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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Don't forget connolly was coaching.
  2. I'd have hammil on the flank instead of dixon.
  3. Insert Beavis and Butthead "Breaking the law, breaking the law"
  4. I actually think its the best he has ever done, his top 10 is pretty spot on.
  5. 2 daveys in the one side would be a bad mistake, just imagine both going missing in the one game, or worse alwyn getting hit by an opponent during the game, aaron has a bad enough time controlling his anger as is, i don't want 2 daveys in the same side.
  6. No you are not evil, you are sane, for that is how we all should feel! Suck balls! 01, 02, 03 could have been yours and possibly 04. enjoy your 2 runner up medals! GOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLD!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. I'd take him and a swap of first round and even second round draft picks.
  8. Not bad but the one where he works at hungry jacks is funny.
  9. I would love that too happen or the AFL to come in after trade week and say that what they did was wrong and that both carlton and richmond lose their first pick in PSD and we end up with number 1
  10. Too kind ash, too kind. I would of had 12.5%, not the 15%
  11. The red jumper with the old MFC logo in blue would be a good jumper
  12. Yeah i didn't think he was quick, i'd rather a mid with pace to compliment chook and jones
  13. If he slips to #4 i will dance a jig.
  14. A lot of posts seem to be getting deleted very quickly Mine did and i thought i did not say anything bad either.
  15. As some one who had a lot of faith in miller, i must admit it has not been a good year and a bit for the man, he has not developed as well as i and many others expected, if we could get buchanen for him, i would take it. On the other hand if he stays i would not be unhappy but would be expecting a major improvement off the man.
  16. 1. J Brown 2. C Cox 3. M Scarlett 4. C Judd 5. G Ablett 6. D Kerr 7. M Pavlich 8. D. Glass 9. J Bartell 10. S Johnson
  17. I have not seen a massive amount of the kid, but he has seemed ok in what i have seen. A bit of promise there but whether that continues and blossoms who can tell.
  18. No worries people's. Sorry if i accidentally refered to someone
  19. No. there was a reason why nicho was crap, like jamar he cant do anything around the ground and at FB he will be even worse.
  20. A swap for buchanen and we have a deal.
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