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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. bugger Monday night, missed it, that was a great game, plus we had to win to make the finals!! Anyone got a copy?
  2. Today is a great day...pity I dont have foxtel.
  3. No way in hell, we have endured the pain and its time for gains...never again.
  4. I think it is a good choice. Over 30 years experience in successful environments, Tigers/Bombers. He'll also surround himself with young assistants that will do most of the work, he'll act as the spokesman and overall senior coach/mentor. The other thing is marketing ability and his personality to promote and communicate his message. Whether he wins alot of games I dont know but he'll provide a good foundation to the club. Similar to what RDB did when he went to help Sydney.
  5. AS long as the debt is steadily moving towards $0 the rate will vary. If it increases then the problems will start. Personally if I was the MFC and announce a profit this year, after allocations for the footy department for next year from it, I'd pay it into debt to reduce interest. At least park it in an "offset account" for it
  6. This was on the tail end of the fixture article for next year: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/mond...x-1225792251723 "the Sunday twilight Western Bulldogs-Collingwood clash in Round 22 was always a recipe for disaster as both appeared certain to play finals.The draw will reward the elite teams with plenty of free-to-air games, but Melbourne has successfully lobbied for fewer Demons games on Foxtel. the Demons had just 10 games on Seven or Ten." Which is great for the club and me as I don't have foxtel...and being WA to see the boys play more often.
  7. I should add, for the small investment the long term benefit to the game would be huge. Think of the television rights fo selling games to Europe and elsewhere. People are always shocked when you inform them of the number of leagues and teams playing AFL around the world. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be in the AFL's interest to really promote the game.
  8. Interesting article but I know I read it about a year ago, I think they have simply decided to reprint it again for some reason!
  9. Suits me, I get to see the boys live Hopefully with all our new picks in action.
  10. Just shows despite poor results if you have a CEO who can be strong with the AFL you get results, Waiting to see what we end up with.
  11. Get him in case they decide to introduce a high jump onto the field! Maybe he has a turning circle of a super tanker and can't side step so learnt to jump over opponents instead! Or the linebacker had already developed dementia and forgot was he was supposed to do.... (Gridiron players have 4x the incidence of dementia above the population)
  12. I had a soft spot for Fitzroy virtually everyone did, but for the wrong reasons. I wished they won every game except when they played the dee's. I remember going to their games against Melbourne till the mid eighties when they had a good side,played finals etc and then started selling off the players to survive!! That year when Bernie Quilan game back and doggie played for them was cool to watch, but it was really just an encore. They ended up where the AFL wanted them as they were the team nominated to go north to the Gold Coast, they refused and the unfortunate bears were born. Some parallels to the Roos there I feel. Roos was the reason to watch them play, the way he covered the whole ground (A License to run) in those wouldn't be possible today, the ball moves too fast. Martin Pike went there in 95 after he dumped him, as Garry said at the time a very talented player but wouldn't stick to club rules.
  13. Whoever makes the aussie rules world cup vs australia Though we would sit out an australia team allow foriegn teams to recruit maybe 2 local players to assist their development. It would only grow the game. They could bring back the game I remember from the early 80's or late 70's, where the premiers played an allstar team. It was good, a team of stars v a star team!
  14. Sorry typo fixed now FIFO = First in First Out ? The problem with soccer in Oz if they are any good they go to Europe. That will always be their problem so the standard will not improve. Same reason soccer suffers in the US and they tried the beckham experiment to raise their profile. The only place outside Europe where you can make real money is South America, but your also likely to be killed too for screwing up.
  15. Article on it now: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/jeff...f-1225790667135 http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/worl...f-1225790667294 Yeah I know its normally held around that time which suits the northern hemisphere where it is summer. So Australia should think outside the box and make a unique bid. But the important part of your comment is "premier sport in Australia," despite where is sits elsewhere in world the cup would be hosted here and is not ranked in the top three ball sports here. Which is why A-League here does not go head to head and plays over the summer as they wouldn't get any decent media coverage during the winter. One article makes 1 interesting point: "For a parallel, look to America, where Major League Baseball was permitted to carry on during the 1994 World Cup, and it's expected would continue if America hosted another World Cup." Though I think that is because they have a lot more venues to host events than oz. But the AFL has first option under contract same with NRL at their venues, so its up to soccer Australia to come to us with a solution, not the other way round.
  16. Didn't buy the west today but read the article on the back page. AllI can say is FIFO know how to control an event. Basically if Australia Wins the World cup in 2018+ (yes a long way off) they enforce this: 1: No grounds used by FIFA can be used for 4 before before the event and all existing advertising removed. 2: No other football codes can run at the same time in the city Which means in Melbourne they will have the MCG and Docklands, but the AFL still couldn't host a game at say Optus. In Perth they would have Subiaco, and couldn't use the WACA as they did in the past. They would need to send match to country grounds. Which means AFL/NRL/Union wouldn't be able to run a match within any hosting cities for 8 weeks!! This is okay for a country that only plays soccer but since we have two other more dominant football codes I can't see them getting away with being such a bully. Apparently all parties are in discussion. Since the AFL etc have first rights to the grounds over everyone else it will be an interesting development if Australia wins it, despite the public support by the AFL at this time. Personally I think the AFL should stand their ground and get them to host it in Summer/Spring instead or host the AFL world cup at the same time on the premier grounds A nice discussion topic for the off season... Thoughts?
  17. yeah it should be held before any delistings and trades. For the guys delisted it would be funny being back there to help celebrate with the club.
  18. A brillant read and gives great insight into Melbournes most successful period from the late thirties to 70's. Also shows the contribution that the Smith family made to the advancement of footy. Especially Len Smith, Norm's Brother. But such as sad ending
  19. Silly topic, he come or go on his own. We have only had a couple leave us, most notably Scott Thompson. But think we got Jeff White going the other way! We'll sign him for 2 and 1 year in extend it as we have done with other young players. I assume he's already looked at our young list and knows once they all hit their straps he'll be in a very successful team ina couple of years. Mates that are successful together stick together.
  20. It is a good idea, but he tax rebate is dependant on income: I gather most people are in the 30% tax brackets. so maybe $30 from the tax department come back.
  21. "Melbourne is also awaiting league confirmation on a range of other fixture requests, some of which are left-field. Schwab said the club had been creative in its proposal, but declined to go into detail. "We were pro-active in regards to our submission, but we have also been pragmatic knowing it is geared towards television and maximising attendance," he said. "We need to improve the quality of our entertainment and we're confident that will happen. We think we're going to end up with a very watchable team over the next few years." I wonder what the club are trying, I assume its to get more TV exposure to promote the club. After the fixture is out it would be nice to know what was really asked for. What sort of left field ideals do you think they had?
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