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Everything posted by layzie

  1. Well if more streaming is the future then forget live games as we know it. Bring on the 30 second delays and if you have friends get rid of them because there will be a heap more notifications ruining everything before it happens in the stream.
  2. Yep, dig those size 16 heels in!
  3. It definitely does even out, gee wiz though my blood was boiling watching it. I'd rather watch a dodgy offside VAR than that again!
  4. layzie


    Alright everyone, 2022 season begins. Get ready for the highs and the lows. Really hoping this is the year I can finish on the Illustrious DL NFL tipping podium. Always remember to tip responsibly! Saints, Ravens, Colts
  5. Yes this new deal is one of the big domino's to fall, many things will get done now like the new CBA.
  6. Turnovers in terrible positions as well.
  7. I'm essentially agreeing with you Rjay in that the laws are so outdated that it wouldn't have had as big of as impact when it came to negotiation. The Anti-siphoning laws were originally geared around two parties, Free to air TV and Pay TV. ie. They were really for the Foxtels of the world. While streaming is a pay service these laws never had Telco companies or Facebook or Amazon in mind. And then you've got the subscription services that are owned by free to air networks buying exclusive rights and streaming behind a paywall! I'm with you we need to make sport that is part of the national identity accessable to all. However the whole thing is in dire need of a review, they've kicked the can diwn the road on this long enough and there are a heap more loopholes to exploit these days.
  8. I agree, it is definitely not good enough especially when you pay what you do. Your seat is your seat and they should start fining people for abusing this.
  9. Surprise suprise it's Murdoch and Stokes again. It is interesting that the massive CH9 bid didn't get too far.
  10. The anti siphoning laws are ridiculously out of date anyway, especially since streaming came onto the scene.
  11. Certainly is, espcially when we only scored once from defensive 50 transition,
  12. Yeah about that, Hammers were robbed a point in my opinion. I know we don't like to point to officiating but taking away their late equaliser when Mendy has decided to come out and smother while Bowen tried to leap over and at very worst may have caught Mendy with a trailing foot but otherwise no contact. To reverse that decision is a joke. Thought Michael Owen summed it up perfectly in the post game when he said he has been penalised for getting to it first, something you expect a striker to be doing and on the flip side as a keeper if you elect to go in then you risk wearing some contact but it's fair game. A shame because it was a really exciting London derby, great to watch.
  13. Chicken and egg scenario I guess. Could Bedford and Chandler have been better prospects if they had the game time this year to aid their development or do they just not cut it at the level in the first place? That one is for the court of Demonland to decide..
  14. I'm warming to the idea of bringing Bowey in. Or at least trying Salem HFF if he is struggling to get into the game down back .
  15. One thing I'll agree with you on is kicking low to space. I wish we would try this out a bit more. Ping it around in the 50 and worst case scenario it goes out of bounds anyway.
  16. Nice of them to assume we actually want to hear them.
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