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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. There are obvious grammatical and spelling errors throughout the post. I apologise and din't know how to edit them with the new software.
  2. If we win the premiership, who would your loudest cheer be for when they accept their premiership medal? Jack Watts - the whipping boy, booded by the club that crucified him. a brilliant user of the ball and integral part of the team. The face of the dees and much loved around the club.. Max Gawn - our culture is apparently hopeless and he got caught by Neitz having a smoke on the way to training. Has since embraced a leadership role Neville Jetta - heart and soul and just about everyones favourite player Jack Viney -It annoys me when commentators say Joel Selwood is tough. Jack Viney is easily the toughest player in the league. Jayden Hunt- Expect Andre Macloed's grand final form. Norm Smith medalist Jordan Lewis- Premiership hero actively wanting tot\i come to Melbourne Nathan Jones -three best and fairets' and a leader. Could dictate the game. Oliver / Brayshaw / Petracca - watch out to the competition. Even Buklcey ' coach't coach them backwads,I expect I will be cheering Jaydnen Hunt but time will tell I'll pick Dom Tyson..
  3. I shivered throug it too. it should be preetty ficken obvious it was freezing cold. I am not pre disposed too evidence based , less exreme, or less frequent cyclones or cyclone activity. Any extreme weather specifically different from pre- industry agree with.the pre industrial revolution just like July wan't the warmenst on record in Melbourne unless you multiply it by 4, subtract the median and divide it again. The satellite data needs no adjustment and is accurate. Let's watch this figures closely.
  4. How does your tin foil hat cope with global warming? I froze through the warmest July on record. You must have been smoking hot with that head gear.
  5. that is not the quote I was referring too. There is nothing good nor bad, just thinking makes it so.
  6. So we go in Gawn - Viney, Oliver and Brayshaw.. that is a premiership midfield.
  7. This is the problem. He is a pure midfielder. In my (not so)humble opinion we play kids out of position who need to go in where they belong. it easier to get Nathan Jones or Bernie Vince to play off a back flank. Brayshay plays the frenetic game style Goodwin demands. Play Hin the midfield.
  8. One of the few logical posts in this thread. Am I 100% certain. Of course not, but what I have read makes man made warming based on co2 emmisions very difficult to believe. My mind is not made up on any topic let alone this. I will always change my mind when the facts dictate change.
  9. He can be a huge possession getter in VFL. I'm sure the first game he played for Casey I read on the Box Hill Hawks website he ruined the game by just getting the footy every time. His natural position is in the guts but it's hard to play him there with jones, Oliver and Viney taking up the majority of time. Brayshaw will take Jones' position and we will move Jones to a back flank like we did with Bernie Vince. He plays inside and out with a kick on him like a guided missile weapon. He plays finals.
  10. Normally people say let's agree to disagree. Not in this case. I didn't properly read the article I linked to. i agree I was wrong to conclude from that Spencer Street Socialist article. I'll always admit when i''m wrong. There is no shame in that, it is a sign of intelligence. At what point will you post your own argument from the 600 plus page document you cited? act 2, scene 2 includes my favourite line of Macbeth. You won't see me linking to the whole play to somehow try and validate a point. What is your point of posting a 600 + page article.
  11. I don't care if he is in this week or not. I saw what he did to Collingwood 2 years ago when we were hopeless. He can play and the fact he is on the extended bench this week means watch out every other club, we are heading to the finals and getting better every week.
  12. Did you read the 673 pages of the alarmist article you linked too?
  13. I'll pay you credit Hardtack because I would be ripping shreads through you if the shoe was on the other foot. I can't get a copy of the original piece written by the CSRIO. I've been caught out for not bothering to properly read the article I linked to.
  14. I just wrote an analogy about fighting unfairly and bought up Chris Lewis biting Todd Viney. Googled it to get my memory juices flowing and he only got 3 weeks. You could get more for. Jumper punch these days.
  15. The reason I am so confident I can tear apart any chapter is because both history and the facts are on my side. Rather than dodge around the issue choose a pertinent point, your favourite chapter or even a paragraph that you think makes sense. Post it and I will agree with it if there is any merit in it.
  16. Watch out I don't play fair. I bite like Chris Lewis and punch like Alex Rance.
  17. It's also hilarious I linked to The Age. I despise the Spencer Street Socialist. Unfortunately the CSRIO seem to have removed the prediction from their website. What Government funded scientific body should have to bother with transparency?
  18. Daniher ran "mini preseasons" before the finals to try and get a fitness advantage over the other clubs. That is fact.
  19. Roos can ask whatever he likes at the moment. Collingwood are desperate for a messiah (we've been there) and the AFL sanctioned Gold Coast are in trouble. open cheque book and just 3 more years. He and Tammy retire. Two clubs with unlimited budgets want him. Stranger things have happened.
  20. No they don't. Two of the greatest marks I have ever seen were by Reivolt and Jonathan Brown. Both flying with the direction of the ball with no regard for anyone's safety,let alone their own. When a player walks onto the field if they are considering duty of care it won't be an AFL field they are stepping on to.
  21. August 2003 and the CSRIO was warning by 2020 we may no longer have snow. http://www.theage.com.au/news/general/icons-under-threat-the-alps/2005/11/18/1132016933810.html Does anyone think the snow will vanish in the next 3 years or did our peak scientific body have it wrong? of course the BOM and CSRIO rely heavily on their climate change funding. No problem, no funding.
  22. 673 pages. Do you agree with it all like a sheep? Surely you have the smarts to be objective about some? which chapter do you agree with most strongly and why?
  23. Thanks mate I could read that one. It's 673 pages long and I don't have the time or energy to disect the lot. Which chapter do you think is the strongest argument for man made climate change? I'll happily and easily tell you why it is misleading.
  24. I'm not going to continue an argument based on an oversight on my behalf. Jones played, I didn't watch the game and still thought he was a week away from playing. my bad. Apologies.
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