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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. I hate to do this but if the Ginger Ninja had a decent boot on him we also have a red rooster.
  2. Another great interview boys. Demonland podcast is the best form of MFC media. I thought Taylor's comments on Petty were a bit ambiguous. He said if there is "a jet" available at your pick you need to take them but otherwise player type and list needs comes into it. he started realing off all the similar player types to Petty as if we had a surplus and therefore had to take Petty because we rate him as a jet. Then he seemed to play it down and say we needed that type of player. Did anyone else read it like that?
  3. Don't forget all the hungry jacks. Lost a few to Port Adelaide but Viney is still tracking for round 1.
  4. Good riddance. Kicked Melbourne when we were down more than anyone but turned a blind eye to Richmond when they were. Showing a hopeless bias and conflict. Forever complaining about "boys clubs" in men's football yet showed little interest in promoting AFLW. Emma Quale and Daisy Pearce are great ambassadors and role models for women in football. Caroline Wilson is not. Good riddance and can't wait to see the back of you.
  5. I'm guilty of not recognising Oliver's speed. So basically he has elite speed, elite ball winning ability, elite hands, elite kick and elite competitiveness.
  6. I forgot one. Jack Watts to win the inaugural highest placing ex-Melbourne player in the Port Adelaide b&f.
  7. Brayshaw - doesn't miss a game and all of them are in the seniors Weed - doesn't play a senior game. 2019 is make or break. Spargo - Best first year player Oliver - back to back b&f's with a much improved kick to handball ratio to hold out Viney Dees - finish 5th (should have finished higher but umpires crucified us)
  8. "Basketball background" - not good enough for the NBL but will give footy a shot
  9. I can't wait to form an opinion on each of the draftees based on their 3 minute highlight clips and then stubbornly refuse to change it for the rest of their careers.
  10. BBO - a stemless wine glass seems right up your alley. Frees up a hand for you.
  11. The worst drought ever and hottest temperature ever? I'm guessing worst and hottest since the beginning of temperature records i.e 1910 and I'm being generous. Just suppose it was the hottest temperature and worst drought ever can you really say it was a result of man made climate change when CO2 has been much higher ppm previously?
  12. Some could mean one or the whole lot of them. Mission could have been in a bad mood. Who knows. Let's not get our knickers in a knot about a comment to an unofficial but much loved observer. I'd personally like to know who is fit and raring to go in September. It's a long season.
  13. McCartntney who is a renouned player development coach and Buckley who was nicknamed FIGJAM because he couldn't get on with other players.
  14. Jara CO2 historically has been much higher as measured in ppm and also much lower. There is no real world evidence co2 drives climate. You are an expert on Black Saturday, have studied it and written a book on it. I'm sure what you have done is of an excellent standard but it is a long bow to draw that man made CO2 contributions were the primary factor in causing the conditions the alllowed black Saturday to be so devistating.
  15. Kevin Rudd has since stated and made clear that Wayne Swann was incompetent. I'm not sure Labor can claim credit for avoiding recession following the GFC. It will come as no surprise that I liked Costello. He left money in the coffers but did he do enough with the proceeds of the mining boom? Hard to say but give us Costello or even Keating as treasurer today and I'm pretty sure most would agree we would be heading in the right direction. I just can't see any current parlimentarian being a Costello or Keating.
  16. The school halls funding at the school my wife was teaching at was butchered. Firstly they didn't need another school hall. Secondly they desperately needed and still do need maintenance on their existing infrastructure. They weren't able to divert the funds they had to build a new hall they didn't need.Thirdly for them to receive the funding it was compulsory to put Labor advertising out the front of the school. I'm sure it was appreciated at plenty of schools but it was an A grade example of tax payer waste at my wife's school.
  17. Great question. How should politicians vote when the overall majority voted yes but the individual members electorate voted no. Or vice versa. In my opinion and like John Howard stated these things should have been agreed apon before the vote.
  18. Anyone who says those things is no patriot. Dasyari went to that pub hoping for that outcome. It doesn't excuse it and I condem the behaviour.
  19. So you think attacking people personally is justified if they don't follow your world view. I though you were far left but now I'm thinking totalitarian. I asked about the location of the pub because I had heard Dastyari had gone out of his way to go there with cameras. I am not trying to victim blame, Dastyari should be free to go where he wants without harassment. He did, however, choose to go somewhere he expected to get harassed and went armed with cameras.
  20. Only 5 players per team on the court, if you have the best player in a generation you will go places.
  21. When you call me, not my argument "deluded", that is a personal attack. When you call me a "drop kick" that is a personal attack. I have thick skin and don't care but you need to learn the difference between attacking a person and attacking a persons argument. If you don't undesrtand perhaps your brother can teach you. BTW do you know what pub it was that Dastyari got verbally abused in recently?
  22. That's funny because I started this topic. Maybe look through the 17 pages of this thread and point out 1 good post you have made. I can't count any for you.
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