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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. how can i when you he repeated it in your his reply anyway i have scottish blood edit: oops wrong poster. anyway I amended it
  2. you mean the bit about politicians?
  3. You are obviously not an accountant (nor a politician even though you live in Canberra)
  4. but you do get a scarf and horns and stickers, but we get your reference btw, waiting for apology on your hasty remarks above
  5. Give me some credit rpfc, i do understand that but the OP said "was just in the AFL store in chadstone today" so I presumed it was an up front legit store in a major shopping centre not some market If they are selling counterfeit at the AFL store in Chadstone then MFC's lawyers should get onto it pronto AFL (and AFL clubs) do have 2nd and 3rd tier approved apparel manufacturers you know
  6. if it has the club emblem then it must be official even if not nb, no? pretty sure it is copyrighted, so club would get a cut
  7. Stop beating about the bush H7 Spit it out or shutup There is nothing more annoying than someone who makes bold statements, alludes to some inside information, beats around the bush, but won't cough up step right up
  8. Are you saying he has grown to 198cm? Source?
  9. Ah. If I knew my posters better, I might have realised. Nevertheless the thread seemed to me to be an invitation to have a go at players A thread constructively talking about what skills players need to improve on would be a more positive approach. But, maybe that is just semantics, and I just had my MFCSS scanner's sensitivity up too high Carry on
  10. Thanks for reference old55 Can you describe the agility test. It seems something like I was thinking of And coming 2nd in that is impressive for a 195cm type!
  11. Pace/acceleration in a straight line is not the same as pace/accelaeration when constantly changing direction which Davey does to perfection. You only have to look at the difference between Red Bull and Ferrari. This is not any reflection on Watts but just an observation that 20 metre sprints in a straight line whilst indicative of certain qualities do not necessarily translate to game day conditions - like many other statistics often quoted. A 20m slalom-type test would be something useful to develop and compare with.
  12. Well that good to hear But I can't say your opening post conveyed those thoughts. Maybe I'm just a numpty
  13. Apparently Melbourne has finished pre-season training Wonder what they will do till the nab cup?
  14. One would hope that it's something along those lines.
  15. or, Numpty first surfaced on the terraces of west of Scotland football grounds, many many years ago. A player who couldn't hit a cow's arse with a shovel would be a f***ing numpty. "Awww Jimmy you f************ing numpty!! You couldnae score wi' ma' sister!" sounds like a numpty is an MFC whipping boy
  16. I wonder what type of numpty he had in mind nostradeemus? numpty synonyms: idiot fool muppet retard stupid eejit moron [censored] thick pillock dick prat plonker [censored] spanner daft silly cretin tool ar$ehole chav f*ckwit loser [censored] numptyesque c*nt d1ckhead twit twonk gar! imbecile wally numptwell [censored] black knees numbskull c0ck thicko noob waster mong bo fro spamhead retarded Although I think 'c0ck' still means 'mate' in Tassy
  17. surely they don't want TWO folau's in the same team
  18. I may have missed the point.......but I haven't missed the negativity it attracts ah well back to my voodoo dolls
  19. A more informative approach might be to have a thread which discusses the why and wherefores of "whipping boys". Why do we need whipping boys, what sort of behaviour attracts the tag, why do certain players attract the tag, why do other players rarely get the tag, what does it say about the poster, etc etc, rather than the silly notion of trying to predict or forecast the next batch of whipping boys. This way too we need not limit ourselves to just MFC players which would be a pleasant change from the current self-truculence
  20. why on earth would you think that on a thread dedicated to poaching?
  21. I like it Sounds better than www.tomscully2gws.com.au
  22. Er, not quite. Still very debatable as to whether this was an issue, either minor or major Why approach only hawthorn? Why not shop around? Why not nominate for trade, ND etc There is a strong whiff of CB/Hawks collusion to avoid trade and ND (nixon afterall) As you said before probably more complex than a single issue, but what was the tipping point issue and to what extent was a flag tilt involved?
  23. Mate, if he's not there representing any organised religion and not proselytising, let it be - there are more important issues. Seems he is just a volunteer who loves his footy and is prepared to use his professional life counselling skills to those players who voluntairly seek him out with personal issues they don;t want to raise with club officials or others Seems pretty harmless to me. No reds under the bed there
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