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bush demon

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Everything posted by bush demon

  1. Since no one has mentioned, Jordy McKenzie moving beautifully. Viney powerful and makes an impact. Clarke getting no delivery. Clever mark and goal in the first quarter.
  2. Might go. Have to do some shopping in the morning, what time does the game start?
  3. Going to Darwin? Getting further away from the G each year. The money we gain from this moon probe is trifling compared to the sponsorships and fixturing advantages of the 'clubs AFL house is going to keep.
  4. Carn Melbourne-foots-north-saints-Rythdale-officer-Cardinia!
  5. Shane Crawford has us finishing above port footscray and the expansion franchises, with up to eight wins. (Herald Sun)
  6. Haven't felt so good about an 'in' since Ross Dillon got over his last crook knee! Remember though, it's not true until you hear the name called out on League Teams!
  7. In recent times Brisbane lost good players to the Queensland Giants, and we snagged a Great player from them in Mitch Clark.
  8. The GWS shouldn't have f'allowed it.
  9. You guys neglect to mention that Tom sculls doubled his possession count from the Sydney derby. Then again, with Tom at ouch is usually just that. The lad has been poorly advised and is now playing under the weight of expectations. Looks like another stuff up, Kev.
  10. Poor Shannon. Melbourne ELITE Jack Grimes defender BELOW AVERAGE Rohan Bail midfielder Jake Spencer ruck James Sellar defender Tom Gillies defender Sam Blease forward Neville Jetta midfielder Luke Tapscott defender James Strauss defender POOR Shannon Byrnes forward http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/tiger-sixpack-rates-a-mention-20130306-2flk2.html#ixzz2MnOiGnKw
  11. Memorably Stuck with the Dees and didn't go to Freo around this time.
  12. To fix up our midfield we should consider cryogenically unfreeze Stephen Powell.
  13. Have seen a number of Melbourne and Casey games in last three/four seasons, it is a ripping experience. Can go on the ground and listen to the coaches and watching the game close up makes you appreciate the skills of the modern day player.
  14. He is a "Melbourne regular", after all:Sellar bags five as Demons open pre-season account
  15. Cable on, Barassi off!!!
  16. Research about the effect of heading the ball in soccer: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/football/brain-damage-in-soccer-players-linked-to-heading-the-ball/story-fn63e0vj-1226587957004
  17. Yes Caroline, but is any of this 'disgusting'? Thompson, Robson the likely fall guys
  18. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/geelong-says-joel-selwood-wont-change-the-way-he-plays-despite-warnings-of-head-trauma/story-fnecrvvd-1226586139838 Our football culture feeds off the bloodlust of the profit takers. Crowds want blood, corporates who now own the game expect win-at-all-costs and young footballers do their bidding with crazy braveness. Joel Selwood's playmaking is becoming an art-form in itself (which others are mimicking) not unlike our lost diggers. It seems sincce the biff has been taken out of the game the head first into packs not to mention professional elbow to the scone have taken its place. Plenty of lawyers waiting on the interchange bench.
  19. An AFL player just said on the news (ABC) that he didn't want the league changing the rules so that it became unrecognisable. A few hits on the head playing this code will achieve that already.
  20. According to afl website we are taking a young team to Renmark.
  21. Another sad statistic of this blight on our code: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/greg-williams-reveals-memories-of-sporting-highlights-and-personal-life-are-fading/story-e6frf9jf-1226584178926
  22. There is an article in the Age about culture, by Jeff Kennett. Something about don't bring your pets into China shops.
  23. Some heart when we cross the border. Beat a second Victorian team.
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