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Everything posted by JTR

  1. Where does one even start with a post like this? Is there even any point trying? ?
  2. I think the Bulldogs still have that one covered Smokey
  3. Anyone else cringe a bit at some of the questions asked in media conference video? - what was it like when you told you were leaving NM? - what did they say to do? - would you have stayed if Shaw stayed? - what are you going to work on as criticism is that you are a bit one dimensional? ?
  4. Could this have been our last trade period with Mahoney? Or was that rumour re him moving on just like all the others that have been thrown around in recent weeks?
  5. Thats hilarious. Shame we couldn't get a piece of the fire sale action though. Guess that hinged on TMac finding a new club
  6. Is the 3rd next year linked to GWS or the Dogs? Update from the club on FB says Dogs
  7. I think so too. Otherwise why do this now rather than on draft night?
  8. What have the Dogs offered for Treloar? 2nd or 3rd round with them paying max $600k per season? Could we do a 'Mitch Clarke' and one up them at 11th hour? ?
  9. Im losing track of picks. What do we have this year now? 18, 19 & 28?
  10. Trading Day on Fox Footy just said we discussing another pick swap, this time with Lions
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHejKobljir/?igshid=oewurl45bimf
  12. Generally speaking, Norf supporters are less than thrilled ? https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/50-ben-brown-bbb-will-reportedly-receive-a-4yr-deal-mfc-no-trade-yet.1041899/page-405
  13. https://twitter.com/cleary_mitch/status/1326738001095913472?s=19
  14. I'll assume this is a rhetorical question
  15. Yes, I know they always look good in highlights... Much better last season that this season, where he was pretty average. Was having Butler there playing similar role a factor?
  16. ??? I think (hope) we'll see more of this Weid now we have another genuine key post to give him the freedom to roam.
  17. Watch Geelong turn their attention to Brown now, now they can't get Cameron for free... ?
  18. Not that fantasy footy should be any guide, but I had him in my Ultimate Footy side this season and so played pretty close attention. Early on when he was operating in an around the 50, he wasn't too bad, though he definitely did go missing in second half of most games. His best attributes are his speed and marking and when he was "on" he looked good and managed to jag a couple of goals per game. At around mid season though Buckley decided they wanted to play him more in the middle. He barely went near the 50 after that (even during the period DeGoey was out and they were struggling to kick more than 6 goals/game) and he played a bit like a fish out of water. The only game of note in 2nd half of year was v Carlton where he probably could have kicked a bag, but was inaccurate. Anyway, he looks to me like another Harmes at half back type player, that is not being played in his best position or to his strengths.
  19. If not already 100%, it'd be good to get Brown locked in and committed before Roos gets into the ear of Norf officials or Brown himself to change their mind.
  20. Forgot to add... What's going on down at Filth land? Pretty handy player to be moving on?
  21. I couldn't care less about his kicking when under pressure. Its his inexplicable shanks when no one is on him (even when he has a free) that grinds my gears. Anyway, sorry, I've derailed this thread enough. Back to Smith. Good kick!
  22. It was posted by someone on one of the various FB trading pages. Both have same surnames so must be brothers right? Anyway, not long after that it was posted here. Tom Browne will probably pick up the little know scoop shortly.
  23. You think Oliver is a good kick. That's really all that needs to be said re your opinion on kicking ability.
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