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Everything posted by Junior

  1. My View: The current fixture is determined by a group of individuals up in AFL headquarters decide who should play whom, and when. Their number 1 priority is SHORT TERM $$$$, and maximising crowds each week...this is a short term vision, as it harms the LONG TERM integrity of the competition, and serves to broaden the gap between the wealthy clubs and the not so wealthy clubs. Their fixturing also aims to support their expansion plans, which are very costly, high risk projects in GWS and GC which also serve to sap resources from the rest of the league. The fact that after all these years the Swans and the Lions still aren't dominating in their respective states should indicate how high risk it is establishing two more new clubs in these areas. A set system such as the ones described in this thread should permanently be installed, which ensure that each club plays each other club a set number of times, and include an even number of home and away games. In my view this will give the competition more integrity and fairness, which will help to ensure the long term success of the game. Whether this is achieved via grouping/conferences, or even by ensuring that each club plays each club a set number of times over the course of 2-3 seasons is not so important. What is important is that it's fair, and the system is set in stone so that clubs and supporters can rely on a fair system that delivers a premiership to the most deserving side each season. The wealthier clubs already have a big advantage in being able to spend more on their football department, delivering them further advantages via the fixture is just unnecessary and shouldn't continue. If this means increasing the number of games/rounds each season to grow the value of broadcast rights etc. so be it...I don't think many in the AFL world will complain.
  2. I constantly read in these forums about how we, as supporters, shouldn't 'tolerate' the following: - Mediocrity - Poor performances - A close, but 'noble' loss to a good side My question is, how does one go about 'not tolerating' these things as a supporter of a football club? I guess these are the options: - Go to the game and yell at/abuse the players and/or coaches (a popular option) - Tear up memberships, and/or refuse to attend the games - Log in to this forum and write about why we are angry, work out who is to blame IMO none of the above options are actually productive, and won't actually go any way to improving the performance of the club. The first option will leave you stressed and frustrated, and will annoy the sh*t out of the poor bastards who have to sit in front of you. The second option hurts the club financially, which certainly has no positive impact. The third option has a similar impact as the first option. So what do we do, as supporters? I think the best thing we can do, is SUPPORT the club. Continue to attend the games and buy memberships, and hope that the ppl running the joint can actually head in the right direction. Maybe write a letter to the club, and have reasonable debates on this forum, rather than constantly playing a pointless blame game. Also, I find it funny when someone says that MFC fans 'accept mediocrity'. It is SO lame, and a ridiculous concept.
  3. I can't buy that GWS or GC would use their first pick on Viney, just to 'force' us to use pick 3....it's way too risky, unless Viney is actually worthy of pick 1 or 2. They can't be 100% certain we wouldn't just let him go and then just find a way to trade/draft him back for f/all in two years time. There's several far more powerful clubs in the competition than us for GWS to worry about.
  4. Gonzo, you're wasting your time posting that stuff in here. You're preaching to the converted, everyone in here supports the club to varying degrees.
  5. Torpedo, you said you only had your Dad to sit with in the MCC. That's probably the main reason you saw no value. I love the MCC for the social aspect as well as footy, I know a lot of other MCC members, and so I attend MFC games with one group of friends or family, and I attend Collingwood and Essendon games with other friends who support those clubs. I also spend time in the Frank grey smith bar which I really enjoy, as they don't allow it to get too packed like the other bars. You usually have 3 or 4 different sports/matches on the TVs in there, and the food is pretty good and the beer is cold and in glasses. The seats on level 3 balcony are awesome, protected from the wind and right on the wing. For boxing day you can go to the long room to escape the heat and crowds, likewise for AFL finals matches. If you're happy to wait in line you are pretty much guaranteed a seat for the Grand Final and Prelims. Having said all that, I have my reasons, your assertion as to why most keep their memberships may be true for some, but there are certainly a lot of members who use the memberships. I see familiar faces there every week.
  6. I reckon we're 50-50 chance of being 0-11. With Sylvia and Jurrah back in the side...we're a chance to sneak one through, don't ask me which of sides we'll beat though!!
  7. Wow, a lot of misinformation in this thread. Anyone who thinks the MCC is 'elitist' has rocks in their head. How could an elitist club have almost 100,000 members, and only cost $600/year in fees??? ANYONE can get on the waiting list, and anyone can enter the stand as a visitor, for the same price as general admission. If it's elitist they are doing a pretty poor job of keeping people out. Anyone who is a sports fan in Melbourne is mad not to be a member IMO, or on the waiting list. All you need to do is attend a few finals matches to get your money's worth each year. Demons supporters still have the largest representation for MCC members, so whoever said it's Collingwood made that stat up. As has been pointed out, half of the MCC demons supporters have an MFC membership, and they sit in the MCC so don't even aborb any resources for their fees other than a scarf and calendar. Additionally, as has been pointed out, the MCC provides financial assistant to the Dees each year.
  8. I like it, and I want one.
  9. Did anyone think Robbo was smashed on 360 last night? He seemed to be slurring heavily. Too many afternoon froffies at the TAB I think.
  10. Really appreciate the training reports. I've emailed a couple of them to other passionate supporters and they really enjoyed reading. Of course I credit this forum when copying and pasting posts into an email.
  11. Never liked reading his articles, always thought they were sensationalist. He would push an extreme opinion to attract attention. Didn't rate him On the Couch much either, Hird and then Roos had far more insightful/interesting observations to make then he or Gerard. I actually much prefer Robinson after watching 360 on Fox this season.
  12. I wouldn't worry too much. I'm pretty sure they have 3 or 4 good offers to pick from.
  13. Look forward to reading the training reports, and being unrealistically bullish for 2012. <insert players name> looks huge! Must have packed on 5kg of muscle in the past 4 weeks!
  14. The season just gone was the only season where we were considered to have underperformed. As others have said, he did everything expected of him throughout 08 and 09, and I believe we met expectations in 2010 as well. This year Dean wasn't up to the task, but I think he gave it his all and unfortunately he's not the man for the job next year.
  15. This is outrageously far off the mark. To anyone who follows the Demons it was very obvious that Bailey was instructed to ensure that we finished several seasons with a certain number of wins, to ensure we could take full advantage of the draft system. This was done as part of a long term plan for the club, which ultimately targets a Demon premiership. 2011 was a horror season, but it is behind us now, and we are in a strong position from this point forward. Excellent trade week, and excellent recruiting in the coaching department. No debt and a playing list full of talent and potential.
  16. I agree he's underperformed, but was still in our best for 2011.
  17. Scully had better turn up to the G. I've been practising my 'booing' skills, and plan on using them.
  18. Look at this from Nick's collingwood page: '1 guy looked like. viney/schwartz/jamaer/gutnick. another 1 looked like matthew bate, another 1 looked like james mcdonald, and then there was afroman/lyon' I think that's you the_russian!!! Good description.
  19. Beamer pi**ed on a bar and then put in a string of excellent performances. I don't mind if these guys slip up from time to time, unless it has a negative impact on the team, or on their performances. Boys will be boys, no matter how much they are being paid to behave themselves.
  20. None of us know the full story. If they hadn't crashed the car, maybe he would have turned up at training and there would be no story. I don't really care as long as he puts in a solid performance in 2012.
  21. If our offer to Clark forces Fremantle to offer more $$ and use more of their salary cap we have still achieved a small win. Freo could well be one of our major opponents in finals over the next few years.
  22. I don't think this is a significant issue. They're not a major sponsor. If they call all you have to do is say "I'm not interested, don't call me again please" and hang up. Move on.
  23. Unfortunately, in this country, many sporting clubs rely pretty heavily on betting organisations for funding. If MFC ignore betting agencies and pokies it's at our peril. Most AFL clubs receive a significant chunk of their revenue from this area.
  24. I haven't been before, but will be there this Friday with a couple of other members of this site.
  25. McCartney coached Ocean Grove to 4 consecutive premierships...what? Checked wiki..McCartney led them to 4 flags in the 90s, then Neeld led them to 4 flags in the 00s. Eerily similar achievements for these two guys!
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