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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. As someone else mentioned in another post, this bias (and the inherent advantage they have with their home ground and who they play / don’t play there) tends to make them home and away champions more often than not over the years than they perhaps deserved. Looking (perhaps clutching) for an upside to all this I would like to think that if we finish second in the home and away taking into consideration that ‘we were going to be hunted all year’ what a great result! I also then would like Geeedlong to actually think that they are the legitimate favourites heading into the finals. Bring it on and GO DEES!
  2. Totally agree with the first paragraph, I am sure they will remember. I liked the way Gawney diverted his answer in a recent press conference about how he felt about Ginnivan’s mental health concerns to discuss the over the top attention that Jacko received in Perth last week. He certainly remembers. Therefore, In your second paragraph I’d change ‘like’ to ‘despise’ and immediately after ‘play’ insert ‘for free kicks’ . Totally agree again with your ‘just deserts’ comment that follows. All the attention and negativity that he has received has been brought on by his antics and actions. I know he is just a kid but the Pies hierarchy didn’t help the situation- they should have counselled him to pull his head in a bit. Such is life.
  3. With all due respect to everyone ‘if it is not broken, don’t fix it’
  4. The cold and wet weather forecast for Friday night I believe is just another piece of ‘fake news’ that the ferals are putting out there to try and keep fair weather Demon supporters away - but bring some wet weather gear just in case
  5. Agree, it’s OUR home game! We really have no excuse. We have been so proud of our growing membership numbers. We (I) bag out on teams like Collingwood, Carlton, Essendon etc. But at the end of the day actions speak louder than words. Turn up and make some bloody noise. I hate being out numbered and out noised at our home games.
  6. I’m sure we all remember the Filth booing Oliver when he got BOG against the Pies (40 odd possessions, great many contested) and that little piece of excrement Ginnivan, mouthing off at Gawn when he got injured, not to mention how all he seems to try and do is drop his knees and milk the free kicks. Business end of the season now, bring it on. Our lads said they looked forward to try and get the job done in front of big crowds this year and are fulfilling their end of the bargain. We have one job to do, turn up and make some bloody noise GO DEES!!
  7. We owe it to the boys. Rain hail or shine, turn up.
  8. Curiosity question and apologies if already addressed earlier. I understand there are various levels of MFC membership and am aware amongst them that you can get ‘priority access’ for finals tickets and some of the higher tiered memberships give guaranteed access to a GF ticket (if we make it) Thinking just a little ahead here. What happens if say we play Collingwood in a earlier final? We have around 65k members and I’m guessing they have 80k plus. MCG capacity is say 100k and after say allowing say 50k seats allocated for MCC snd AFL members (I am just guessing these numbers) that leaves say 50k left for footy club members/ general public. Even if only half the members from both clubs wanted to get a ticket 72k people would be chasing 50k seats. So the question is how would the ticketing system/ process work? It would appear that you would either have to- a) be first in first served or b) there would be some ballot system i have no idea how it all works. Does anyone know the answer? Once again apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere.
  9. A shorter or alternate answer could be that if it is not discussed in the media, then supporters of other clubs would think that we are not that good (because of the loses that we incurred during the season proper) and are beatable. So when we start winning again as we now have just begun, it makes winning just that little bit more sweeter - eg against Collingwood and Carlton in the next two weeks 🤞Bring it on
  10. Good question. I expect that loading is not a ‘trade secret’ in the industry and as been suggested by others is also practiced by other teams (eg Geelong). I’m purely guessing here- some teams would not be in a position to load because of where they are in their team building cycle / results in earlier games (eg Collingwood /Footscray). I know I haven’t answered your question because I really can’t! I am desperately clutching at straws here with my next comment. I just can’t imagine how mainstream media could handle it over a given period of time. For example if they had said over the past month or two that Melbourne was ‘loading’ and was effecting our game day performances it I guess would be viewed by others (depending on their perspectives as either a) poor excuse for losing games or b) disrespectful for the teams that just beat us And if it was reported as thus I can only imagine that Goody for example would have to say something like ‘no we are training hard at the moment but we are not losing or playing badly because we are in a loading phase’. It would have short lifecycle (I’m guessing again) I personally don’t have much respect for the media and I can’t see how they could maintain credible discussion for a sustained period of time. On face value it would seem just up their alley, sprouting something contentious. So to answer your question ‘why?’ I simply can’t! Though I must add that when I mentioned to mates of mine who barrack for Collingwood that we only lost to them earlier in the season because we were loading, they saw me a being a bit of a nutter and a sore loser. I am soooo looking forward to this coming Friday
  11. I wish it was that easy, history would suggest we have to keep Binman alive. I believe it went a bit pear shaped when another cult leader many years was crucified, a few of his followers were not long after then also taken out (and I’m not talking about being taken out for lunch!).
  12. I like how ‘he will stay’ or ‘he will go’ ebbs and flows dependent a lot on what the latest comments or opinions are made by the media. Just for the hell of it I’ll throw in one totally unsubstantiated or fact backed opinion, in fact it is more of a dream. He takes on another two more years with us and we snag another two and look like we can get a couple more. In the meantime Freo’s window looks like it’s closing a bit and Jacko has had 2 more years to mature and consider his future. I would like to think he just might want to continue the journey with us. Just dreaming, that’s all. GO DEES
  13. I sincerely hope that discussions on ‘loading’ doesn’t get out too much into mainstream media.
  14. Agree, he really goads me. His antics were that bad (and obvious) that the umpires had to reinterpret the rule for head high tackles. And the way he hammed it up to the crowd. Huge risk and now he is paying the price. Perhaps he should have been told by the Collingwood hierarchy many weeks ago to pull his head in just even a little (excuse the pun). But of course they didn’t do a thing. As I said in an earlier post, he can choose to change his ways. This I think will be very difficult to do because the Filth crowd erupt into a frenzy every time he goes near the footy. As someone said in a earlier post, it will be interesting to see how the umpires treat him this coming Friday. And I wonder why I hate Collingwood so much.😡
  15. Poor old Ginnivan expressing concerns about his mental health. I’ll give some advice. Change your ways. How about not continually trying to seek out free kicks every bloody time you are near the ball by dropping your knees you little piece of $h!t. Talk about mental health concerns. I didn’t think I could hate the Filth anymore (particular focus on the vast majority of their moron supporters that attend their games and one player, guess who?) than what I have over pretty much most of my life. I was wrong.
  16. Totally agree. It would be foolhardy to bare your ‘inner club strategies’ for the want of better words to the media, footy fans and us the MFC supporters. Put simply, it would be counter productive and damaging. I personally like the team values mantra that Goody goes on about in press conferences. It says everything and gives nothing away. The inner ‘workings’ of the club must always be kept covert.
  17. I’m with you, so the only realistic option is to try and go with the flow. Having said that when we go all the way again this year it will make it seem that little bit sweeter. And I’m already gearing up for 2023, I can already feel the hate coming our way….. winners are grinners .GO DEES
  18. After the Freo game the choice that Jacko has to make about his future must seem clearer to him. Go to Freo, and get paid the big bucks and that more likely than not is about it……..or Stay with the Dees, earn less (but still good money) and evolve into potentially a multiple premiership player in a champion team. I know what I would choose to do.
  19. And dare I say it, the Tigers as well
  20. When Oliver doesn’t get you, Viney must 👍
  21. Binman, you are my football guru. Cannot wait until next week when we take on the Ferals GO DEES
  22. Makes me think back to the good old days of ‘tribal footy’ when there were 12 teams in the VFL and generally speaking we attracted the best players from SA and WA. And we played each team twice in one season! Don’t get me wrong, footy to me is like a religion and I passionately follow the mighty Demon gods and religiously turn up the hallowed turf to watch them play. I even prayed for a premiership and my prayers were answered!……however, I try not to think too much about what AFL footy is now really all about….professional entertainment. Sad but true.
  23. I’d hang off updating user name until end of September- save you having to do it again
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