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Everything posted by Wrecker45

  1. They proved how out of touch they were when they let a leftie run the centre right party. The only way they survive is by listening to their base. Turnbull had to donate $2m to his own campaign because grass roots supporters like myself stop putting our hands in our pockets because we hate him. Watch the funds return now that the leftie wanka has gone.
  2. dieter you need to accept you are far left just as i am hard right. I'm not racist just as you are not luny we both have opinions and convictions. Unlike Turnbull we can each be proud of them.
  3. And here is me thinking everything was binary.... Of course it is more complex than that but with you and I it is left v right. We are polar opposites in that regard so i focus on it. We have Melbourne in common but I'm guessing you would be glass half empty and I would be too optimistic for your liking. Maybe we could agree on a good bottle of red (Austrlain grapes).
  4. Every culture is better than ours when you're a self loathing leftist. Our wine, food and culture are pretty good actually. And our coal is the best.
  5. Turnbull's NEG was a disaster. Trying to legislate unelected UN bureaucratic plant food restrictions was the height of left wing idiocy. This week rates as one of the most memorable of my life Melbourne made the finals for the first time in 12 years and Turnbull has been humiliatingly torn down. It's ok though for all you lefties John Hewson will no longer be the go to "Liberal" politician for a quote now you will hear from Turnbull on the unbiased ABC.
  6. Exactly except the right wing bit. Turnbull was the Prime Minister of the conservative party that the left could stomach but never vote for.
  7. As someone who might actually vote liberal and I challenge any of the above posters to declare which way they are inclined to vote. Turnbull is a left wing enemy.
  8. Let’s hope we lose and play Sydney in NSW!
  9. Out: Gawn and Oliver rested Show the league we are one of the big boys
  10. 6 - team effort every time they came w had an answer 5 - Harmes 4 - Brayshaw 3 - Gawn 2 - Hannan 1 - Oliver - I can't wait for the finals because I have a feeling the greatest Melbourne player I have seen in my lifetime will thrive in them.
  11. This is one of the great threads on demonland by a leftist. I don't even know where to start? the show winning the ratings is a panel of three white guys with a misoginist leader.
  12. A punch is unlikely to kill someone on a grass field. The Micheal Long incident in the 2000 grand final was the worst and most likely to kill I have seen on the football field. Matthews played in a different era I dislike restrospective views and standards.
  13. Clayton Oliver if you are reading this please no knee, back or planta fascia injuries!
  14. Yep we are doomed. The sky is falling, the coral that has survived 100’s of thousands of years to contribute to the Great Barrier Reef is cooked, Fairfax journalists are becoming extinct, climate change is causing droughts and floods simulataneously and Trump is about to create world war 3 siding with Russia against the rest.
  15. Shout out to crown bet who stopped taking my bets after I loaded up on Oliver at 50-1 last year for most Brownlow votes of any Melbourne player.
  16. Trevor Barker did well playing drunk. I'm not talking about isolated incidents just as a general rule don't trust non drinkers. It's worked out pretty well for us with max gawn and Scully.
  17. I think you will find that is not the case with Balic who was more of a loner rather than someone with people hanging off him.
  18. Was told by a family member of Balic's that he never had the mental health issues implied by the speculators. Constantly on the injury list at Freo and never bonded with the players because he was in rehab during the week at training and outside football the others liked to bond over a drink and Balic does not drink. Wish him well but never trust anyone who doesn't drink.
  19. AF - providing links to "news", reporting on studies, is not a solid source. Link to the study for credibility. You may have missed that the article on increased domestic violence in England after world cup games was basing their facts on one Lancaster University study that looked at one English police force. The tiny sample size, used to slime men around the world is negligent. Yet the toxic feminists will promote it along with the self loathing men. Your trigger responses are laughable. In my experience there are 2 types of people interested in triggers, right wing gun lovers and left wing collectives who can't cope with an opposing argument. Your definition of toxic masculinity is anothers of natural selection. I can understand why you wouldn't like it.I hope my football team isn't confused about what is masculinity and what is toxic on the weekend because I will be really disappointed if they attack the football with anything other than masculinity.
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