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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. his form at the moment does not warrant selection but with injuries he will play round 1
  2. well it means miller will have a better shot at round 1 now, lets hope he takes it well and a speedy recovery to dunn
  3. i think there awful, dennis is good, ox is ok, tim annoys me and bruce just reminds me of times id rather we didnt have to visit again channel 10 isnt much better with crisso, wallsy and lane
  4. hard to take when 10 years ago we played this handball crazy game and got flogged every week and took us really till 2 years ago to get rid of it besides you do things in games and tight situations that you train and handballing out of those situations are usually the worst option id also love to watch the young kids playing too and knowing how well they are playing, id just rather it with a direct, straight down the corrider style of football
  5. yeah and then we do the opposite new coach for 08.....yes please
  6. i said a few years ago we would win a flag in 07 or 08, but mind you if we play this handball crap we might as well sack daniher now and bring back balme i will tear down the mcg if we continue with this crap, i truly hope the crows [censored] us by 15 goals so we might give up on this pathetic useless style of game
  7. ive always loved the bizz and always will, i really hope he does get back to his best as i think he is a great player he isnt the quickest but he reads the play that well he makes up for some of his lack of pace, the thing between him and others that might run the lines better is he will use the ball a lot better releasing the player further up the field better and eliminates the need to run it out
  8. i flipped the channel and heard them talking about davey hurting himself then a few minutes later he came back on, so no real word from me but if that was the incident it cant be that bad
  9. yeah well collingwood only got the first 2 to make sure they got the youngest, he was always the best of the 3 any word on what his sons are like? i know ther young but sometimes you can tell if there is promise or not
  10. agree yze magic, i too would love to see CJ and bell step up
  11. what i meant was cam need to stand up in games that matter, not get 30+ possessions against bottom sides and needs to get 25+ regularly and for them to be quality possessions, i dont expect him to be a hird or a voss, he just need to up his game another 10% agree with the comment on daniher, we need him to be active int he box, not reactive and to keep the game plan fresh and have a plan b and plan c
  12. im on brock for the brownlow! good to hear but im not getting excited by some anonymous caller on SEN
  13. cant remember that myself but ill take your word for it, and stuff it ill jump on too
  14. yes this is one of the more illogical posts i have read. of course the club is trying to make money to stay alive, so one way is for the people to pledge money per win instead of just asking for money ie footscray, richmond and fitzroy. and im sure the club and players go out of their way to play badly in adelaide, and meant to lose to carlton twice. i dont feel ripped off, i feel upset that we lost games we never should have, but when i pay my $$$ for my membership i know that it might be a season like 2000 (hopefully) or all the other ones where we finished near last, with your membership you pay for entry to see the game not the result and to be a part of the club, seriously if this upsets you as i really seems to have done id hate to see you when a real problem occurs in your life.
  15. ive always loved him but do admit he has a deficiency or 2 miller will have a great 07
  16. for me miller needs to take the next step but the big ones for me is bruce has the ability to dominate a game but doenst do so with the consistency of a hird or voss, and if we really want to go deep into september he needs to step up, mclean and trav will have the best 2 taggers which leaves bruce with the upper hand
  17. neitz will stay captain for this season, it would be a bit late to appoint a new captain wouldnt it, i mean you would want them to settle into the job over the pre season
  18. id like to see him at CHB with rivs to play 3rd, he can also play Full back when the match up is better than carrol
  19. I cant remember them ever doing this, but let's face it David Neitz will be the captain in 2007.
  20. if he isnt captain in the next 3 years we will have made a massive mistake i think i might start the push of brock for captain 08!
  21. agree the fridge use and longmire did there fair share as well
  22. i havent even recieved an email or my membership or anything like that would be interested to know where we stand in relation to the other clubs and our tally this time last year
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