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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. totally agree od. and didn't the predominately white just look awful. just a joke.
  2. "Not totally sold". Sheez he's turning into the next Scott Thompson and you're "not totally sold". Ever heard the expression beggars can't be choosers?
  3. When I worked at St. Kilda Junction I had a fair idea, but times have changed
  4. makes you think at least one of them will be
  5. What I don't understand is that if we are to use the moneyball strategy why would we advertise it for all our competitors to see prior to the Draft? Unless we are foxing in some way comments?
  6. Nothing wrong with being "selfish" IF you deliver Fail to deliver and the door beckons
  7. Wot! And lose this thread's raison d'etre? Vive la difference!
  8. Nothing to worry about. Baillieu said "it was just a hiccup" Edit: spellink
  9. Max has had a gutful of $cully
  10. Tingay would have been up there if he hadn't accidentally glassed himself
  11. Yeah..........Right.........Dream-on
  12. And he wouldn't last 5 seconds in front of the Inquisition (Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis)
  13. Don't be so sure Billy The Billy Barrot / Ian Stewart trade story eventually came out and it was quite "interesting"
  14. P.S. Sidearz has re-signed with the Filth so cross him off
  15. Why'd you have to go soft on him Adam?
  16. yeah lots of angus bull there od would you prefer "Sheedy's Dog"
  17. Sheedy's [censored]
  18. Stop Press: Barts out for rest of season with knee injury
  19. Banners for a couple "What's that stink?" "Oh, that's right"
  20. We dodged a bullet - now get off our ground
  21. Earthquake 20.6.2012 Philfy Phil sat on a wall, Philfy Phil had a great fall. All the AFL's money and all Shadey's men Couldn't put Philfy together again.
  22. I'm with you Hatch....keep 'em barefoot and tied to the kitchen sink
  23. or Mawks for that matter mawk·ish/ˈmôkiSH/ Adjective: Sentimental in a feeble or sickly way: "a mawkish poem". Having a faint sickly flavor: "the mawkish smell of warm beer". Synonyms: maudlin
  24. "Eff off Judas" would do just nicely
  25. what do you recommend? P.S. I think they are Target Ninja.....they any good?
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