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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2021-collingwood-racism-report-press-conference-reaction-eddie-mcguire-heritier-lumumba-magpies-criticism/news-story/1b9863b5d56aba3cd0dcc5655b7ff3d7 Some of the reactions are spot on. McGuire certainly was not.
  2. Eddie will sleep so well tonight...
  3. The Meaning of Life gets better each time you watch it!!
  4. It has to be. He has got to go The AFL need to step in. The Media has not taken this the way McGuire was hoping. They are ripping in as we speak
  5. How can it be a Proud day when the entire report was hidden for over a month Eddie??? You are so full of it. Hopefully the Media, which employs you, will now tear you down. time to go Eddie... That press conference was your last piece of rubbish
  6. What a strange Press Conference McGuire seriously does not get it. HL was hung out to dry for years before he left, as just one example Adam Goodes wants nothing to do with him..for good reason, this is on you Eddie, your Club still has the same attitudes as when McAlister was in charge He has to leave today. it is disgraceful
  7. Rita will attack anything written under an ABC Logo, even though she migrated from a war zone. Very strange and twisted little person
  8. We have had this discussion before. Without onfield success the Football Club will die ( the last 57 years have proven this) WE WERE THE POWER TEAM OF THE LEAGUE.. Now we are well down the pecking order Why? We lose far too often in predictable fashion Winners grow. Our Core business is football. Winning creates exposure and Sponsorship Interest. Without winning all the other important issues are meaningless
  9. It is entirely up to the MFC We must be successful onfield that is our core business
  10. Not disputing that at all mate, and the only way The MFC can change that scenario is to beat these clubs onfield regularly, in front of big crowds and TV audiences Onfield success is everything
  11. Flags in the 60’s (Post 1965 when TV started covering games) 70’s 80’s and 90’s are what bring in those Membership Numbers. That is the reason. They have supporters who were there before 2001 In 2045 if Carlscum do not win another flag 1995 will be 50 years ago Then they will have the MFC’s problem
  12. That report is damming. The Filth were anti racist and inclusive only when the media were involved Eddie thought his King Kong comment was hilarious ? Should have been stripped of all his positions on that day
  13. What a disgusting article. What a workplace. “Side by Side” indeed Filth by name, Filth by nature Run Ed Run....
  14. Yep so many Cream Cakes forget those rates. have them today and suicides would be happening on the streets daily
  15. He is a long distance runner Always was the Recruiters, the media and The MFC got it wrong, such a shame he didn’t go to Richmond. He was a big Tiger Fan
  16. I remember reading his articles as a young kid, didn’t realize he was a Melbourne Champion at first. When i did, his analysis had far more meaning. same with Doug Heywood
  17. Off field is very important But we are a Football Club, thus playing Football is our core business. Do that well and the off field will grow But Football os always our primary business. I think The MFC forgot that for a while
  18. Well done HB..
  19. Yes Energy Watch sums it all up Companies that didn’t really exist were the only ones interested in negotiating...
  20. CS’s ideology failed dismally The Football department was a complete cot case, and Sponsors didn’t want to touch us
  21. Before the Club was focused on Survival, it was never going to prevail. the roots of this Club are on the Ground. Playing the game. i do think Bartlett, PJ and Pert understand this. Enough changes have been made. it was CS biggest Failure, he believed building the club from outside the ground would bring success We all witnessed the results of that
  22. It’s all about winning... I truly believe the Club is finally realizing this point. All the other issues are side points, not Primary. Win games, entertain our supporters and they will dig deep inside the wallet
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