Great Again.
  8. China has agreed to push forward in not cutting its carbon emissions until beyond 2030?
  9. Bye bye Paris Agreement. Trump is bringing the climate change gravy train to a screaching halt.
  10. Trump has pulled out of the Paris Agreement. I don't care much for American politics but Climate Change is something i feel very strongly about. So thankful for Trump on this.Hopefully it has a domino effect and Australia comes to in senses and sees Climate Change for the Marxist con it is. Carbon Dioxide = Plant Food
  11. Dieter This thread is about the Manchester bombing. Like alot of recent terrorism the perpetrators did so in the name of Islam. You seem incapable of discussing Islam without bringing up Christianity. If you want to discuss George Pell, Catholicism, Christianity or white supremacy start a thread on it or find one that already exists and contribute to it.
  12. What has Christianity got to do with this thread about the Manchester bombing? About as much as Pauline Hanson I guess. Destract from the problem as much as you can. That is all you have got.
  13. Jeff Kennett spoke about this on SEN the other day as ambassador for Beyondblue. He said something along the lines of everybody being different but addiction, depression and anxiety can be an axis of evil entered to from any starting point but often transitions into a triangular cycle of all 3.
  14. Reckon Byron Picket had the wood on him until that final as well. Good time for the Wizard to even the ledger.
  15. I notice this thread hasn't been mentioned in the "Useful Insights" thread. Perhaps it's just an oversight?
  16. The Demonland Post Match threads usually have some good insights in them if you can get past whether O Mac played a good game or not.
  17. I was actually talking about Margaret Courts original comments on boycotting Quantas which I think was well within her rights and the PC police were hysterical. I didn't realise in the following days she had gone on to say something about lesbains being the work of the devil when I posted the above. I don't condone those comments and think she should rightly be criticised for them.
  18. I don't know I am in the other camp. I don't really know where I sit other than we should call out things for what they are ie. in this case Islamic Terrorism.
  19. This is the crux of the problem for mine. Most reasonable people would agree that there is a link between Islam and terrorism. It is only a very small minority of Muslims who use their religion as justification to kill. But there remains a link nonetheless. When Australia accepts Muslim refugees we are increasing our chance of terrorism in this country. It is unfair, however, to paint every Muslim as a potential terrorist for the actions of a very small few. I don't know that there is any fair or perfect way to deal with this problem.
  20. You say something politically incorrect like Margaret Court and you get crucified but actual hate speach by Muslim Clerics seems to fly under the radar and you are racist or islamphobic if you call it out.
  21. Biffen - You obviously don't watch Q & A on the unbiased ABC where we learnt during the week more people are killed by falling fridges than terrorism.
  22. A few calling for Wagner to be dropped. I wasn't at the game and only saw on tv but i thought he was far from our worst.
  23. I normally agree he milks them but i think he genuinely copped a few around the head and neck last night without ducking his head or dipping his knees.
  24. For mine it is not the age gap but the fact she was his teacher and the timing of the beginning of their relationship.
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