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Everything posted by angryfijian

  1. It is the Chris Yarran from Carlton. After watching the documentary, I now realise how far back he has come from. He has plenty of improvement/development left in him. But its up to him to make the right choices and sacrifices.
  2. I noticed that the game is going to be live on ABC!! Friday night at 8:30.
  3. Very enjoyable and insightful documentary on ABC. Makes one realise what it takes to progress through the youth system these days. Also makes a poignant note on how talent on its own does not equal a professional career. I loved Cathy Freeman's comment "what do ya wanna eat Maccas for? Victory tastes better!". I would highly recommend this documentary to all.
  4. Thanks to everyone for the great reports. Did Jamie Howe train today
  5. The other Gasper (Damian maybe), the other Ottens (I think we had him on our list) and the other Stynes (Brian). Clint Bizzel played some really good games and after his injury was never the same rebounding player (although we gave up Grgic for him :-)).
  6. After watching the great You Tube clips from the Allen Jakovich thread, it reminded me of the great players that could easily slot into our current team and add so much leadership and structure to our young side e.g. Lyon, Stynes or Viney. So it got me thinking about the upcoming drafts (dominated by the Gold Coast), past champions returning to the club (off field) and the new super sub rule. As a hypothetical, if you could recruit one past player from MFC's rich history (disregarding injuries and based purely on their peak performances on the field) to be a super sub in our current list for the modern game. Who would it be? For me it would be the Great Ox. He gives us the big bodied key forward we desperately need and the ability to go into the ruck (remember this exercise does not take into account what happened injury wise). The ultimate game changer and - Super Sub.
  7. Depending on quality of the feed anywhere up to 2 gigs for hi def.
  8. Anyone care to remember the Cockatoo-Collins twins. Brian Stynes, the other Gasper, the other Ottens and the other Yze.
  9. Great read. Is it fact that Junior was picked as the 6th rookie against Hassa's instructions? If so, what a master stroke to end up with such an outstanding player and club servant. You only have to hear what Stynes, Lyon and the Ox say about Junior to recognise his impact on the club. Thanks also for reminding us of the two key backs we picked up and then let go. Any idea who we got in return for trading Matthew Bishop and Nathan Bassett?
  10. Thanks for the comprehensive report. Love your work.
  11. Excellent report Bhima. Also very nice Avatar of Sri Vishnu. Jai ho!
  12. When Farmer was playing for MFC he was my favourite player. I will never forget that prelim final in 2000 when he tore North Melbourne apart. He was just such a natural freak of a player. So powerful, explosive and skilful yet so many flaws in temperament. Our first ever wizard. If only we had an Indigenous group of players (like we do now) to guide him and protect him from himself. I see so much of the raw brilliance of a young Jeff Farmer in Jamie Bennell, but I am comfortable in the knowledge that MFC is much better prepared now to look after the welfare of young Indigenous players. May the art of Wizardry be passed on for generations at MFC.
  13. Lay of Watts. He is only a kid learning the game. Look how well Nick Reiwoldt is going in the seniors after returning from injury (and he is a superstar). Main offenders were our senior players in Bruce, Bate and Moloney (noting he was injured early on).
  14. Thanks for the great article. How did Tapscott go?
  15. Actually, when I started this thread I wanted to compare Green with past south paws of MFC. But my knowledge in this area is very limited. Only ones I can remember (from recent players) of Green's ilk are Woewodin, Tingay (I think he was a south paw) and Yze.
  16. As Brad Green heads towards his final years at MFC, I get the feeling he will be remembered as out best ever left footer. The last couple of years he has been consistent week in week out. His critics have said in the past the he is a little bit soft and doesn't lead from the front. He has taken those criticisms on board and has become an all round player who is considered a possible future captain. He has always kicked the important goals for the team, and his contested marking has improved out of sight. Unlike Adem Yze, Green does not go missing in the big games and his kicking is always good. I get the feeling Green will finish his last couple of years as a permanent forward, and kick plenty of goals for us. But at the moment he is so dangerous as a wingman who can go forward. If he hangs around for a Premiership, surely he will end up as being regarded as one of the greats of MFC.
  17. 3.0 - Jamar. 2.5 - Moloney. 2.0 - Davey. 1.5 - Jones. 1.0 - Garland. 0.5 - Grimes.
  18. Kudos to you. It was a great read.
  19. Ahh yes the old "Peani erecti", is a medical condition that effects sports "nuts" who have too much blood flow to a certain appendage (and I am reliably informed age, colour and size does not matter) at a rapid and uncontrollable rate. Resulting in a constant state of euphoria, blind and biased stupor. This symptom will often keep on occuring (often for decades) until the cause or "trigger" dissapoints the host greatly.
  20. I believe they have hunting rights to eat Magpie Geese. Good eating obviously.
  21. I would love Juice to kick a big bag of goals. But I just get the feeling that Masta Bate and Mr Green are ready to rip a game apart in the forward line. On a side note, also get the sick feeling we might lose (great to be favourites again!!).
  22. This is the thing, we have so many high draft picks yet to play an AFL game. Let alone 50 to accomplish themselves. Strauss, Blease, Grimes, Watts, Jurrah, Morton, Scully, Trengove, Gysberts, Tapscott and Bennel, will all be the nucleus of a of a very good team. Then you look at our other players on the list and they will improve for having these players getting the best opposition players every week. Don't forget Bate and Jones had great first years in a strong demons side, they were found short in an injury depleted side. Miller had his best year when he was playing as a utility around strong established forwards and backs, giving him the freedom to attack the ball and play as a hit up player. Our time is not this year but it will come in the next three to five.
  23. One Mr Masta Bate is ready to become an elite player this year. Nathan Jones will step up to be our spiritual midfield general freeing up Moloney to protect the kids. And I don't know why, but I get the feeling Mr Miller will really step up this year with his aggression, split packs and kick 40 goals.
  24. Thanks for the heads up 45HG16 (please keep advising us of other games coming up) . I recorded it and watched it last night. Some great footage. Geez we had a great forward line; Lyon, Schwarz, Pyke and Charles as the small. Tingay was such a good mover. Amazing how much the game has changed skill and speed wise. Paul Kelly and Tingay must have had the lowest skinfolds going around and all muscle!
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