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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. Good question! Bit hard for me to be definitive because I have a earpiece in one ear so that I can listen to the game. At a guess it sounded like a 50 / 50 crowd but they may have had more attend. My take on this is the way they played didn’t give their supporters the opportunity to get on board. The exact opposite for us. We seemed to get louder as the game progressed. It was good to experience this. Contrast this to our 2nd game against them last year where they pipped us at the post. They were incredibly loud and in my opinion, their crowd support got them over the line. I keep saying (as Goody inferred in his press conference) it is just so important that we the supporters get on board with our boys. They both need us and appreciate us when we are there for them. GO DEES!!!
  2. Keep this up and you will be in a good position to ask for crowdfunding support
  3. As much as I ‘love to hate’ him and that Ginnivan the little free kick seeking twerp I have to give Cox credit where due- he does not like Trump. Big tick from me.
  4. Tomlinson, much maligned player on this forum for some time. I am just so pleased for him right now
  5. I am always nervous about Melbourne crowds (size and noise wise). I am also aware that on this forum there is a bit of a ‘us’ and ‘them’ views on this matter (other view being, that is just us we are quiet and refined etc). After hearing Goody’s press conference I am so much more convinced that the team really are hanging out big time for buy in from our supporters in terms of fronting up and making NOISE! (He / they appreciated the pick up of both this game). So….I repeat once again (for those of us that can), keep turning up on game day, get behind our boys and be LOUD. That simply is the most tangible way we can actually help our lads on game day. GO DEES!!!
  6. Best part of the game? Five minutes to go and seeing the ferals leaving the ground….and us taunting them Priceless
  7. Team - Well done lads Football department- Well done lads Forwards - Choco kicking academy GO DEES!!!!
  8. Agree but at least I don’t now have to put up with the feral supporters going into orgasmic ruptures when he gets anywhere near the ball. There is a god.
  9. Steady on. I think that is a bit harsh and over the top wishful thinking. What’s wrong with forceful sterilisation?
  10. Oh please, please be on the money- he really irks me big time
  11. I know I should be happy if we get over the line but I want more, I want us to smash them. If we can’t achieve that, a one point victory will do.
  12. Sounds like a plague of magpie supporters!
  13. And should be heat on the umpires as well
  14. Umpires!!!
  15. Not sure who milks free kicks better, Weightman or Ginnivan
  16. Hope the boys draw inspiration from Neal Daniher’s talk to them. We have a few big outs but so do they. So we have no excuses Every time the opposition is near or has the ball, the plan should be very simple- pressure, pressure, pressure. No easy gives, no easy gets. GO DEES!!
  17. My long weekend has just turned to [censored] and it hasn’t even started yet!
  18. I catch the train in that goes past the Springvale market. I get of at Springy and pick up a Vietnamese Pork Belly roll and get back on the train. At the G I then buy a crappy meat pie (tradition or bad habit) and a beer or two (for the price you pay you sometimes think you are buying shares in the company!) At half time I eat the roll I bought. I love it!
  19. Agree, I almost felt shameful that I mentioned it in my post. My paltry excuse was that I channel flicked at the end of the over in the cricket game when the ads came on. I honestly was searching to see if ‘The front bar’ was on. I know, it’s a poor excuse. It will never happen again. Sorry
  20. Channel flicked onto Footy Classified just in time to hear Maguire make comment about Oliver. He could hardly contain his joy about Oliver being in hospital with an IV in his arm. Also scoffed about him returning after only having two weeks of for a hamstring injury. I really hope and want the Dees to win next Monday even more now, with Oliver BOG.
  21. I hope that Kozzie feels the heat so much that he explodes on Monday and pulls of a trifecta. a) Gets the mark of the year. b) Kicks goal of the year. c) Head buts the winning point. Too much? I’ll settle for just (c).
  22. …and on closer analysis after the game it is found out that the actual kick occurred after the final siren - bloody umpires 😉
  23. You would reckon that anyone that is associated with Collingwood would understand more than most the concept of ‘if you do the crime you must then do the time’.
  24. I think that the largest home and away crowd ever was about 98,000 or thereabouts between Melbourne and Collingwood way back in 1958!. And I think it is still the record (happy to be corrected). What makes that so fascinating to me is that the Melbourne city population I’m guessing back then would have been 2 million or maybe even less. I understand that now people have so many different and competing options to what was available back then. But nonetheless, there must have been some incredible hype leading up to that game. I know it is grasping at straws a little but I find it exciting that this coming Monday may be our biggest turnout for a home game since then. For those of us that will be fortunate to attend, do our boys a huge favour, make a lot of noise. GO THE DEES!!
  25. I am getting the distinct impression that it is very hard to win a premiership. One thing I definitely do know that it can take time. I had to wait 57 years…..but it was worth the wait. GO DEES!!!
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