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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. Or dare I say it (and I hope I am oh so wrong) it would be most concerning that they have been loading because they have a few games in the bank at this stage of the season and will be peaking come September. I repeat, I hope I am wrong and as an aside, and I feel very dirty saying this…. I hope they beat Brisbane next week… in a gruelling and bone crunching games ( for both sides)
  2. To be honest I don’t mind - this is a legitimate exception
  3. I was at the Collingwood game tonight. Certainly helps the Ferals ( although in my opinion they had the game under control from 2nd quarter onwards) For those of us that can , turn up tomorrow
  4. How about ‘done’? Covers off both cooking and washing.
  5. Out- Couch Potatoes In - Loud, passionate Melbourne supporters It may be Carlton’s home game but it is still our home ground. Can’t let their supporters become the 19th man. We are playing to try and stay 2nd on the ladder to snag a home final. Be nice if some of our supporters who are contemplating turning up to watch ‘their team’ in the finals, have a practice run and turn up a few weeks earlier.
  6. Looking ahead I think I’ve got this right (can’t be bothered checking)- in the west we have ‘The Derby’, in SA it is ‘The Showdown’, NSW it is ‘The battle of the Bridge’ (or something like that). I believe the AFL are considering rebranding the ‘Q’ clash in QLD to be called ‘The sQuirrel’ clash’.
  7. Sort of related….there is a rumour going around that Zorko hates Touk Miller that much that he squeezed and bruised his own testicles to set Miller up. Information source? My 90 odd year old father-in-law (whilst watching the Footscray Richmond game tonight)
  8. Looking on the bright side…… feeling a lot more at ease in barracking for Geelong this weekend
  9. And heaven forbid, had we, we would have been totally crucified. No proof, just me speculating. All clubs are equal, just some seem to be more equal than others.
  10. Good question! From a footy perspective I reckon an optimist lives in hope week in week out. If we win, very happy, if we lose, not happy but we continue to live in hope. Get to the pointy end of the season we most likely will be feeling miserable (trust me, been there done that for most of my life)….. but then there is always next year. The good old pessimist (particularly if they follow the Dees) must I guess have a perverse sort of pleasure when we lose…. for being proven right. I do wonder if they enjoy the victories as much as the optimists….because they know they got it wrong. Particularly so if and when we win the big one. Can they truly feel as happy as an optimist in this situation? (I can imagine a pure pessimist wanting us to lose a close one just so they can say they were correct). But then again, there is always next year. (All tongue in cheek….ironically, we have one thing in common, we both follow the Mighty Dees).
  11. Maybe they have got a slightly different take on Essendon’s catch phrase ‘whatever it takes’
  12. I reckon ‘managed’ is the word. IF for example say Viney’s shoulder is suspect (I really have no idea but they do) manage him. IF the footy department identifies that a key player is ‘cooked’ for whatever reason manage him. Everyone else plays. We have a depth of talent that we can utilise. We want to win next week and get some percentage if possible, the following week against Carlton we need to win. Get the best team on the park but at the same time ‘manage’ our risks as best we can.
  13. I know it’s weird, I’m nervous about the North game and I’m excited about the Carlton game the following week. The most dangerous thing a team can do is think they have won the game before play begins…. one week at a time…. respect the opposition no matter who they are and where they are on the ladder. GO DEES!
  14. I like the concept of managing players etc (we have the depth - use it!) but I wonder how much, if any the strategic thinking has changed for the footy department because of the three sides above us losing last week. In my mind percentage has suddenly become even more relevant. I know you should never take any game for granted and ‘one week at a time’ thinking- but I hope the footy department is trying to maximise percentage gain this week and making sure we have a side that is best placed to take on and beat, no smash Carlton the following week. I would love to see that being a big statement game that makes the rest of the football world shudder. If that doesn’t happen I’ll just settle for the four points.
  15. Win the premiership this year and crack the 75k target the following year? GO DEES!!
  16. Make the AFL provide and pay for independent doctors
  17. Likewise the Richmond supporters around me were all good. Put it down to good luck. Made me almost feel bad when I yelled out ‘Dusty you’re a big sook’ when he questioned an umpire’s decision. Ah well, that’s life.
  18. Best big man that played like a small man that I have ever seen.
  19. I’m betting Richmond supporters wouldn’t share the same views on ‘covid flag’ being fluke premierships
  20. The problem with being an optimist as opposed to a pessimist is that the odds are stacked against you. An optimist has a one in 18 chance of ‘proving’ that they were right, a pessimist has 17 chances. Even from a more realistic perspective, come finals it’s a one in eight chance of being right, and even from a top four perspective a one in four chance. Lesson in all this, always bet against an optimist, the odds are in your favour. From a me perspective I like to think of myself as a realist who has a cautious optimistic edge to it. In 2021 from mid way through the season I made an assessment that all things going well we were ‘serious contenders’. I upped my membership to get a guaranteed GF ticket and I ended up being lucky. in 2022 all year the most I could feel about the Dees was that at best we were just contenders. It’s been well documented, things went against us all season. There is always an element of luck (particularly with injuries) in winning GF’s. This year I am beginning to feel shades of 2021 reappearing. We right now at the very least are contenders. If (when) we put Carlton away in a couple of weeks I will most certainly start believing that we, all things going well are once again serious contenders. However, the odds will still be in favour of the pessimists. In the meantime I will enjoy being an optimist and enjoy (and stress) watching us play. It is a lot more fun that way. GO DEES!!
  21. Geez, wish we were capable of kicking big scores
  22. That’s what you call depth. GO DEES!
  23. For those of us that can, it is our duty to rock up to the G and loudly support our boys. We cannot allow Richmond to have the crowd become their ‘19th man’ on the ground.
  24. I reckon they will be one of the serious contenders come next season
  25. As I mentioned in another thread it is interested to hear migraine being mentioned instead of concussion regarding the Port head clash incident.
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