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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. The BOM has been widely discredited. Their scientific method at weather stations has been proven corrupt and a year 8 science student could identify that. We could go over this again with very clear evidence, pictures that verify, refusals from the BOM to comply with basic FOI requests and a raft of other evidence but I assume you prefer to virtue signal and then pretend to yourself that others are denialists.
  2. Is this a light hearted post or are you serious? GLOBAL warming. It may have been cool in Perth but nationally it was blah blah. Implying Perth a state is irrelevant and then moving to a national average as if it is important when it is equally irrelevant is funny. How is the beats going in the UK? I only bring it up because you think the local weather patterns are significant.
  3. Stretch won’t get a game this year. With Viney and Tyson out he was given a go in the JLT. He won’t be a forward or back so he needs to make it in the centre or on the wing. He will be dropped next week and will have to improve his craft in the VFL. I hope he makes it but has a long way to go.
  4. How times have changed. No early draft pick saviours that need to come in round 1 and guide us back to premiership glory. Instead a mid to late draft pick who played with our affiliate vfl team, where we develop and look after kids, could come in and play a role round 1. Good luck Bailey Fritsch you have been provided an environment where you can excel.
  5. Obama was a lame duck president but i will never understand how he couldn't bring in gun control. just like I will never understand how Gillard couldn't bring in same sex marriage.
  6. That amazes me. But it is just glorified basketball. Strech won't get a game this year.
  7. It didn't suit Bugg tonight without all the bashing and crashing but he missed a few too many targets. It did suit Stretch who just didn't get enough of it. Probably shouldn't read any more into it than just a training drill.
  8. If it wasn't so sad I would have laughed at what Trump said. He Just turned another left wing argument on its head. The equally irrational left argument after another terrorist attack is... It wasn't another Islamic terrorist it was just a mental health problem. The unfortunate situation is, mental health or not, the Americans have a massive gun control problem and Islamic terrorism problem. On gun control they need baby steps. Don't deny the right to bare arms but make it more difficult and regulated.
  9. It shouldn't be that hard to work out. The source is so important to the left wing preachers but the content is bordering on irrelevant. That's why it's important the quote came from the age and not Briebart even though a quote is a quote. i'm also happy for the Turnbull government to implode over this. Although I'm not sure how Shorten can raise the bar ...... The ex wife has more than a story to tell and yes I know the family. And yes it is much much worse than anything in the Joyce saga so far.
  10. Wrong thread. Perhaps gun control should go down as another great failing of the Obama presidency.
  11. Haha, ok so did the democrats pay for a dossier on Trump? Fact check - 1 from 1. Now dodge it knowing the facts lie with what I said or tell me where I am wrong.
  12. Here's a conundrum for you. If Barnaby was quoted in Breibart saying the same thing did he still say it?
  13. Ok. So it’s clear that the democrats (and originally the republicans) paid for a dossier on Trump from a 3rd party. Dossier comes back and is obviously widely innacurate. Obama gets authority to fully monitor a staffer of Trump based on false claims he had paid for without disclosing that at the application stage. Stinks to high hell.
  14. Do you think all the morons who claimed Trump’s pro-business stock market surge was really Obama’s legacy, will blame Obama for the correction?
  15. Do you think he will spend the rest of his term saying how well he handled the crisis like Rudd did?
  16. Malthouse won his premiership with the "rat pack". And some other brilliant players but flawed individuals. Interestingly he went to Carlton and culled the same type of players like our own Jeff Garlett that were guns but misfiring in an area.
  17. I'm a firm believer this is why Buckley has been such an ordinary coach to date. Instead of utilising the talent he had he has always been trying to change the group into a mould that may or may not be successful. You need to work with the strengths of your current group and at the same time have and eye to the future.
  18. I watched it and I'm pretty sure they said they would be following "rocky" all season. Pretty good get for the abc considering she kicked 3 including the match winner.
  19. Fantastic to see Trump coming good on his promise to drain the swamp. The realeased memo is tip of the iceberg stuff. I would hate to be the clintons right now. Gaol is waiting...
  20. First world problems. My 3 year old only knows 1 players name and it is he that shan’t be spoken of at Port Adelaide.
  21. They also would have lost to us had we not been crucified by injuries.
  22. You can fluke a premiership without being the best team all year like the Bulldogs or Tigers. You can't fluke top of the ladder ithout being the best team all year. We are a much greater chance of inning the premiership than finishing on top. The best bet is Melbourne to win the women's premiership at $5.
  23. Inequality is another virtue signaling buzzword of the left. if your neighbour is a billionaire he/she is probably a much greater contributor to society than the other 9 people in the street. it's likely he/she employs people, payes more taxes and donates more to charity. Capitalism is brilliant in part because of its reward system. Some people will become disproportionately rich but for every billionaire there will be a large multiple of people who are dragged into a better life. We can embrace the greater good or dwell on a small minority who's only crime is to make lots of money. Jealousy is a curse.
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