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Everything posted by layzie

  1. EO that is pretty much it, you can't put your finger on one thing and literally every one of those things you've mentioned could be discussed when it comes to contributing factors. Obviously some will carry more weight than others but we as people are all so keen for the one thing to point to and I just don't think it's going to happen. A few words about each one: Loading - The most air time of anything this year. It was frustrating, we all thought there were rewards coming from it and that wasn't the case. The theory I believe does work but there may be questions over how it was executed. I've said in the past that I didn't think Burgo was the be all and end all for this and that maybe it was only the extra 5 to 10% but maybe that is the difference? I don't know. Fitness - In defence of the people who tell you that loading was the cause of the mid season slump and believed this would bear fruit, they were probably not banking on so many niggling injuries and structural issues. Again, it's frustrating and I was certainly hoping to see us run out games better at this time of year but we were up against it, especially on Fri when nearly everyone coming off either looked gassed or were hobbling. Culture - Mostly a very sound culture. I think there is one incident we all think of though and if certain comments were said then it doesn't sit well with me. May have contributed a little when it came to the psyche? Again I think our culture is strong but maybe another 1%er that wasn't working for us this year. Defensive Structure - Kept us in most games again. The chink in the armour is quick delivery when the ball comes to ground. On Fri night the Lions had 51 I50s, few backlines can stop scoring from that. A lot of positional shifts and interruptions but we came through very well I thought. Goodwin - Generally coached well this season, I don't think we lost many games at selection. We know without a shadow of a doubt that Goody is a system coach who sticks fat, I admire this about him as he doesn't waver and give in to outside numps ideas. Hopefully one day people see this as a major positive. The one thing I'm not 100% sold on is his matchday decision making. I think that the game went very much towards the 'in game' happenings of coaching this year and we're seeing the Chris Scotts and John Longmires of the world excel with adjustments made in game. I think Melbourne needs a few extra gears and a few tricks up the sleeve when things aren't working. Bathwater - Possible and a natural thing. Watching on Fri night I marveled at how much more Brisbane seemed to want it in the second half, first to almost every ball. Maybe a case of full bellies, it is extremely hard to manage this. Hunted - Again, a natural thing. Teams had all summer to study film on us, it was there for all to see. These rocket science coaches have found the way to play us and succeeded. Extremely hard to succeed when most teams were playing their grand final against us each week. Forward and Mid Pressure - The big one. What happened here? Was it just fitness? It was just not there for long enough. Is this a big ask to require this for the whole gameplan to work each week? Running is hard, no two ways about it. After the 2017 Grand Final I honestly thought Richmond would fall back into the pack because their pressure was so immense that year and I just find pressure a real difficult thing to keep going long term. It is just impossible to sustain 100% of the time and maybe the only way you can is by having one of the best fitness coaches in the world who doesn't just get you fit and breaks your mindset down until you are literally a machine. It is extremely hard to rest on your laurels when you rely on this for your gameplan to work, you have to be 100% or not at all. That's the fact. Whipping Boys (ANB/ Spargo/Sparrow) - Whipping boys may be a little harsh but we simply needed more out of our small forwards. I love ANB and Spargo but a goal a game was probably what was needed from them. The difference between last year and this year had a lot to do with the bottom 6 players. Not only did we have so many guys in career best form but we had a bottom 6 chipping in each week, this year we didn't. Selfishness - Came into the game a few times this year. There may be people who would call the many times we didn't see or kick to open men as selfish but I have my doubts on whether or not this was selfish. I'd be more inclined to think this was players trying to follow a gameplan and not wanting to overthink things. I don't know what the answer to that is but that's why we have our coaches. We know about the Fritta moments that were magnified but I don't think our team suffers from selfish syndrome. So that's it, not sexy and not the magic bullet everyone wants but that's my take. I thought about putting percentages of blame next to each one but then I thought why open myself up to potential ridicule and spear throwing.
  2. What a player he's been, outstanding.
  3. It's the nature of the beast really. A tough competition, even when we won last year the reality was we were only marginally better than a few other teams and that goes for most years. We weren't that much better and we aren't that far off now, that's the reality. As far as Salem goes, get his knee 100% right over the off season and come back raring to go next season. The guy is quality and we all know it, plenty of players have 'forget' seasons.
  4. While I don't 100% agree with the original post and idea of a wasted season, I've got no problem at all with you making the post. No-one has any right to tell others how to feel and although I've made some jokes that might have said otherwise please know they are just jokes. It's been a total whirlwind of emotions for a lot of us. Going out in straight sets after following a while season of us looking at top 4 is very new to me and I do understand the people that do think it's a waste. For example, yes the Kozzie winning goal against Carlton was an amazing moment, but the fact that it didn't really lead to anything after that apart from a brilliant last game of the season was a shame as that moment still feels very recent. We're still right in the middle of the emotions, it's going to take time to process. It's going to be hard to see another team lift the cup and again this is all going to be new territory for a lot of us. Don't apologise for speaking your mind.
  5. Players are going to leave, it's inevitable. We just have to make sure we retain as many as possible which we've done and make sure our list decisions from here on out are good ones. I think we're doing a good job in that area.
  6. We need some positive remedy oil or something.
  7. If the trade ended up being essentially Jackson for Grundy would you be happy or kick tailgates?
  8. I'd say it's the gameplan before saying it's the culture.
  9. A couple of arrogance moments crept in but I don't think it was the overriding issue.
  10. Well the important news is we're out.
  11. We need players forward of the centre who are clinical in front of goal. Last week the Swans finished off half chances, we need more of this because space in our forward line is just not going to be there.
  12. Crisp needs to be taken out as well.
  13. Would have thought Meek would be in this wantaway crew of bandits.
  14. I don't know if you guys have heard but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
  15. This was one of the reasons I didn't want this rematch so soon. Didn't trust everyone involved to have the mental fortitude to move past this with ease. Classless morons.
  16. They won a flag together, if they now want to split and go elsewhere then they can pack their bags, put their shoes on and walk out. We will move forward and find people that want to be here.
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