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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Sydee, we tanked this game too. But don't tell the AFL "Intergrity" bozos - they'll throw this game into the mix as well.
  2. I fail to see how any of this constitutes 'new' evidence. Didn't the AFL conduct an investigation in relation to this issue previously, including examining these games, and then clear us? Honestly, this is pathetic stuff. Under this (wholly flawed) methodology, Neeld should be nailed to the cross for some of his moves in 2012. After all, we still finished with only 4 wins, and some of Neeld's moves were more radical and experimental than anything I observed under Bailey. But hey - the priority pick is no longer in play, so no one gives a stuff about 2012, including the AFL's "Integrity" bozos.
  3. We need to get Fev, Libba and Terry Wallace on On The Couch as soon as possible.
  4. Wreaks of the AFL's 'Integrity Department' desperately trying to justify its own existence - the cost of which is potentially bringing its own code into disrepute. The other football codes must be roaring at the moment. Watching the AFL manufacture arguments with itself and its clubs must be hilarious to them.
  5. I am not aligned to anyone. In fact, I do not actually know another person who posts on this site. I just get sick of reading the personal attacks. They are basic in the extreme. And boring.
  6. Yep - and we lost to Geelong by a lazy 186 points. This is the second worst loss in the history of the competition. Evidence based thinking or uncritical emotional thinking? In which category do you think you sit?
  7. And we were simply awesome in 2011.
  8. I have a problem with the notion of anyone getting penalised if they, or we as a club, are not actually guilty of anything.
  9. I doubt very much the MFC will be obliged to pay out Schwab's contract, or any part of it, if the MFC is forced to terminate his contract due to an adverse finding by the AFL of impropriety by Schwab.
  10. Contrary to what's said here, Morton's not useless. He just doesn't fit into Neeld's strategy. And that's okay. I wouldn't be surprised if he does well with WCE.
  11. The unfortunate thing about this "investigation" is how much it sings of McCarthyism - a disgraceful episode in US history, and one that I had hoped I wouldn't observe in any area in Australia in 2012/3. Everything in this current "investigation" seems to be based on wholly unreliable innuendo. In my observation to date, the investigators and the commentators conducting this "show trial" are unsophisticated in the extreme and seem determined to achieve an outcome irrespective of whether the underlying evidence actually supports such a conclusion/outcome. It's interesting to note the description of McCarthyism on Wikipedia to see the similarities to the way in which this "investigation" seems to have been conducted: "McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism I wouldn't mind going to court on this. I suspect it wouldn't be particularly pleasant for the likes of the "investigators" or Ms Wilson if we did take that step.
  12. They're much better than last year where, reading between the lines, you realised that the new coaching staff was far from impressed with the fitness and work ethic of the majority of the squad.
  13. Like everyone else seemingly, I'm excited about this guy joining us. That said, I reckon Viney, Harrington and the recruiting team did a top job this year. Landing Viney with pick 27, and then Hogan, Barry and Toumpas with our first round picks was absolutely sensational. Hats off to them.
  14. Totally agree. If the Demons are guilty of bringing the game into 'disrepute', it wasn't the Richmond game. It would've been the game that took place in round 19, 30 July 2011, at Skilled Stadium.
  15. Seriously guys - chill out. Diversity of views is important to this site, and we're all supporting the same team - so let's regain some perspective here. Back to the topic - I read a story years ago that Ryan Giggs and Lee Sharpe, as very young Manchester United players, were partying too much and Alex Ferguson was not happy. There was a house party in Manchester just before Christmas - cold, wet night. Ferguson heard that Sharpe and Giggs were at the party. Ferguson didn't know anyone else at the party. At about midnight, Ferguson turns up to the house in a heavy overcoat, walks into the party with absolute contempt and grabs Sharpe and Giggs by the collar and marches them out. He later traded Sharpe, and Giggs turned his partying ways around. The rest is history. I think this episode seems harmless enough - but I strongly suspect Mark Neeld will not look too favourably on it. He's trying to build an elite, disciplined culture - and the outward perception of this is important to what he's seeking to achieve at the club. Getting ejected at the G for necking too many beers and abusing other supporters at the Boxing Day Test is not really in keeping with this.
  16. Australia thinks of itself as this super relaxed, chilled out society. The reality is, however, we are a reactionary, intolerant, hyper sensitive, over regulated, anti intellectual place that is as far from a chilled out society as any place I've been in my life. I'm not condoning what Frawley, Dunn and Howe may or may not have done, but I expect the security guards who evicted them are most likely brainless twits.
  17. And it's that reporting that has had a significant role in bringing the AFL, and more particularly the MFC, into disrepute.
  18. If, ultimately, there's no case to answer and the 'new' investigation essentially uncovers nothing new in a material sense (notwithstanding the NKVD tactics that have seemingly been adopted by our fearless investigators), I think the AFL should also look into the role that certain people in the media have had in fuelling the issue. To date, the reporting on the issue seems wholly disproportionate to the evidence that's emerged in relation to the issue.
  19. Awesome - the club absolutely nailed this negotiation. Hats off to Tim Harrington and Todd Viney.
  20. Carltank must be sweating. If we get slotted by the AFL for, essentially, nothing - Carltank are staring down the barrel of becoming the first Australian NFL team.
  21. I'm relying only on reports, but my instinct is that Ben Hur's assessment is 100% correct. The younger brother (who was a rookie at the Bulldogs) of a work colleague of mine played at North Adelaide with a 16 year old Jack Viney. He reported that the kid will be an absolute superstar. And as to Toumpas, I simply cannot believe GWS didn't pick him. To the extent we've had bad luck over the years, this pick will make up for some of it.
  22. Thank you Brock McLean. Thank you Gerard Healy, Mike Sheahan and Paul Roos. And thank you Caroline Wilson. It's a real concern that, on the face of it, a nothing story can generate so much carp for a club now intent on getting its house in order. And yet Carlton is not in the AFL's sights?! It's not only about consistency here, it's also about the integrity of the underlying journalism and the quality of the investigation that's on the line here. Effectively they all seem to be extremely concerned about a gag made by CC. Are we in Kansas?
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