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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Sheahan's retired now and only moonlights a few articles a week That now leaves him much more options to write about so he could easily avoid jumping on the negative mfc bandwaggon and write stories that are more investigative and original - he has the time He's more a free man and semi-retired and he does owe something to melbourne if he really is a fan He doesn't have to sugar coat anything about mfc just find something else to write about Is that asking too much Mike or are you just a lazy scribbler taking the easy soft targets?
  2. some people don't understand the meaning 'retired'
  3. good pickup rangey, sheriff's badge in the mail just 'cos we are shyte at the moment it's no reason to drop our standards A joke i received today (it would be funny if it wasn't us) Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up -- fireman, policeman, salesman, etc. David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. 'My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and have sex with him for money.' The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring, and took little David aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?' 'No,' said David, 'He plays for Melbourne, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.'
  4. not necessarily od. there are many attractive things about the club and there are people out there that relish a challenge (and an opportunity to be a hero) the renewal of the total club is part done anyway, just needs a bit more cleanup oh and of course..........patience (I nearly wrote patient as that's what I feel I will be before it is done)
  5. LOL..................add Sheedy, Percy Jones, Big Nick, .......I could go on BTW do you have to fail the test to get a job. You would have to be crazy to coach
  6. DMc is a nice guy,he has made obvious mistakes but always had his heart in the right place. He is however a reluctant and de-facto Chairman resulting from JS's illness and his desire to support his old mate's legacy. I have a sneaking suspicion (no proof) he is probably looking around for his successor in time for the next AGM. A planned and orderly succession would be preferable to a public syte fight. CS is a perplexing mixture of the good and the bad and does tend to polarize people. His contract is up at the end of the year. There is a lot of shyte sticking to him (all not necessarily fair) over the recent failures of the last 4 years and he represents to many as a part of the problem and if we are really to complete our club wide renewal and can score a top CEO type it might be good that CS's contract is not renewed The above is not to blame conclusively either/both for our problems but just to recognise that they were intrinsically part of it and at best were too slow to react (and the buck stops here etc etc blah blah) Anyway that is how I see thing panning out FWIW
  7. You could always join Opus Dei C&B. They have excellent techniques for relieving the addictions of masochism :)
  8. agreed HG, we are thinking along the same lines it's a question now of "if" they can get the right leaders both on and off field
  9. Because maybe they "bought out" before the current regime and the many recent, overdue (good) changes and are "damaged goods" that can't be resurrected As well as removing these players we probably need to remove a few "damaged" executives too
  10. It's obvious HG that Neeld has "lost" a few players, however maybe he didn't really "lose" them himself as they were really "lost" before he came on board Certainly putting them to the blowtorch brings the malcontents to the surface It may not be the way you or I would do it but we are forced to give Neeld time. Surely with experienced guys around him like Craig and Viney he must have support/reasons for his approach Time will tell, but I don't think we will see any fruit being borne until next season We are going to really hate the rest of this year i fear
  11. I understand what you are saying but it is still a generalisation and I still want specifics about what the players "gripes" were in the Andrews report that supposedly weren't "addressed" by admin If you know the specifics then please enlighten us otherwise you are just asking us to accept your judgement
  12. You're a lost cause Fan. And all because a couple of muckraking journalists asked the question you wanted asked, that you knew DMc wouldn't answer to protect the club from media criticism (whichever way he could have answered it), you somehow feel vindicated. If you could only be a little more balanced and not so obsessed
  13. Don't be silly Fan. It'd take you 10 secs to read it..........but if you can't be bothered
  14. well i think you should.....you might be surprised
  15. Your whole argument revolves around "They say Schwab and Connolly are unworkable, they love Bailey" Many other posters have also claimed the admin or CS or CC interfered with the players. Now I can understand they did so with Bailey, but the players? How? I have asked before for DETAILS of just how they did this but all I get is silence Help me out here, I'm open-minded and I want to understand, but I want details and examples I've always been strong on players not get involved in club politics and focussing on football, but I can understand (to a point) if they have been dragged into it by senior mgmt. I don't want generalisations like "micro-management", "interfering" etc I want something I can hang my hat on Comments?
  16. So what? If you want your name associated with muckrakers that's your choice. It's not damning, not falling for their lttle trap is not the same as not telling the truth and they should feel responsible. they should never have got involved in club politics (before, during and after the DMc meeting) i also think DMc was wrong in talking to the players for a number of reasons. I know he thought he had his reasons but he should not have compromised the players like that There had to be a better way to get to the underlying issues. To some extent there is some truth in that. However the senior players have consistently failed to buy-in pre-186, 186, under Viney, the pre-season and now the season. I agree the JMc decision was wrong (as did the club admit) and the club/FD has made mistakes. They have also done some good new things - elite training facilities, new and expanded coaching staff, Mitch Clarke etc. In truth the blame lies with BOTH camps. The senior players are beyond salvation. The new FD has not been given enough time (don't take that necessarily as an endorsement). DMc has always been a reluctant pres thrust into the position by circumstances. I wouldn't be surprised if he steps down at the next AGM. I wouldn't be disappointed but I don't want to see him hung out to dry in a nasty political fight. We have had enough blood spilling in recent times. I wouldn't be surprised also if this was CS's last year. The issue with both people is WHO is going to replace them. Good Presidents and CEOs don't grow on trees. Our focus should be on finding good replacements The rest of the year will be interesting off the field I'm trying hard to keep a balanced view and not just jump on some lynching bandwaggon
  17. you people don't seriously believe that DMc selected the coach do you? he's not qualified and wouldn't claim to be the board would just sign off on it on advisement of the "experts" in the selection panel. i don't have the inside running but suspect GL would have been most influential P.S. I don't have an opinion either way (yet) on Neeld
  18. no point in losing it rhino get a grip, man bitterness solves nothing
  19. You can't be serious Fan. You expect the President to publicly go over the circumstances of the selection of a coach made 8 months ago? To what purpose? The only purpose I can think of is to assuage your bitterness and political agenda Stupid, stupid post
  20. how do you know they haven't acted? just because the media don't know doesn't mean they haven't doesn't mean they have either point being they could be doing a lot but not necessarily broadcasting it to every tom dick and demonlander
  21. : Sweet Revenge for a Broken Guitar A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. United apparently damaged his treasured Taylor guitar ($3500) during a flight. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for Youtube exposing their lack of cooperation. The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal." So he posted a retaliatory video on Youtube. The video has since received over 6 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal." Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has led to a sharp increase in orders. Here's the video, and it's GREAT!
  22. would someone FFS sign up Kennely's grandmother pronto before Eddie hears about her!
  23. Maybe the club should rethink its policy of lobotomizing all new recruits?
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