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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. To be honest, at times over the years I was almost embarrassed being a Melbourne supporter attending games. Sure we were going through decades of hard times but quite frankly for the majority of time we too as supporters were ‘limp’. Hence all the jokes about us. I was very fortunate (lucky) to make it to the GF last year (and I might add legally) and it was electric and noisy. Sure, you would expect that in a GF in a football state, but there was something more. It was quite apparent the the vast majority of the state got behind us and they got into it in their own way. You could sense the Eagles flavour to their barracking for us (including all the booing). But to be honest it felt both noisy and great. I really think now is the time not only for all supporters to come out of the closet and attend games but also show some passion and make some NOISE!!!. Not suggesting to mimic the feral supporters that some other clubs have, rather just get behind our team so that are aware of the passion we feel and show for them. Lets create a new culture of LOUD passionate and dare I say it respectful support that is NOISY! I am sure our players would both love it and feed of it. And it in turn will make more and more of our mob want to attend games and be part of the journey GO DEES!!!!
  2. Haven’t read all comments so apologies if I’m repeating what has already been posted. Obviously Jacko could potentially be one of the greats and there will be a lot of interest in him from other clubs and no doubt some big dollars being dangled. On one hand a footy career in the scheme of things is for a relatively short span of time so I totally get it and don’t begrudge anyone trying to chase and get the big dollars when it is on offer. On the other hand, I hope that some of the current MFC new found culture and values shine through in the negotiations. Hope Jacko stays and they pay him well (hopefully he accepts less than what others will offer) so that we have dollars left within the salary cap to keep other existing players / fund new talent in coming years. Something along the lines of what I think occurred at Geelong some years ago. Wouldn’t it be nice in many years to come that when he retired from the Dees he would not only be fairly rich ( but not as rich as he could have been) but more importantly been part of a most successful era winning several flags along the journey. What price do you put on a flag? Also Jacko would know deep down that the ‘price he paid’ very much helped the club retain / gain new players over the years that ultimately contributed to the club’s success. That is how dynasties are created by everyone at the MFC actually walking the talk and actually living and breathing the club’s new found values. What a legacy that would be. Fingers crossed and GO DEES!!!
  3. One game at a time for now. It is not a sprint , it is more like a marathon. We are getting the wins for now. GO DEES!
  4. My understanding is that the AFL strategy has been to have two interstate sides in each state so that every week there is a game being played so their is a continuity of footy if that makes sense. Wonder what the strategy for Tassie will be? AFL game every second week (that is my guess) or will the Hawthorns and Norths still play a few down there. In all honesty, I have no idea what the game plan will be if a new team is created.
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