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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. He was named on the team sheet but did he play? both he and Viney will build towards the finals.
  2. Sign Malcolm Blight on the back of a beer coaster. What could go wrong?
  3. Daniher did this in his later years (every second year of course). It makes even more sense now with the bye round before the finals. Run them into the ground and then get the week off, come in to the finals in peak fitness. Even if we haven't (and I suspect we have) increased our training workload in the last fortnight we have lost two interstate games that really didn't suit us. north knew how to play Blundstone arena with the wind factor, which is uncommon in football today. GWS - one of the only sides that could actually beat us in the finals had a lot go right for them and they only got us in a 15m burst. We will learn from that. The last team that smacked us like that in a short period was Gold Coast and Nathan Jones single handily got us back in the game. He's second up next week. BTW hope the umpires watch Gawn v mummy in the ruck more closely in the finals.
  4. EH the piece is too small for me to read. Perhaps because I am not a subscriber. Are any of the 13 different agencies using the un-adjusted satalite data?
  5. I'm taking that as some kind of riddle we are getting Lever.
  6. It's pretty simple if you are going to cut and paste from the spencer street socialist, at the very least choose an article that is half realistic, so given you are claiming that the science consensus has always preficttef for less rain I will count on you to laugh at everyone who calls the next heavy rain climate change. As for the CSRIO in the 90's they they predicted we would have bbo snow by 2020 Apparently July was 2.63'
  7. I haven't watched it so don't know if you are taking the [censored] or agreeing with me. I've got a wife and a young pre-schooled old girl. 4 is her favourite number because of Jack Watts. No way I could tell her we are watching red October on our shared tv. footy is easy I just say Collingwood will cry if the demons win and she sits on my knee waiting to sing the Melbourne song and watch Collingwood cry. We talk about culture at the footy club . It it runs deeper than that. It is organsisational culture, that us members, are an important part of, that need to collabirately rise as one. the reason I laugh at people who try and claim the missing heat is hiding in the deap ocean is because it is the only place on the planet where heat can't be measured and therefore it can't be proven wrong. It's like me saying we have discovered mermaids in the deap ocean, there are heaps of imaginary hypothesis on mermaids but not one has been spotted. Must be hiding in the deap ocean where we can't sea (intentional) them. it used to be the upper troposphere where the heat was "hiding" but technology has improved since those dud predictions and we can accurately measure the heat there now. Amazingly to some, who had staked their career and credibility on it there was no "hot spot"
  8. Wish the firey's all the best. Hope it is a good season for them. The lack of rain this winter can't have helped, unless the underscrub agrows less I guess.
  9. How many factual articles do we need to post about the data being fiddled to come up with these records? I haven't had to poor cold buckets on my car to melt the ice off the windscreen for decaseds and I've been doing it all July. Must just be the area I'm in that is colder than average. As for the rain. I thought excessive rain was a sign of global warming? You can't have it both ways. What pattern of rain fall would make you see the that climate change is a hoax? Heavy rain, drought, normal (you would have have to define the decade because it changes every decade). And thanks for posting a nice fluff piece from The Age who wont disclose their interest in Earth Hour and have an agenda on the topic.
  10. I like all the talk of him going to Collingwood. He can play in a backline that couldn't get a game at Melbourne. Or He can come to Melbourne that are heading the opposite direction up the ladder to Collingwood.
  11. Kobe Farmer will win a coleman before that happens.
  12. Disagree GWS have Mummy and Toby Green out. Coniglio played really well in his first game back but so do alot of our blokes then they dropped right off 2nd up. GWS form line is ordinary St Kilda wont worry us again, they went in red hot favourites last time and we have improved much than them since. They're tired and planning for next year. Tiim for them to start the players with little niggles out for surgery so they can do a full pre-season - This will be the game we boost our percentage. BL are playing for bottom spot. All heat has been on North, Bris can just slip under the radar Pies don't have the game plan to beat us. They're not fit enough and their midfield only runs one way. We will win all 4.
  13. Let's hope we play the drug cheats Grand Final day in a blizard.
  14. Kept hitting refresh thinking it would be fixed any second. Think I have repetitive strain injury in my right hand. Now I know how BBO feels.
  15. I still hate Collingwood despite all the changes.
  16. I'll give Collingwood a tip after watching Melbourne for the last 11 years. FIGJAM is not your major problem. Neither is recruiting. Culture, player development, fitness and cohesion are where you suck. The Queens birthday is like a grand final for Collingwood they probably should take every second gate receipt.
  17. Yeah I''m doubting myself now. When I watched it live I thought it was a full gone conclusion. in context he isn't really sure about anything.
  18. Good post except you forgot to mention Richmond are a real chance to finish 9th.
  19. If anyone said to me at the beginning of the year we were a top 4 chance at the end of July, I would have signed Goodwin for another 5 years.
  20. Very unfair of me to cherry pick now. But I would have thought Hunt was the steal of the draft.
  21. If Viney can turn his kicking around like Jones did they can be co-captains of the next team of the century. Amazingly Jetta will be in the leadership group despite never getting there as a player.
  22. Hopefully petrattack has a time and date stamp for you.
  23. Buy her some GF tickets for her birthday.
  24. Any other requests your royal highness?
  25. Saw him interviewed on one of the footy shows. They asked if he wanted to play with his brother. He doesn't have much of a poker face. I have no doubt he is coming.
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